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268 Smegdwarf  8.8 years ago
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Can some one help me the wings are coming off and i cant fix it

General Characteristics

  • Successors 4 airplane(s) +44 bonus
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 76.8ft (23.4m)
  • Length 50.9ft (15.5m)
  • Height 13.8ft (4.2m)
  • Empty Weight 19,064lbs (8,647kg)
  • Loaded Weight 28,147lbs (12,767kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.874
  • Wing Loading 36.6lbs/ft2 (178.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 769.6ft2 (71.5m2)
  • Drag Points 6221


  • Number of Parts 121
  • Control Surfaces 13
  • Performance Cost 323
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    268 Smegdwarf
    The planes fixed but thanks so much everyone for the help
    8.8 years ago
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    268 Smegdwarf
    @KingDeadshot thanks as well mate
    8.8 years ago
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    268 Smegdwarf
    @Delphinus thanks mate
    8.8 years ago
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    3,757 PuhBuhGuh
    You can put a detacher or a pylon at the base of the wing ant it won't snap if that is the issue.
    8.8 years ago