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Penguin Class Cruiser

8,427 BlinIndustry  8 months ago


Penguin class cruiser is a class of cruisers that designed in the mid 1950s and start serving the Nekoslavian Navy in the late 1950s with combat ability. It have mixed the features from the guided-missile cruiser and the gun-based cruiser with some minor changes and improvements.
It had participated the 2nd and the 3rd Kosvland Continental War. And due to the needs of the war, Penguin class were massively produced and become the most produced cruiser in the Nekoslavia or K.D.P inventory with total 90 ships were built. However, it's also the class of ship with the most casualties, which have total of 30 ships were sunk during both the wars.
Although it's an old class of ships, but it still serving the Nekoslavian navy as a backup or support role until now.


  • Yaw for turning
  • Throttle and Brake for forward and backward (From This post by Yubuki)
  • AG1 to turn off safety lock for missiles
  • Pitch and Roll for both CIWS and Cannons control (CIWS are designed to be mouse controlled)

[Playable Weapons]

2×3 203mm Main Gun
2×2 BFM-10RM Semi-active Radar Homing SAM
4×2 30mm CIWS (Auto-Cannon, not the gatling style one)
8× P-4 AShM
4× UGST Wired Controlled Torpedoes
(For surface target only; No need to lock on, just pick the target and it will shoot without alerting the enemy)

[Lore accurate weapons]

2×3 203mm Main Gun
Total >20× BFM-10RM Semi-active SAM
8+8 P-4 Sub-Sonic AShM/Cruise Missile (Trainable) or Ship-launched Short-Range Ballistic Missile
4×2 30 Auto-Cannon CIWS with fused HE shell
4× Sided Torpedoe Tubes for both Ship-To-Ship and Anti-submarine warfare, total 8 torpedoes onboard.
A helipad for resupply or other uses

[Lore part]

Design and Features

Penguin class cruiser have mixed the features from Kynda class cruiser and the Leipzig class cruiser. But overall, Penguin class has been classified as light cruiser by The K.D.P joint navy and The Nekoslavia Navy.


It used the old fashioned hull similar as the German Lutzow class Heavy Cruiser, which is already not very common in the 60s. However until now, Nekoslavia is still using this hull design, probably because of simplicity.


It have 2 main guns and 2 trainable multi-purpose missile launchers located at the front and at the back of the ship. The main gun is clearly based on the Leipzig class cruiser with better sights and equipment on it. And the AShM launchers is based on the Soviet Kynda class cruiser which can rotate onto the target and can be reloaded on ship. However the different is the "AShM" launchers can fire total of 3 types of missiles, including AShM, Mid-range to Long-range Cruiser Missiles and Short-range ballistic missile.
More about the missile launchers, the Penguin class have solved the problem when reloading the AShM/Cruise Missiles/SRBM on the ship. The Soviet Kynda class have problems when reloading the AShM on ship: The reload can only carried out in calm sea conditions and the reload process is very slow. However, Penguin class have solved this issues with the help of Nekoslavian Technology Advantage and superstructure design. Of course the reload still takes half a minute for each missiles, but most importantly it can reload missiles in most of the sea conditions unless the weather is way too stormy.

For the torpedoe launcher, it have similar design as the British Admiral class battlecruiser, able to launch torpedoes from the hull without the launcher we see on the Destroyers or Cruisers. However, the one on the Penguin class is above the waterline instead underneath the waterline.
With sonar and other ASW equipment, it can also do Anti-submarine operations when needed.

For the CIWS, the one in game is sh!t ofc. Although the lore accurate one is still using 30mm Auto-Cannon instead of the Gatling one, but it can fire fused HE ammunition to shoot down or blast the incoming missile, with actual radar guidance. In game you can only shoot planes instead of missiles.

Finally, for the Anti-Air system, it uses BFM-10RM Semi-active radar homing missile to defend itself. Just like the soviet ships, it can reload missiles after firing 2 or 1 of them, and Penguin class will reload faster than the soviet.


Surprisingly, Penguin class have mobility that almost as good as a destroyer, considering the weight and the size of the ship. But other that, nothing special to mention.


