@dzulfikar oooooh gitu..............ya udh deh
@redbear89 iya sih,tapi kayak pernah lihat aja
ya soalnya agak ragu,nama dzulfikar kan gak cuma dari indonesia aja.
sama dong!
@dzulfikar because it will be cooler,btw where are you come from?
@SpiritusRaptor by the way,do you have a facebook account?
@SpiritusRaptor i like this one,would you like to help me make an aircraft carrier for my project?
try rocket launcers!
@FIKRI wow,ini bukan fictional kan?
coba cek pesawatku,mungkin kamu dapat inspirasi yg lebih bagus.btw pesawat ini bagus juga,boleh di modif gak?
kayak f-4 phantom
tapi bagus gpp
keren,tapi badak gak bisa terbang.
@Ryster can you make a working battleship cannon for me,please?
sorry for the airplane name,because f-35 is alredy exist.
@ChaMikey ok,maybe i will mention the original creators like what you said,thank you for your comment!
@CL4TRP to protect the missile before it crashes to the wrong place.but its a fictional plane,my imagination,so dont believe its real.
@Seeras ok i will do what you tell,thank you so much!
if you like it give comment please,so i can make a better one!
@dzulfikar oooooh gitu..............ya udh deh
@redbear89 iya sih,tapi kayak pernah lihat aja
ya soalnya agak ragu,nama dzulfikar kan gak cuma dari indonesia aja.
sama dong!
@dzulfikar because it will be cooler,btw where are you come from?
@SpiritusRaptor by the way,do you have a facebook account?
@SpiritusRaptor i like this one,would you like to help me make an aircraft carrier for my project?
try rocket launcers!
@FIKRI wow,ini bukan fictional kan?
coba cek pesawatku,mungkin kamu dapat inspirasi yg lebih bagus.btw pesawat ini bagus juga,boleh di modif gak?
kayak f-4 phantom
tapi bagus gpp
keren,tapi badak gak bisa terbang.
@Ryster can you make a working battleship cannon for me,please?
sorry for the airplane name,because f-35 is alredy exist.
@ChaMikey ok,maybe i will mention the original creators like what you said,thank you for your comment!
@CL4TRP to protect the missile before it crashes to the wrong place.but its a fictional plane,my imagination,so dont believe its real.
@Seeras ok i will do what you tell,thank you so much!
if you like it give comment please,so i can make a better one!