This Jack-O-Lantern™ is garanteed to spook up the air, drop 'em out of planes, drop 'em out of your hands, sacrifice it to cthulu, the possibilites are endless. Disclaimers: Waranty void if you attempt to do any of the above. Waranty void if you attempt to do endless things with Jack-O-Lantern™. Waranty lasts 3.14 seconds. Waranty void if you attempt to make pumpkin pi with Jack-O-Lantern™. Partcount: 34
Which Means LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Tried Feeding it To the Kraken/cthulu And It Didn't Go As Planned.
@bjac0 it's a fitting name :)
@bjac0 I hear by name your Jack-O-Lantern BOB
Jack o lantern is a man who is forever wandering the dark void between our world and the spirit world, it is said that his only source of light is a carved lantern in the shape of a screaming face made out of a turnip. But be warned on Halloween night Jack Of the Lantern can pass through to our world with hoards of dark spirits following the light of his lantern. Druidic folklore at its best. Sadly it has since been americanised
@bjac0 you still can change it :D
@Flightsonic damn, i should have called it that.
Why not "Bjac-o-Lantern"?
@Kerbango Drive, i like cars.
Dat face tho
Happy little guy. Drive or float?
@DATBOI12 thanks
@JEAMiner idk XD, but thanks!
Why was my comment posted twice XD
It's cute not creepy... still awesome.. UPVOTE
It's cute not creepy... still awesome.. UPVOTE
Pi. 3.14. I get it.
Upvote for the description.