MIG-15 Petani (8 unit)
You can fly more than 1 plane at the same time, But you need to deactived aircraft input before control another plane, Since wings and engine was connected to Activation group.
No need flaps when full throttle for stabilized plane in the air, then you can control another plane by Activation group after make sure the previous plane fly in good attitude.
VTOL = for flaps in each aircraft
Trim = For change radar direction, locked target and launch Missile for defense system
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Semua pesawat bisa diterbangin sekaligus atau satu-satu. Full throttle buat stabilin pesawat diudara, Karena input sayap sudah terhubung dengan Activation group. Jadi tinggal matikan AG buat ngendaliin pesawat yang lain.
VTOL = buat nurunin flaps dimasing-masing pesawat
Trim = buat muterin/arahin radar 360° untuk ngunci target di udara.
Good Day :)