Nekoslavia is the main user of Penguin class cruisers, this is because the most of the other KDP countries have their own shipyard and blueprint to build their own ship, only serval countries have used Penguin class. Honkai Federation can also build on their own but they had lost a large amount of ship in the early days. They preferred to build more ships with existing blueprints and with active production line. They ended up picking Penguin class. For Mikayae Republic, they lack of shipyards and overall their army is weak, which requires Nekoslavia to build ships for them.
It's unclear that how many Penguin class that each KDP countries actually have, since their navy were combined into a singular force. But it's confirmed that most of the remaining ships were returned to Nekoslavia navy, while some of them were donated to the Mikayae Republic Navy.


!Huge lore ahead!

The 2nd Kosvland Continental War

When the war outbreaks, there are total of 7 Penguin class cruisers were built with 5 of them can be send into combat. But as the war escalate, Nekoslavia and K.D.P needs a lot more ships to fight the United Power, with the number of shipyards Nekoslavia have, more and more Penguin class were built to fill the needs and the gap created from the sunken ships.

The First Battle

In September of 1960, Honka Federation has basically lost control over the west sea, UPN can send ships directly towards the Nekoslavia. In that day, 4 Penguin class with 2 Battlecruisers, 6 Light Cruisers and serval group of planes were sent to the west side of the Nekoslavia to intercept a United Power Joint Carrier Landing Group.
With the help from the Airborne plane, 4 Penguin class fired their AShM salvo first along with the AShM fired from the Bombers.
The U.P Joint Carrier Group also have AShM on their hand, their ships and planes in the air also fired their AShM salvo as return fire.
The AShMs from both sides were only flying at Mach 0.9 which both of them were balanced. All AShMs were intercepted and no ship were sunk or harmed in the first salvo.
However, the Penguins have second wave of AShMs, after total 2 minutes of reloading they fired another salvo of AShMs.
Still, the Nekoslavian needs to wait the missiles reaches the target, now they have to be defensive to hold the wave of aircrafts from U.P's carrier group.

2nd Stage
U.P total have 20 A-4 Skyhawk carrying bombs or rockets escorted by 10 F-8 Crusader with AIM-9 and 10 F-4 with 4 Aim-7 and 4 Aim-9 were heading towards the Nekoslavia fleet, the U.P F-4s ahead the group begin to have a BVR combat with Nekoslavian Su-9, Saab J35 and KN-17. The Nekoslavia Air Force have to deal with the escorts first. When Nekoslavian spent some missiles on the escorts, they don't have much left to shot down the A-4s. Without a choice they have to go behind the A-4 and shot some K-13 but as the Skyhawks are sea skimming and makes IR missiles less effective, only 4 A-4s were downed and the remaining were missed.
The remaining A-4s left for the Penguins to deal with, when the Skyhawks peak out from the curve of the sea at ~8nmi, the Penguins starts firing their BFM-10RM. With careful targeting picking and efficiency of missile reloading, 10 A-4 were downed and 6 BFM missed their target.
However, those remaining A-4 fired a number of rockets with lofting technique and turned around to avoid getting to close to the CIWS and AA fire. The Penguins start firing their CIWS onto the incoming rockets and luckily, most of them were intercepted, the remaining rockets were landed onto the water, but plenty of them hit the Nekoslavian ship, including 1 Penguin class, 1 Battlecruiser and a Light Cruiser got hit and suffered some damage from those 240mm Rocket.

3rd Stage
Back to the AShM launched by the Penguins, as the U.P Fleet used a lot of Anti-Air Missile in the first stage of AShM attack, their Air Defence Ability has limited. Though they have F-8 and F-4 in the air to shot down incoming missiles. Finally, one P-4 AShM from a Penguin successfully breakthrough the air defence and hits an Aircraft Carrier - UPN Essex. UPN Essex have a lots of weapons in it, when the P-4 struck into the ship, it caused a ammunition cook off and ends up in a destructive explosion.

The U.P group still have ability to do a beach landing, as they have Battleships and heavy cruisers along in the Carrier Group. However, forcing the K.D.P joint fleet to fight with Main Gun will be not practical and risky. So instead, they send 2 submarines in their carrier group to sink the Nekoslavia fleet.

