@MonsterAvgeek I am, I got a dog
P R E P E A R E. T O. B E. H I T
@ArrayDenalov this is my new account
Why did this become a meme
@KipSqueaks I thought the old fuselage needed a second chance, so I made this!
@ArrayDenalov maybe Cessna citation
@SPairforce Skynet
Never underestimate bronze!
@ArrayDenalov this is Good
@OrdinaryTankBuilder Y E S
@Varrell007 I’m on mobile
I can’t click the link
@Varrell007 how do you find it
@Varrell007 what engine did you use
@Spacepickle3214 how many letters are there
@WhoflerMan oooooohhhh
The real „gunfighter“
@Lake evil laughter intensifies
Who’s a good boyyyy YES YOU ARE
@RedAndGreenAmongus RIP
The um achuallllly bomb
@MAPA what do you have ready
This is nice
@MAPA I found the plane when it only had one download
@MAPA same ;)
@MAPA I was the one that got you to silver
@Lifewald Now I need to find it so I can EAT IT AND BECOME MUTANT.
Can I eat this stuff
Is this edible?
German A-10,nice
It’s really tailheavy
Im Aarav‘s friend@Sakorsky
Now this is cool
A list of things to call simple,SimplePlanes,SimpleRockets,simplewheels,simplethings,simpleboxes,simplehumans,simplehelicopters,simplefood,simpleidiots,and the List goes on.......
I mixed random planes to make it
Idk 20
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmggggggggggggg boiiiiiii
Oops just turned my ipad to lava
@Nyancat575757 lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
+1@MonsterAvgeek I am, I got a dog
+1P R E P E A R E. T O. B E. H I T
+1@ArrayDenalov this is my new account
+1Why did this become a meme
+1@KipSqueaks I thought the old fuselage needed a second chance, so I made this!
+1@ArrayDenalov maybe Cessna citation
+1@SPairforce Skynet
+1Never underestimate bronze!
+1@ArrayDenalov this is Good
+1@OrdinaryTankBuilder Y E S
+1W H A T
+1@Varrell007 I’m on mobile
+1I can’t click the link
+1@Varrell007 how do you find it
+1@Varrell007 what engine did you use
+1B U T T E R
+1@Spacepickle3214 how many letters are there
+1@WhoflerMan oooooohhhh
+1The real „gunfighter“
+1@Lake evil laughter intensifies
+1Who’s a good boyyyy YES YOU ARE
+1@RedAndGreenAmongus RIP
+1The um achuallllly bomb
+1@MAPA what do you have ready
+1This is nice
+1@MAPA I found the plane when it only had one download
+1@MAPA same ;)
+1@MAPA I was the one that got you to silver
+1@Lifewald Now I need to find it so I can EAT IT AND BECOME MUTANT.
+1Can I eat this stuff
+1Is this edible?
+1German A-10,nice
+1It’s really tailheavy
+1Im Aarav‘s friend@Sakorsky
+1Now this is cool
+1A list of things to call simple,SimplePlanes,SimpleRockets,simplewheels,simplethings,simpleboxes,simplehumans,simplehelicopters,simplefood,simpleidiots,and the List goes on.......
+1I mixed random planes to make it
+1Idk 20
+1Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmggggggggggggg boiiiiiii
+1Oops just turned my ipad to lava
+1@Nyancat575757 lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