wings are too small
great plane
great job
@XAircraftManufacturer yeah
@XAircraftManufacturer i love this plane
better if you chane the shape of the wings
it's going to work
try to make it bigger
the engines are kind of funny-looking
you can add some payload at the front or just make the surface smaller
@XAircraftManufacturer you can add flaps
could be better
@Obtheplanedestroyer @Voleclaw9854 great job
Credit: Based on AgnesDesign's Anakin's ETA-2 Actis Class Light Interceptor
@reignofsam just "False" the drag by overload
better if you change that ugly-looking inlet
@picy yeah, but still cool
I used to play simple planes at my friend's home and he said that he love 1.4...@picy @picy
made of blocks???????? 4 cockpits?????ok... just a low ver
i've just download a 1.4 ver and found i could only make planes like THIS
a bit too slow
@Hyperloop yeah! great fun of PLA @中国人民解放军空军
super cool 超帅 嗨破噜
@uiszcleo8 只不过最近没发新的
@uiszcleo8 H大的确很厉害
where R U??????? pls come back and make a new craft
wings are too small
great plane
+1great job
@XAircraftManufacturer yeah
@XAircraftManufacturer i love this plane
better if you chane the shape of the wings
great plane
it's going to work
try to make it bigger
the engines are kind of funny-looking
you can add some payload at the front or just make the surface smaller
@XAircraftManufacturer you can add flaps
+1could be better
@Obtheplanedestroyer @Voleclaw9854 great job
Credit: Based on AgnesDesign's Anakin's ETA-2 Actis Class Light Interceptor
@reignofsam just "False" the drag by overload
+1better if you change that ugly-looking inlet
@picy yeah, but still cool
I used to play simple planes at my friend's home and he said that he love 1.4...@picy @picy
made of blocks???????? 4 cockpits?????ok...
just a low ver
i've just download a 1.4 ver and found i could only make planes like THIS
a bit too slow
@Hyperloop yeah! great fun of PLA @中国人民解放军空军
+1super cool 超帅 嗨破噜
@uiszcleo8 只不过最近没发新的
@uiszcleo8 H大的确很厉害
where R U??????? pls come back and make a new craft