4th Stage, ASW
2 UPN Permit class submarine launched a salvo of acoustic torpedoes onto the Nekoslavian Fleet, 2 Penguin class cruisers picked up the sonar and each ship counter fired a Wire Guided Torpedoe and a decoy torpedoe to do the trick.
With careful positioning, the decoy works and lure the Permit Torpedoes away. However on the other hand, those Permit tried to drop noice makers to evade and leave combat, but since the Nekoslavian torpedos were wired, those 2 Permit were unable to evade and got hit, both boats lost contact after that and has been confirmed they had broke up onto the seabed.

UPN Carrier group knows they won't be able to do a landing onto Nekoslavia soil after the Submarines got sunk, they decided to retreat and abandon the plan, results in Nekoslavia joint fleet victory with only dozens of sailors injured by the large caliber rocket.

1960-1964, before The 1st Battle Of White Sea

As more Penguins class cruisers were built with combat abilities, Nekoslavia have more ships available in their inventory to fight the UPN. During this period, the Penguins were mostly deployed for Anti-submarine warfare at the South and the West side of Nekoslavia. The Penguins had made significant progress on clearing Submarine threats for the Nekoslavia-Honka supply route. Total 8 UPN Submarine were sunk by the Penguins, but with the price of 3 Penguins got sunk. One of sunken ship had only served the Nekoslavia navy for 1 year.

The 1st Battle of White Sea

15 Penguins were deployed into this naval battle to support the KDP joint fleet against UPN large fleet.
6 ships took flanking route, while the other stay with the KDP fleet as a Anti-Air support and Gun fire support platform.

To those that stayed in the KDP joint fleet, they are not that lucky. As they have to face direct fire from the UPN fleet, 5 Penguins were sunk and the remaining 4 of them were critically damaged. UPN battlecruiser VRN Conquer were responsible to most of the losses.

The flanking route
This route to force the UPN fleet to spend more amount of defence by creating another attack line. 6 Penguins with 10 more cruisers took this route.
Obviously, the UPN ship can use radar to spot them. Still, the Penguins fired a salvo of AShM first. As UPN was focused on the main line most of the time, those Penguin's AShMs successfully made the UPN fleet too busy and scored serval kills including 4 cruisers and 1 battleship, while 2 battleships were also damaged.
After reloading the AShM, the Penguins fired another salvo. This time they sunk 4 more UPN cruisers and damaged a UPN Aircraft Carrier, and the other missiles were intercepted by the CIWS.
After depleting the AShM, they get near into gun range and exchange fire with UPN battlegroup. In the gun battle, with the advantage on gun radar, the Penguins and the other cruisers were able to achieve precision strikes. But as Penguins and the cruisers were using 203mm guns, with this cailber they can only damage the UPN ships. Still, this action is already enough to bring troubles to the UPN battle group.
The flanking group succeded with no ship were sunk in the battle, however during the mid-range exchange fire, 4 Penguins and 4 cruisers suffered medium damage.

"Navy Holiday"

In 1969, as most of the battle are focused on land, there were almost no naval engagement in that period. All Penguins were returned to their port to receive maintenance. As this is a chance for Nekoslavia to build ships, additional Penguins were built and have combat ability.

Re-start of sea engagements & KDP counter attack

In 1975, KDP gained big advantages on the ground and the air, which they begin to counter attack to re-take the lost land. As results, all Penguins in the port were immediately got sent to frontline to retake the sea control of White Sea and the East Coast of Kosvland Continent.
KDP were frequently send ships to weaken the UPN blockade before any plan to breakthrough. The Penguins were used as Cruise Missile/AShM launching platform, Anti-Air platform, Gunnery support and Anti-submarine support.

Battle of West Nekoslavia Coast

In 1976, as KDP keep sending ships to breakthrough in the White Sea, UPN response by sending a large scale submarine attack along with 16 cruisers and 20 Nuclear powered Submarines. When KDP spotted UPN activity, they sent 10 Penguin class cruisers and 10 Kara class cruiser to intercept incoming UPN group.
As UPN have AGM-84 Harpoons, this time the UPN cruisers fired the salvo first. With decent Anti-Air ability, all Harpoons were successfully intercepted.
The Penguins returned fire, same as the Harpoons, as the P-4 is old and slow, the UPN also successfully intercepted all of them with RIM-7 and SM-2. The second salvo also have same results.

