Davids "the fork"
895 chair
9.2 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 27.6ft (8.4m)
- Length 45.8ft (13.9m)
- Height 13.1ft (4.0m)
- Empty Weight 6,272lbs (2,844kg)
- Loaded Weight 7,792lbs (3,534kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.577
- Wing Loading 43.5lbs/ft2 (212.6kg/m2)
- Wing Area 178.9ft2 (16.6m2)
- Drag Points 3889
- Number of Parts 114
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 500
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895 chairOmg didn't think of that lmao @TheFlyingPlane219.2 years ago
2,196 TheFlyingPlane21"Here comes the airplane" hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahha9.2 years ago