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LT-8 MALKRIS [Multifunctional Futurisic Tankette]

50.7k SILVERPANZER  2 months ago

FT Label Camouflage (credit)

Multifunctional Futurisic Light Tank — Tankette.



1) Launching missiles without locking onto a target.
2) Camera Aim Missile.
3) Mimicking Camouflage.
4) EMP Generator.
5) Floating Mode.
6) Automatic Aim + Manual correct.
7) 3 types of guidance (manual, automatic and camera control)
8) Horizontal and vertical stabilizers.
9) Different types of shooting.
10) Manual and Automatic Fuse Input.
11) This is a Tank.



Model: BASIC
Distribution Type: LIGHT TANK | TANKETTE

Quite an unusual Tank with a rather unusual history, at the time of founding there was another true LT-2, it was a small Tank, but the Information Tanks could not identify it, which is why this Tank ended up in the shadow tier, for a long time this Tank was in oblivion until its structure they didn’t find SILVER TANKS in the faction and didn’t remake the structure of this Tank, but the real true LT-2 will forever be in the darkness of time.

This Tank is capable of automatic camouflage, has an EMP Generator, floating equipment, as well as missile launchers, light main weapons and armor, which makes this Tank a good reconnaissance and saboteur.


Main Sight Interface:


Camera Control Interface:



It is possible to install other weapons: Beam, Railgun, EMMA and others.

X2 PLC-30

Caliber: 30mm.
Damage Type: Energy (Thermal).
Shoot Modes: Automatic, Power.
Projectile Velocity (m/s): 5000 (A), 7500 (P).
Power Mode Reload Time (sec): 5.
Power Mode Clip Ammo: 10.
Power Mode Rate of Fire (s/m): 240.
Automatic Mode Rate of Fire (s/m): 6000.
Cannon Elevation: 70 Deg.
Cannon Depression: -8 Deg.

Missiles "M-1":

Ammo: 10.
Lock Time: No Locking.
Targeting: Multirole.
Min/Max Range: 300m-Inf.
Explosion Scale: 15.
Explosion Radius: 300m.
Max Speed: 5km/s
Max Fuel Time: Inf.

This type of missiles can fire from indirect positions without direct contact with the target.    
Missiles "M-2" & "M-3":

Control Type: Camera Aim.
Ammo: 1+1.
Targeting: Multirole.
Min/Max Range: 300m-Inf.
Explosion Scale: 15.
Explosion Radius: 300m.
Max Speed: 500 m/s.
Max Fuel Time: Inf.


EMP Generator:

Yes, this Tank will allow you to be invisible to Default Missiles, FT Auto Aim, FT Missiles and FT Guided Bombs, aggressive bots, and the missile launchers on Snowstone will not interfere with you, you can also destroy Destroyers and Beast with impunity, they will not do anything to you.



It is a complex structure of spaced armor and module protection. Consists mainly of materials for the absorption of kinetic cannons and energy cannons.

There are internal force field generators that protect against various types of damage (only the lore part, this is not in SP).

It is possible to block CMD on the EW button, thereby interfering with the Lock Missile of the enemy, and he cannot launch a missile at you.

Automatical Camouflage.

It has protection from missiles.



Powerful electromagnetic motors are installed in each tracks.

It is also possible to install a hover chassis, which, although superior in cross-country ability, speed and maneuverability, but energy costs reduce the effectiveness of force fields and energy shields.

This Tank is also equipped with equipment for passing water obstacles.

Develops ground speed 258 km/h (Under ideal conditions).
Develops floating speed 52 km/h.


Player controls are Tank's instructions.

Tank Essence


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 8.5ft (2.6m)
  • Length 11.3ft (3.5m)
  • Height 6.1ft (1.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 16,721lbs (7,584kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.031
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 6449


  • Number of Parts 785
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,923
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    10.3k Vikram123

    @TTL bruh

    +1 2 months ago
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    14.9k TTL

    @Vikram123 when he makes a replica, there is a 99.51% chance of it being 0.04% unrealistic.

    2 months ago
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    @AircraftExperimental It is invulnerable against most weapons of the present human time, and by the standards of the future it is really weak in defense, but strong due to automatic camouflage, EMP generator and Electronic Warfare Sustem, as well as due to minissiles.

    2 months ago
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    Teaser tag

    2 months ago
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    @SILVERPANZER the tankette is just the same size with my M240 Machine gun, the tank is vulnerable to the artillery shrapnels, and despite its small size, it can still be visible to the naked eye in the tank sights

    2 months ago
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    10.3k Vikram123

    try not make an OP vehicle (impossible)

    2 months ago
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    who needs support ?

    just airdrop one of these

    2 months ago