@RaptorF22A I’m sorry bro! I didn’t know ok? Chill?
@RaptorF22A Bro how was I supposed to tell the difference between an AK 74 and AK 47!!?? All I saw was An AK 47 with a scope and and no ip thing
Great job man!
sadly no more 69 upvotes I just made it 70
The number upvotes RIGHT at THIS EXACT MONENT. LoL!
@CL125 💀💀💀
The AK doesnt have that little tip thing ontop of the end of the barrel. i dont know what to call it.
@MAPA thanks
@MAPA Ah man so glad to be back!
@L1nus ok :]
@Hahahahaahahshs i did click the one that said "look"
@Hahahahaahahshs it wasnt unlisted before
@Hahahahaahahshs it showed up normally whe I found it.
@L1nus ok fine.
@L1nus i also gave credits
@AquaAircraftManufacturing and im not being mean im seriuos because i clearly CHANGED the pqint.
@L1nus dis man colorblind
@DmytroNehustorov228 idk
@Lwills yeah i guess. i just like the cars you can drive freely.
@Lwills ill try sometime.
Mom dont worry theres coke inside
Me: Can I get a limo as my first car? Mom: Honey, we already have a limo.
The Limo:
@StarSP1001 What do you mean?
@DJAirlines 💀 indeed
@AquaAircraftManufacturing HE Is already
@fightorflight YES
lol whats it the ceo of? i know that the ceo means the engine type but still.
Acually im feeling kind of lazy rn. but i might make one eventually
ok thanks
can i make mobile friendly version
@MAPA Thanks!
@Defective47 🤔 😐 😑
@ComradeInCommune every day yeah at least from what i know.
dang! nice.
@ComradeInCommune yes😑🙄
thank you all!
@Aeroplane351 neooo waeaeaeaaayay
and it slammed too.
@AverageAirplanesFan i agre
Not hating but what di you change?
@MAPA yet another amazing build.
@MAPA didn't you already make sorthing like this? but still good. upvote!
@PLANE2000 ?????????
@MrSilverWolf Im sorry though. I did not know.
@MrSilverWolf it is a picture from a real model I have. But I don't have the build ingame.
@MrSilverWolf I still don't see how. But I'm sorry what ever I did. Can you please tell me what I did wrong here? I really don't know. I have seen other Players with similar posts.
@RaptorF22A I’m sorry bro! I didn’t know ok? Chill?
@RaptorF22A Bro how was I supposed to tell the difference between an AK 74 and AK 47!!?? All I saw was An AK 47 with a scope and and no ip thing
Great job man!
sadly no more 69 upvotes I just made it 70
The number upvotes RIGHT at THIS EXACT MONENT. LoL!
@CL125 💀💀💀
The AK doesnt have that little tip thing ontop of the end of the barrel. i dont know what to call it.
@MAPA thanks
@MAPA Ah man so glad to be back!
@L1nus ok :]
@Hahahahaahahshs i did click the one that said "look"
@Hahahahaahahshs it wasnt unlisted before
@Hahahahaahahshs it showed up normally whe I found it.
@L1nus ok fine.
@L1nus i also gave credits
@AquaAircraftManufacturing and im not being mean im seriuos because i clearly CHANGED the pqint.
@L1nus dis man colorblind
@DmytroNehustorov228 idk
@Lwills yeah i guess. i just like the cars you can drive freely.
@Lwills ill try sometime.
Mom dont worry theres coke inside
Me: Can I get a limo as my first car?
Mom: Honey, we already have a limo.
The Limo:
@StarSP1001 What do you mean?
@DJAirlines 💀 indeed
@AquaAircraftManufacturing HE Is already
@fightorflight YES
lol whats it the ceo of? i know that the ceo means the engine type but still.
Acually im feeling kind of lazy rn. but i might make one eventually
ok thanks
can i make mobile friendly version
@MAPA Thanks!
@Defective47 🤔 😐 😑
@ComradeInCommune every day yeah at least from what i know.
dang! nice.
@ComradeInCommune yes😑🙄
thank you all!
@Aeroplane351 neooo waeaeaeaaayay
and it slammed too.
@AverageAirplanesFan i agre
Not hating but what di you change?
@MAPA yet another amazing build.
@MAPA didn't you already make sorthing like this? but still good. upvote!
@PLANE2000 ?????????
@MrSilverWolf Im sorry though. I did not know.
@MrSilverWolf it is a picture from a real model I have. But I don't have the build ingame.
@MrSilverWolf I still don't see how. But I'm sorry what ever I did. Can you please tell me what I did wrong here? I really don't know. I have seen other Players with similar posts.