Badger S8
3,453 Matt7709
8.6 years ago
much detail such wow
General Characteristics
- Created On Android
- Wingspan 28.0ft (8.5m)
- Length 18.7ft (5.7m)
- Height 9.1ft (2.8m)
- Empty Weight 2,049lbs (929kg)
- Loaded Weight 2,257lbs (1,023kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.221
- Wing Loading 19.4lbs/ft2 (94.7kg/m2)
- Wing Area 116.4ft2 (10.8m2)
- Drag Points 2500
- Number of Parts 77
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 408
What do you mean? @ElGatoVolador
@Matt7709 nope, they have the exact same XML properties as the ones I made.
i made them myself? @ElGatoVolador
Wow! no credit for the pistons I made!
@Matt7709 much welcome, very yes
Thanks!@Meawk @Biggie88smalls
Cool ultralight!
Much yellow, yes?