Ok A Joke: The new young pilot was learning to fly a helicoptor. After two hours of great flying. She crashed. When asked by crash investigator what happened ,she said, "I got to cold so i turned off a fan." .......................................................................................... No? ok :(
i got cold too so i turned this page off.......
jk that was a great joke lol
@CODENAMEBOB Lmao I was away from this community for a while mang
WAY late on the response, but it did reintroduce me to that joke
Woah Thanks for Upvoting @arcues @CODENAMEBOB @Abird @ChaMikey @SWAGDADDY7 :DDDDD
Jajaja das so fuuunnee....
Funny joke 😂
@Toaster Nope
Can you do that with a fuselage block
@Lezmo yesh
@CL4TRP Just upvote it man its cool right?
@Lezmo it's one of those awkward jokes that everyone knows, but is too ashamed to tell it. Congrats on telling us i guess...
@CL4TRP Good Right?..... No?
Dat joke tho...