Midsubishi Zero
905 Thesimpleplanesman
8.8 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 30.9ft (9.4m)
- Length 50.3ft (15.3m)
- Height 49.0ft (14.9m)
- Empty Weight 3,119lbs (1,415kg)
- Loaded Weight 10,506lbs (4,765kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.19
- Wing Loading 82.2lbs/ft2 (401.3kg/m2)
- Wing Area 127.8ft2 (11.9m2)
- Drag Points 2923
- Number of Parts 23
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 216
1.A real zero has taildragger gear
2.it is also weak
3.I think most of the time it's white
4.why am I doing this