Hey SledDriver.. i was dared to criticize your builds.. please dont take anything too seriously.. ill criticize them once you have read this.. and also once you accepted my permission to criticize them..
@Jim1the1Squid im sending more military units to your soil and ship examine reoutine will be perform to prevent any large ammount of military vehicle being put into ur nation and outnumber my units there
@Jim1the1Squid this is just the "resting spot" for the invasion plan if the plan was cancelled the fleets will be immidiately sent back to erebus. since warburg is the nearest spot to URD so.... yea
@Theflyingtrex prepare for an invasion.. ALSO AS I SAID.. be realistic at ranges.. missiles cant travel from US to ASIA on a single shot without refueling and inside the athmospheres of earth..
@Theflyingtrex ye ur actions is now canon as u r alrdy on discord.. also please just find another spot for your land.. ill suggest a land for u pls put this on discord..
laos or cambodia.. they are unclaimed and has landmass and not an island.. they are pretty big compared to islands.. but pretty smol compared to aother landlocked pand landmasses.. there are also some unclaimed lands on africa..
filling up my finz class aircraft carrier with all new advance XX-R3s, peacemakers and few bombers. Also it will be escorted by 15x erb Vordeux destroyers and 20x avenger class frigates this is for my fleet #1 that will be sent to warburg and sink any ships that belongs to you..
@Theflyingtrex erebus, and also.. I would be glad if you are on discord server heres the invite link..
If you haven't download the discord.
Its free on app store or google playm. Its totally free..
It doesn't need strongg device to run it..
It doesnt need some good lokin device to run it..
And most importantly
Not convinced yet? Ill give you a deal
All your roleplay or nation actions or movements will be considered as canon or in the other words.. Legal. If you are in discord server..
@asteroidbook345 the joke wasnt intended to make people mad but it was intended to see their reactions.. It can be a emotion that is ready to sanction my nation or a emotion that is crazy happy because they want a total blood ass killing childs and sh*ts..
Bruh they got good af designs but still wip..
@SledDriver thanks... ☺
@CruzerBlade fuck and suck
That statement is msde completely for fun and i was dared to believe that the moon is flat..
h o w t o w i n ?
@belugasub hi babe...
@Strucker unit = personell or soldiers bruh..
Airbus: Tokyo drift
@Strucker i did stated it..
@randomusername ill ague to him if he wont block me..
@randomusername btw what do you mean doomed?
Hey SledDriver.. i was dared to criticize your builds.. please dont take anything too seriously.. ill criticize them once you have read this.. and also once you accepted my permission to criticize them..
@randomusername ill try..
@Kruppstahl pinoy ka pala
@randomusername how i can argue with him? Also what topic?
@Jim1the1Squid im not goin to back off my units at all cost..
@Jim1the1Squid im sending more military units to your soil and ship examine reoutine will be perform to prevent any large ammount of military vehicle being put into ur nation and outnumber my units there
Holocust aircraft carrier..
Oh fact.. i feel bad about the aircraft slavery and planes being gassed there..
+1@MrVaultech ey can i claim colombia?
@MrVaultech a single mistake that is added into statement leads into the event statement being flooded with harrasments such as
"U stupid bruh?"
It always happens on discodd so yea.. statement wont even have 2 minute life span..
+1Im sensing asian cold war
@Jim1the1Squid im pulling them out but ill still going to left some of my military units to watch your activity..
also EM will arrest any rebellion who tried to attack the units or trespass the base..
EGF is authorized to use deadly force on any armed rebellion..
it states that there will be units in existence there..
@Jim1the1Squid this is just the "resting spot" for the invasion plan if the plan was cancelled the fleets will be immidiately sent back to erebus. since warburg is the nearest spot to URD so.... yea
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck im sure some dude will send 4000 ships 99999999 aircrafts to take down my fleet
@Theflyingtrex prepare for an invasion.. ALSO AS I SAID.. be realistic at ranges.. missiles cant travel from US to ASIA on a single shot without refueling and inside the athmospheres of earth..
@Theflyingtrex ill suggest for you to take cambodia or laos.. they are pretty big tho..
@Theflyingtrex ye ur actions is now canon as u r alrdy on discord.. also please just find another spot for your land.. ill suggest a land for u pls put this on discord..
laos or cambodia.. they are unclaimed and has landmass and not an island.. they are pretty big compared to islands.. but pretty smol compared to aother landlocked pand landmasses.. there are also some unclaimed lands on africa..
@Theflyingtrex they r also on south east asia just south east from me
@Theflyingtrex there are some free islands on asian part or hawaiian part..
@Theflyingtrex in south east asia
the philippines one.. its erebus
@Theflyingtrex whats the name of that island? also please be realistic at range.. your very far from warburg and erebus and halcyon.
@HarrisCraft i might probably rarely active from now on.. i lost my phone again, there is no internet here ffs.. and also tonnes of school proj..
this should be non canon as we didnt know where u r on the map..
@exosuit he is on discord but idk wwhere dafuw his map is..
@HarrisCraft i hab prob irl..
filling up my finz class aircraft carrier with all new advance XX-R3s, peacemakers and few bombers. Also it will be escorted by 15x erb Vordeux destroyers and 20x avenger class frigates this is for my fleet #1 that will be sent to warburg and sink any ships that belongs to you..
Daren's declaration of war will be invalid as if he is not on discord server.
+1@Theflyingtrex did u download the discordp?
@HarrisCraft ye ryt @Theflyingtrex talk with harris he got alot of infos about warburg..
@Theflyingtrex nah it can be voice chat or a normal chat
@Theflyingtrex yo change it to Halcyon.. Blame him lol
@Theflyingtrex erebus but it will be better if you are going to ass whoop halcyon.. Lets see.. IKYWW.. Hhee
@Theflyingtrex erebus, and also.. I would be glad if you are on discord server heres the invite link..
If you haven't download the discord.
Its free on app store or google playm. Its totally free..
It doesn't need strongg device to run it..
It doesnt need some good lokin device to run it..
And most importantly
Not convinced yet? Ill give you a deal
All your roleplay or nation actions or movements will be considered as canon or in the other words.. Legal. If you are in discord server..
+1@asteroidbook345 the joke wasnt intended to make people mad but it was intended to see their reactions.. It can be a emotion that is ready to sanction my nation or a emotion that is crazy happy because they want a total blood ass killing childs and sh*ts..
I occupied warburg m8.. @Theflyingtrex @Theflyingtrex @Theflyingtrex @Theflyingtrex @Theflyingtrex
Howp do i submit my stuff?
@asteroidbook345 first of all SLURP roleplay does not exist at all..
Give me 10 valid reasons why jokes should be illegal at all..