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Drakon Dynamics DRA-20A Fenryr

2,030 DrakonDynamics  2.7 years ago
Auto Credit Based on DrakonDynamics's RS-19 (TESTBED)

With the formation of Yuktobania, Lykanian Officials have decided that war is now imminent. The Yuktobanians have already annexed numerous countries inside Barelia and Lykania believes their allies are next. Due to the lack of war, Lykania began investing large amounts of money away from their military and towards their infrastructure, causing them to fall behind their allies and enemies, despite still being technologically more advanced. The first thing Lykanian officials laid their eyes on was the Drakon Dynamics RS-19 Subzero, a stealthy ground attack, and air support aircraft. However, what it gained in stealth it lost in mobility, and it was, quite frankly, awful at escaping anything that was fired at it. Once Lykania realized their enemies were getting more powerful, they began to reroute money that was at first rerouted away back into the military budget. The first result of this new generation of technology was the Drakon Dynamics DRA-20A Fenryr. The successor to the RS-19, this craft kept everything that the RS-19 excelled at and combined it with newer abilities that its predecessor lacked. Fitted with two R-900 after-burning turbofan engines, the DRA-20A is nearly 700 miles per hour faster than its predecessor. Complete with new airfoils, this aircraft is extremely maneuverable and is able to escape even the mightiest of Yuktobanian Surface-to-Air missiles while simultaneously destroying them in extremely precise ground attacks using its powerful cannon. If war is to come, only it will be able to prove that the DRA-20A is as formidable as it seems.

What's up, guys. First post in quite a while. This one is more of a revamp than a completely unique build. I was planning for the DRA-20 to be a completely different aircraft, but I feel like I went all out with this one. First of all, I completely remade the engines. The plane is no longer slow and difficult to maneuver. It is actually even able to dogfight despite being a ground attacker. It is extremely maneuverable to the point that I was able to dodge the missiles at the Ice Base by simply flying in circles. Machine Guns are a different story, however. I completely remade the cockpit using all of the new gauges and buttons that were added with the VR update. Speaking of VR, I do think that this plane should be perfect for VR as nearly 90% of the cockpit is interactable and everything is within reach. Let's get on to the activation groups and the cockpit controls, shall we?

Activation Group 1: This will activate the main engines. This is the switch circled in blue.

Activation Group 2: This is for the afterburners. This will cause the aircraft the accelerate to an observed speed of 1,220 MPH. This will be the switch circled in Green.

Activation Group 3: This will activate the navigation lights. Landing gear lights will also be enabled but will shut off when the gear is retracted. This is the switch circled in Maroon.

Activation Group 4: This will activate the Landing Hook. Now that I see it, it is useless to the overall build but it is too late to change. This will be switch circled in Orange.

Activation Group 5: This will activate the Formation Lights. This will be the switch circled in Purple.

Gear Button: Self-explanatory, retracts the landing gear.

Thrust Button: This will activate max throttle. This will come into play later.

Combat Button: This will put you into Combat Mode. Self-explanatory.

Shutdown Button: This will reset the throttle to zero. Use this alongside Ag. 2 and the Thrust button to deactivate the afterburners.

Anything circled in White is not used. Leave these empty or bind them to your own additions and have some fun.

That will be all for today. I hope you all like this build as much as I like it. I'll be back with another build soon.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor RS-19 (TESTBED)
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 79.7ft (24.3m)
  • Length 85.9ft (26.2m)
  • Height 26.7ft (8.2m)
  • Empty Weight 26,640lbs (12,084kg)
  • Loaded Weight 48,741lbs (22,108kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 7.331
  • Wing Loading 33.0lbs/ft2 (161.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,478.6ft2 (137.4m2)
  • Drag Points 7352


  • Number of Parts 256
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 1,452

Required Mods

  • _Instrumentation by Gestour
    Version 1.0 (10/10/2020 6:48:13 PM)
    View Mod Page
  • Heat Haze by Kenneth, MOPCKOE
    Version 1.0 (1/24/2021 2:54:56 AM)
    View Mod Page