Make the biggest, fastest, powerful and working jaeger.
There are 3 types of jaegers, first, you have the light jaegers, built for maneuverability and speed. second heavy jaegers, built with a hard armor and powerful firepower. third kaiju executor, built with very powerful weapons and high maneuverability and speed but next to paper thin armor. Do this if your jaeger is one of the selection, for example, Gipsy avenger (heavy jaeger).
1.Must be 200+ parts minimum
2.Must be 2560 parts max
3.jeagers must walk or you won't be given any points for functionality
4.Must be submitted on October 1
5. have fun making your jaegers
Functions/Works, 10pts
high detail, 25 pts
speed and maneuverability, 20pts
stable, 15pts
weapons, 25pts
Original, 50pts
free 5 pts :3
TOTAL 150 pts
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