A revamped detacher that uses forced detachment technology
How to use:
AG 3 to detach
Bottom is the main attachment point
Forced Detachment technology - A detaching method that allows weapons to be used even when detached.
1. Guns fire (without adding extra guns)
2. Rockets and Rocket Pods launch
3. Missiles lock and fire
4. Torpedos and Bombs drop
5. Disables once the main craft (parts where the main cockpit is attached) is damaged.
6. Disables once the main craft (parts where the main cockpit is attached) is damaged.
7. Cameras are associated with the angle of which the main cockpit is at.
8. Missile locking is still based on the main cockpit's view.
9. Any form of detachment using pylons and detachers will disable the forcefully detached weapons.
This is just a simplified detacher from my previous build. Feel free to check it out here
Here are Detachers assigned to all Activation Groups
@DickBrazen just tag me on your build so I could see it :)
Thank you
@Mastergamer117 Sure I'll do it later
I could not manage to change the activation group
Could you please put it to all activation groups and post it with them all in order
@EliteArsenals24 thank you
@Mastergamer117 Actually the rotators are the one you should change.
How hard is it to change the activation group for these detachers
@Mastergamer117 Yes. It might just work.
@Sheeper you could use magnets from the new update and tiny XML modded missiles
@EliteArsenals24 NO PROBLEM!
@EliteArsenals24 yea but that would cause anything on the recieving end of the lancher would blow up, destroying the craft
@MAHADI Man you upvoted most of my stuff really appreciate it!
@squideater56 Hmm I think you can edit the detach force to 99999. If you want a higher distance
@Sheeper I get the point I'll what I can do.
@EliteArsenals24 So you know when a missile with a camera hits something the camera will always show where the missile hit. So if you shoot a mountain the point where the missile hits the mountain now has an orbit camera so you can survey the view from there? However, if you were to shoot a plane (or tank, just anything that moves naturally) with that same missile then it would probably blow up, and the point where the missile hits the plane would be the view of the missile camera.
If you had trouble understanding that because I suck at explaining things then just shoot a mountain and a plane with a missile that has orbit camera selected. You will see what I mean.
What I'm wondering is if there is a way to somehow have a way for the missile to hit the plane yet have the camera follow it along, thus becoming a tracker. Obviously, the missile would also have to not explode the thing it hits. Maybe you could try it with detached things to stick to the plane, maybe with weirdly modded missiles, but yeah, that is what I am asking you to try and make.
Hooray for long comments
Thats physically incorrect as in real life that would send it the same speed no matter which way you put it
@EliteArsenals24 take a platform and have a side that faces across the map, then take a detacher and attach the attach point that doesnt release to the stand and then attach a block to the detach point of the detacher and set it to full, then do the same thing a block away next to it, but this time you rotate the detacher 180 and attach the detach point to the platform and attach the solid attach point to the block, then release them at the same time, you notice a difference in launch distance,
@squideater56 I quite don't get the idea. Can you explain it further?
@Sheeper Maybe with a little bit more detail I might think of something.
@AWESOMENESS360 Glad you like it.
next try building a detatcher that will give an equal and opposite force, if you put two detachers on a stand and set them to full, but one is attached to the stand with the main attachment point then switch the other one the other way,you will notice a big difference in reaction, which is incorrect to physics, its suppose to have an equal force in both directions,which is displayed by gun ammunition, aka recoil. we need a detacher that creates recoil, cause I'm trying to create the Gustave railway cannon and I cant without the recoil
Nice! I've never seen something so strange yet useful before. I know that doesn't mean much from a lowly 970 points like me but I feel like you deserve it.
Sidenote: Have you ever tried making a tracker system? Like you shoot something and you can switch to a camera that shows that area and/or follows it if you shot a moving object like a plane or tank? I imagine such a thing isn't possible but you always seem to make these things possible! Think about it :D
This is really useful! I might use it for something in the future.
@tsampoy you can put it that way.