Wait how fast are we talking about? IAS of this plane is around mach 2 in sea level. if I recall correctly this can go around mach 3.5 at 20 kilometers. @Puffin9173 in other words YES VERY VERY VERY FAST
I was wrong lol but I managed to do it by reading Snowflake0s’s guide on FT. I did it by typing in (Throttle>=0.91?1:0) @nagisa. Thank you so much for teaching me a smidge of FT! I really appreciate your help. :))
What in God's name is this
+1I can't stop staring at it, it's too beautiful
+1We'cme to bo'om gea
Tunigt, Hammack coms awt as positve in a preganincie tes
+1Grandma please calm down, they are just kids playing in the front yard!
+1(also T)
Can you render it in blender? I can't see it
+1He do be dancin' doe
+1@BrenBrenTheDork BrenBrenTheGun :)))))
+1@Baldovino I agree with your son but I do know the feeling of flying your own models after you worked hard to get it flying. Keep up the good work! :)
+1I hope it's a shopping cart with an L/20 120mm smoothbore cannon strapped onto it with just duct tape
+1@PANZERDOG 100% unfiltered pain :(
+1Le Smoothe
+1Very nice!
+1That would be cool. Maybe wing guns should be customizable as well.
+1It's a paradise
+1I am having PTSD from this 10/10 very accurate
+1This is very nice!
+1Modernized Foch go brr
+1This is so beautiful
+1This is very epic.
+1@DarthAbhinav Ah darn. :( I guess I can try Deathtrap's way then. Thank you for the link though! I can use it when I can get a laptoo in the future.
+1Thanks, guys. :)
+1Ring plane
Ring plane
+1@F104Deathtrap woah I didn't knew that.
+1Looks really good! Keep up the good work.
+1This really needs more upvotes
+1Does this come in vanilla flavor?
+1yes... YEESSS
+1Very nice build! Keep it up!
+1@NavalBlaze 3-4? I haven't heard that stage in a long time... I only got Kaga from that.
+1Cursed tutorial plane
+1@CoconutCraft I didn't knew this one existed thanks!
+1Make him have wings like in the N'doul fight, I don't know jf that can be done but it would be cool.
+1Honestly same here lmao @Oski
+1Knife too big for small peanut butter hole. :( we don’t have a butter knife as well. @PrinceZuko
+1Send in the clowns starts playing
+1Stone Ocean 2020 indeed @Axartar
+1Wait how fast are we talking about? IAS of this plane is around mach 2 in sea level. if I recall correctly this can go around mach 3.5 at 20 kilometers. @Puffin9173 in other words YES VERY VERY VERY FAST
+1VERY FAST@Puffin9173
+1The strings want to collapse but it is kept upright by constant stress
+1That’s understandable but you still helped me a ton! :) @nagisa
+1I was wrong lol but I managed to do it by reading Snowflake0s’s guide on FT. I did it by typing in (Throttle>=0.91?1:0) @nagisa. Thank you so much for teaching me a smidge of FT! I really appreciate your help. :))
+1Ahhh I see, I see! Thank you again! @nagisa
+1Thank you very much! @nagisa
+1I tried this but why is Putin outside my house???? Help????
+1There! Fixed. :)) @Ultra0 @FishMiner @RogueFighter
+1Thank you! @Omel