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Sukhoi SU-57 Felon (Russian Air Force)

2,015 MrGidor  12 days ago


The Sukhoi Su-57 "Felon" is Russia's premier fifth-generation multirole fighter jet, designed by Sukhoi to establish air superiority and perform precision strike missions in a highly contested airspace. Developed as a direct response to the increasing presence of Western stealth fighters, like the F-22 and F-35, the Su-57 represents the pinnacle of Russian aerospace engineering, blending stealth, speed, agility, and firepower into a single, fearsome package.

The origins of the Su-57 date back to the 1990s, when the Russian military recognized the need to replace its aging fleet of fourth-generation fighters, like the Su-27 and MiG-29. The goal was to create a fifth-generation aircraft capable of competing with the emerging American stealth fighters, particularly the F-22 Raptor. Initially known as the PAK FA (Prospective Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation) program, the Su-57 was born out of this requirement for a highly advanced air dominance fighter.

The Su-57 features a striking angular design meant to reduce its radar cross-section, making it difficult to detect by enemy radar systems. While it is not a true "stealth" aircraft in the same league as the F-22, it incorporates enough stealth characteristics to reduce its visibility in combat. Its fuselage is constructed with radar-absorbent materials, and it features internal weapons bays to minimize its radar signature during combat missions.

One of the most distinctive aspects of the Su-57 is its emphasis on supermaneuverability. Equipped with advanced thrust-vectoring engines, the Su-57 can perform highly complex and aggressive maneuvers, allowing it to outmaneuver enemy aircraft in dogfights. This capability is a legacy of earlier Russian fighters like the Su-27 and Su-35, but the Su-57 takes it to the next level, offering pilots extreme agility at both high and low speeds.

While not a "pure" stealth fighter like its American counterparts, the Su-57 was designed to balance stealth with superior flight performance. The aircraft’s low observable design gives it a reduced radar signature, allowing it to operate more discreetly in hostile airspace. The internal weapons bays allow the Su-57 to carry armaments without increasing its radar profile, a key feature for modern stealth fighters.

The sensor suite aboard the Su-57 is cutting-edge, designed to give pilots a comprehensive view of the battlefield. It is equipped with the powerful N036 Belka radar, which combines an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar with L-band radar capabilities, offering a wide range of target detection and tracking options. The Su-57 also features an infrared search and track (IRST) system, which allows it to detect and engage stealthy adversaries without relying solely on radar.

While still in the early stages of full-scale deployment, the Su-57 has already earned a reputation as one of the most dangerous aircraft in the skies, capable of taking on multiple roles in any high-intensity conflict. Its ability to blend stealth with the traditional strengths of Russian fighters, such as maneuverability and firepower, ensures that the Su-57 will play a critical role in Russia’s air strategy for decades to come.

The Su-57 "Felon" represents the culmination of Russia’s efforts to maintain air dominance in a rapidly changing technological landscape, where stealth and advanced avionics are essential for survival in modern aerial warfare.

  • Produced: 2019-present
  • Commisioned: 2020
  • Number built: 32 (10 test, 22 serial)
  • Manufacturer: Sukhoi
  • Nation: Russian Federation


Action Groups:
1 - Landing Chute
2 - Weapons bay (Air)
3 - Gyro
4 - Cockpit
5 - Weapons Bay (Ground)
6 - Thrust Vectoring (Only 2D (Yaw+Pitch))
7 - Ejection


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 44.7ft (13.6m)
  • Length 63.5ft (19.3m)
  • Height 13.6ft (4.2m)
  • Empty Weight 7,796lbs (3,536kg)
  • Loaded Weight 20,978lbs (9,515kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 9.641
  • Wing Loading 15.9lbs/ft2 (77.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,316.0ft2 (122.3m2)
  • Drag Points 7031


  • Number of Parts 202
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 1,143
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    2,015 MrGidor

    @crazyplaness got it thanks, added the tag

    12 days ago
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    6,184 crazyplaness

    @RepublicofWrightIsles ok

    12 days ago
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    @crazyplaness ill tag you in my vr

    12 days ago
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    6,184 crazyplaness

    When you build planes with a cockpit you should add the vr tag so it can get curated and give you double points

    +1 12 days ago
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    Su-57 bad hahahahahahhaha -F-22 Raptor

    12 days ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    I like it but in my opinion the MiG-1.44 was better
    Either way this is AWESOME MAN

    +2 12 days ago