1,207 Aosullivan799 Comments

  • THICK BOI 2.9 years ago

    Let’s hope u didn’t ! @Hedero

  • Rainbow giant 2.9 years ago

    Your welcome I will be publishing a glass plane in 17 hours so look forward to that !@IRJI

  • Andean Condor 2.9 years ago

    Awesome design ! Great flight performance!

  • Swift(apus apus) 2.9 years ago

    The pictures of the swifts are so cute we have some nesting in our kayaking club shed and the chicks are the cutest thing Iv ever seen and those big eyes just melts my hart LOVE YOUR DESINS such great detail !!!

  • Little bullfinch 2.9 years ago

    It’s strange but incredibly cool !

  • Rainbow giant 2.9 years ago

    Those dreams come true there are the circle wing and the fat plane on my profile if u want to download them !@IRJI

  • Ball of terror ! BETA 2.9 years ago

    It would really help out if u could test out the beta version of the ball of terror and give me any ideas to make a ball shape or add anything you want me to add to this to make it terrorise the skys this will help a lot !

  • THICK BOI 2.9 years ago

    PS he ate too many cheeseburgers 🍔

  • THICK BOI 2.9 years ago

    well there it is the weirdest plane Iv made so far haha

  • Inifinite glider 2.9 years ago

    Yep u can do that too haha if u also pull up pitch u will do infinite loops and get faster and faster until u blow up @LobsterBisque128

  • Shuttle Glider 2.9 years ago

    It doesn’t fly but I made it fly with very heavy modifications there was alot of drag points and I improved it by removed all drag points and I needed to add alot of weight at the front and remove some weight and it actually flies good it’s very nice shape hum in fact I might make something similar to your design that flies hypersonic and can be an infinite glider too.

  • Shuttle Glider 2.9 years ago

    This is strange looking but it’s cool ! I’m adding it to my airplanes !

  • Rainbow giant 2.9 years ago

    Lobster is a good person u two other ppl are like those child abductors

  • Rainbow giant 2.9 years ago

    Wtf what part of my text is gay example?????? And u two ppl are weirdos

  • Giant Flying jet 2.9 years ago

    When I mean publishing smaller versions I mean publishing smaller versions of this giant jet engin for more weaker devices

  • Rainbow giant 2.9 years ago

    HAHAHAHA I’m only getting started mate trust me when I say there are more odd aircraft combing believe be u won’t be upset with the end product u should also check out my freshly uploaded GIANT FLYING JET ENGINE happy flying out there !!@LobsterBisque128

  • Rainbow giant 2.9 years ago

    There will be some interesting aircraft coming here are a few on the list …..
    A circle wing !
    A FAT plane and no not big I mean the THICK BOIIII TYPE ! And others unique aircraft and as always they will be all heavily modified to fly better have fun flying out there !

  • Giant Flying jet 2.9 years ago

    NOTE :…… I will be publishing smaller versions but it will take some time apologies !

  • Inifinite glider 2.9 years ago

    No harm dude

  • Nuclear Pack 2.9 years ago

    Ah right I see thanks still love your nuclear weapon haha !@Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq

  • Nuclear Pack 2.9 years ago

    Did u only increase the explosion scale because when I did that the damage was low for mine but your one was insane how did u do dat ? @Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq

  • Inifinite glider 2.9 years ago

    English only if possible sorry

  • Snek Game 2.9 years ago

    Bro u will be surprised to when that day of Simple planes in simple planes comes ! @BMilan It won’t be a long wait.

  • ERROR 2.9 years ago

    [ ERROR ]: > …D.O.W.N.L.O.A.D. F.A.I.L.E.D. [ ERROR] F.A.I.L.E.D. T.O. S.E.N.D. M.E.S.S.E.A.G.E. [ERROR] F.A.I.L.E.D. T.O. R.E.S.E.N.D. M.E.S.S.E.AG.E. [ERROR] F.A.I.L.E.D. T.O. S.T.O.P. F.R.U.S.T.R.A.T.I.O.N. [ERROR] F.A.I.L.E.D. T.O. S.T.O.P. S.U.I.A.S.I.D.A.L. T.H.O.U.G.H.T.S [ERROR] [EE RR OO RR ]

  • Nuclear Pack 2.9 years ago

    Omg these things are demonic Iv created insane bombs before but these things leave mine for DIRT they vaporise everything in contact I’m definitely adding these to my sub assemblies because these bombs are down right insane !

  • Inifinite glider 2.9 years ago

    This only works if u remove all drag and the games says the wings have no drag but in reality everything create drag so I made a infinite glider so ya that’s basically how I made it it’s pretty insane


    U would have to be a stupid not to get this it flies very well enjoy !

  • Unbreakable trainer aircraft ! 2.9 years ago

    I will be trying to make any VR players have some fun with my aircraft but it is turning out quite hard to make a VR friendly aircraft but there should be one hopefully soon !

  • Muliti plane 2.9 years ago

    My first aircraft there will be more insane aircraft designs fallow for the most craziest aircraft and best THERE MOBILE FRIENDLY !!