15.6k AmethystAicraft Comments

  • 24 NEW one year ago


  • 24 NEW one year ago


  • F30XV Teaser 1 one year ago


  • 1145141919810 NEW one year ago

    @Majakalona judhhchntcsnhgfksgcmhgxmhstcsnfxmhsfxhsfcmscmhgschxsnchnfxs

  • 24 NEW one year ago

    @Graingy lol

  • Glidtec Persolider one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector you're welcome

  • German Flag one year ago

    @Superliner350 for me it was 6:30

  • *blank* one year ago

    Why was this sucsessor to my meme?

  • Help me one year ago

    @MAPA I was bored. I want to kill this with fire right now

  • Help me one year ago

    @Zaineman thanks

  • F-16A Block-5 one year ago

    @CaptHorizon try

  • F-16A Block-5 one year ago

    @CaptHorizon nope.

  • Spirit A320 one year ago

    @TalonLOL jk

  • Spirit A320 one year ago

    @TalonLOL I can hack you

  • F-16A Block-5 one year ago

    @CaptHorizon I can hack

  • F-16A Block-5 one year ago

    @CaptHorizon wondering how I got it?

  • F-16A Block-5 one year ago

    @CaptHorizon it's the Simpleplanes. Website's code

  • Spirit A320 one year ago

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    I am hackerman

  • F-16A Block-5 one year ago

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    I am hackerman

  • Glidtec Persolider one year ago

    Just tested and it works very well!

  • oh god one year ago

    @Graingy lol

  • twingine mk.I one year ago

    @GTgaming ok

  • Mosquito one year ago

    @GTgaming thanks

  • Stunt jet one year ago

    @Zaineman lol!

  • Silver trophy one year ago


  • When someone says "Plz MoBiLe FrIeNdLy" one year ago


  • Aviato A-12 one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector laughs in German

  • Corsair Reborn one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector yes

  • Corsair Reborn one year ago

    Here when publishing plus first.

  • Aviato A-12 one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector ok

  • mini wing 2 bomber one year ago


  • project.56A Kotlin one year ago

    What Are you all


  • Aviato A-12 one year ago


  • A-134 one year ago

    @EntityQuerty495 yes it does

  • Epic E1000 GX one year ago


  • Epic e1000 one year ago


  • twingine mk.I one year ago

    Tutorial plane when?????

  • Aviato A-11 one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector its also in my opinion the worst plane ever made and should be killed with fire

  • Aviato A-11 one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/6n5HVH/Bush-Plane-Challenge-Entry-A-25-trainer has left the chat

  • B65 Orphan one year ago

    @Majakalona 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  • Aviato A-11 one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector that won't be the case with the next!

  • Aviato A-11 one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector Im making another one

  • Aviato A-11 one year ago

    @Gabriel747 lol

  • Aviato A-11 one year ago


  • Hawk T.A.III one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector done

  • 1st attemp of making a plane one year ago


  • Hawk T.A.III one year ago

    @SamilanTransportSector I am working on a new airliner for the arms race

  • Glidtec LSG one year ago

    First download an ipvote