Close encounter
This time, both sides ended up in close range engagement as AShM from both sides were downed and UPN have decent Anti-Air ability to keep KDP planes away.
As Kara class isn't designed for gun combat, the Penguins steps forward and begins to exchange fire with UPN cruisers. However, the KDP ships were ended up in UPN's submarine torpedoe range. The UPN Submarines launched a number of torpedoes towards KDP group. The Karas and the Penguins counter fired anti-submarine torpedoes towards UPN submarines, but the Karas can't fire the Anti-submarine missiles since UPN cruisers can shot them down before the missiles drop into the water.
In gun combat, with great fire controls and target acquiring, the Penguins gained advantage and sunk all 16 UPN cruisers. As the air is clear, the Karas fired some Anti-submarine missiles towards the UPN Submarines.
With this number of torpedos and anti-submarine missiles, 18 UPN submarines were sunk and only 2 of them were managed to escape. However the KDP also paid a high price with 8 Penguin class cruisers and 8 Kara class cruiser were sunk by the Submarines.

East Coast 1976

As Mikayae Republic lost almost all their territory to United Power, the KDP also launched counter attack on this direction. 20 Penguin cruisers were deployed to support the coastline, their P-4 AShM were used as cruise missiles to destroy the targets on the land.
Those Penguins avoided to face the UPN Battlecruisers, however as UP air force have strength at that area, 6 Penguin cruisers were sunk when under a swarm of AShM.
Still, the Penguins had played a huge role when KDP liberating Mikayae Republic.

1978 Operation "Water Balls"

Ok ok, the "balls" is referring to Ballistic Missiles. This operation is about using Penguin class cruisers as a platform for Short-Range Ballistic Missiles to launch missiles attack on United Power's military port.
9 Penguins were used in this operation along with 5 Kara class cruiser as Anti-submarine support. Total 144 SRBM were launched and with the sheer speed and kinetic energy, they managed to destroy 4 Battleships, 8 Cruisers, 2 Aircraft Carrier and 8 Submarines. The remaining missiles were intercepted by Patriots Missiles or Hawk Missiles.
However, due to the limited range of the SRBM, the KDP fleet requires to get closer to be inside the firing range. This results the UPN sent some Submarines to intercept the Kara and the Penguins.
With good tactics, KDP fleet have no lost; while the UPN lost 6 submarines, some of the kills were scored by the Penguins.

2nd Battle of White Sea

In 1985, KDP launched a large scale counter offensive to retake the control of White Sea. 12 Penguins were deployed to support the Battlecruisers along them. This time, the Penguins waited until the Battlecruisers gets into gun range, because they have to wait until the UPN lost some ships to makes their air defence decrease for space to fire AShMs.
However, the Large Cailber Shells from the KDP Battlecruisers already enough to sink and damage most of the UPN ships in a big salvo. In results, the Penguins don't need to fire any AShM, instead they can use their gun to finish off reminding enemy ships.

Post-2nd continental war

Although peace treaty has made, but the United Power still haven't gave up yet. As results, 66 Penguin cruisers were deployed to hold the defense line on the White Sea and East Sea. Each defense line have 30 Penguins cruisers in it, along with other KDP ships, the remaining 6 ships stayed in the port as reserved unit.

3rd Continental War period

In 2007, United Power begins the war as their last fight against the KDP. They send and fired everything to try to do as much damage to the KDP defense line.
In both White Sea and East Sea battlefield, UPN launched a massive amount of AShM from all aspects including planes, submarines, ships and land based system.
With this amount of missiles, although KDP successfully repelled United Power's attack, but they suffered heavy losses, including total of 8 Penguin cruisers were sunk in the attack.

After that, Penguin cruisers were used as Cruise Missile platform. No Penguin cruisers were sunk until the end of the war.

End of Lore


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 65.5ft (20.0m)
  • Length 566.3ft (172.6m)
  • Height 93.9ft (28.6m)
  • Empty Weight 125,285lbs (56,828kg)
  • Loaded Weight 223,673lbs (101,456kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.192
  • Wing Loading 692.7lbs/ft2 (3,381.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 322.9ft2 (30.0m2)
  • Drag Points 137989


  • Number of Parts 823
  • Control Surfaces 1
  • Performance Cost 3,862