Awesome. Just a tip, if you connect the gears which are under the wings to blocks instead of wings using xml they don't react to the gear button. If you gear and retract with vtol it pushes up the main wings.
Thank you @planefun @Hyperloop @AgnesDesign @rifqigamers1 @AlphaOneIndustries @Gg1234 @KevinMurphy @Jmicah4 @Shmexysmpilot @Wakescar @kikasshes @Delphinus @Nightraider and @A5mod3us for the upvotes
@FIOu It was developed f4om a Pilatus plane and can be traced back to the Pilatus P-3 by the looks of it. I agree though the PC-21 looks shocking similar.
@Rohan I thought they were going to be tougher to replicate but actually were quite easy and fun once I learned the technic. They're also blocks the width on the fuselage so each block makes a tooth on each side, take that efficiency.
@Allstar This is my process for the elerons. First place the wings as you would like them, get the shape right. If there is some part you want that is behind the vertical tails that you also want moving, then leave them off for now. Once done, remove them and move to the side and place two rotator blocks in place of the wings, each connecting to the next, so facing outwards. One set for pitch and one set for roll. Place the wings onto the last set of rotator block. They should now be 1 metre away from the final position you want them in. In the xml file you need to reposition the rotators to be hidden, usually inside the engines. The important part to remember is keep each roll and pitch rotator pair in the same position, otherwise you'll have rotator blocks coming out of your plane when you use them. Now reposition the wings, simple really because they are 1 metre out so you just need to bring them in. I suggest bringing them in by 0.99 metres though because the wings can get caught on the fuselage sometimes. If you want those extra peices that are behind the vertical stabilisers, you need to create them on the end of your existing elerons. Looks strange i know but this way they are effected by the rotators in the same way. Then just move them to the desired position in the xml. Finally make sure the rotators rotation angle is right, usually somewhere between 3 and 8, higher for planes with more horizontal stability.
@Frankieg Change the blade size in the xml file. Also, you can take the proper off this and store it as a component. Bare in mind that i have also highly edited the performance figures of this prop to act more like a real helicopter rotor so any changes to the settings will reset these in the xml.
@AeroEngineering I'll have to look into that, I think it's because the props come very close to the tail and on certain physics settings and during high stress on the props they could come in contact.
No problem. That's a really good test bed. It worked very well. I haven't made an interlaced prop helicopter yet because I didn't think the props will stay aligned when adding in other physical factors, like actual flight and prop pitching and rolling. Would be interesting to see that.
Tail rotates on here don't really work how they should. The best solution is to put rotators with no pitch scale for appearance only and use a hidden VTOL engine and thrust ports to achieve a yaw turn and/or yaw control surfaces for yaw turning at higher speeds.
@JoshuaW Off the shelf the props aren't great for helicopters. I would be interested in what the devs might come up with in the future for stabilisation. For now this helicopter has been highly modified to get the best out of the parts on it. It becomes much easier to fly over time.
@WWIIplanes Sorry, I can't help as it works on my phone and Mac fine. I can only suggest advising a Dev and telling them what device you are using and the link to this plane as is could be a device specific bug.
@SilentRecom The position coordinates of the part you want to move. The file with the same name as your airplane saved name, or the editor file might be more safe for recovering after making a mistake. Takes me about a week normally bit sometimes more for extra detail. I sometimes take a break between each build while I enjoy downloading other people's planes.
Great work on this one, looks amazing and flies great. Love all the missiles an especially the aim 54's and guided bombs. Better than my plane
@TheLatentImage hangouts mate. Sent you my email on reddit
@mattmck It shared 85% of it's parts with the T-6 Texan II's trainer
@FIOu No, works perfectly, i used the technic on my beechcraft so the gear button wouldn't retract the gears.
Awesome. Just a tip, if you connect the gears which are under the wings to blocks instead of wings using xml they don't react to the gear button. If you gear and retract with vtol it pushes up the main wings.
Thank you @planefun @Hyperloop @AgnesDesign @rifqigamers1 @AlphaOneIndustries @Gg1234 @KevinMurphy @Jmicah4 @Shmexysmpilot @Wakescar @kikasshes @Delphinus @Nightraider and @A5mod3us for the upvotes
@FIOu It was developed f4om a Pilatus plane and can be traced back to the Pilatus P-3 by the looks of it. I agree though the PC-21 looks shocking similar.
I mean @LjSpike I have far fingers
Thanks @AceMcCloud @The LatentImage @bobthetitan123 and @LjSpuke for your comments.
OMG i've only just seen this. Tiny tie fighters too, so great
Thanks @BigCat @SpiritusRaptor
@Rohan I thought they were going to be tougher to replicate but actually were quite easy and fun once I learned the technic. They're also blocks the width on the fuselage so each block makes a tooth on each side, take that efficiency.
Thanks @Remy9085 @Cjredwards @bakon @Viper28 @Spikerya @RABpilot for the upvotes. Appreciated.
@CarterIndustries Be careful, they're sharp!
Thank @DragonKing @Geebers @Rohan @DAAviation2015 @Rohan @Cedy117 and glad you like the eyes and teeth.
@Allstar This is my process for the elerons. First place the wings as you would like them, get the shape right. If there is some part you want that is behind the vertical tails that you also want moving, then leave them off for now. Once done, remove them and move to the side and place two rotator blocks in place of the wings, each connecting to the next, so facing outwards. One set for pitch and one set for roll. Place the wings onto the last set of rotator block. They should now be 1 metre away from the final position you want them in. In the xml file you need to reposition the rotators to be hidden, usually inside the engines. The important part to remember is keep each roll and pitch rotator pair in the same position, otherwise you'll have rotator blocks coming out of your plane when you use them. Now reposition the wings, simple really because they are 1 metre out so you just need to bring them in. I suggest bringing them in by 0.99 metres though because the wings can get caught on the fuselage sometimes. If you want those extra peices that are behind the vertical stabilisers, you need to create them on the end of your existing elerons. Looks strange i know but this way they are effected by the rotators in the same way. Then just move them to the desired position in the xml. Finally make sure the rotators rotation angle is right, usually somewhere between 3 and 8, higher for planes with more horizontal stability.
This looks cool.
Robin Hood on steriods!
Great bomb storage design
@Frankieg Change the blade size in the xml file. Also, you can take the proper off this and store it as a component. Bare in mind that i have also highly edited the performance figures of this prop to act more like a real helicopter rotor so any changes to the settings will reset these in the xml.
@AeroEngineering I'll have to look into that, I think it's because the props come very close to the tail and on certain physics settings and during high stress on the props they could come in contact.
@RABpilot Try downloading it again. Seems to be a common problem with modded props that sometimes they just don't work on the first download.
No problem. That's a really good test bed. It worked very well. I haven't made an interlaced prop helicopter yet because I didn't think the props will stay aligned when adding in other physical factors, like actual flight and prop pitching and rolling. Would be interesting to see that.
Tail rotates on here don't really work how they should. The best solution is to put rotators with no pitch scale for appearance only and use a hidden VTOL engine and thrust ports to achieve a yaw turn and/or yaw control surfaces for yaw turning at higher speeds.
It's a real challenge to try and get both running together, but really fun.
This is really fun. I can see why you chose the skull, because anyone riding this will leave there face on the back on the cockpit!
Really awesome mate.
@goboygo1 Yeah, a bit tricky.
Really wicked.
@Astron1 I don't really do challenges, sorry.
@spiritusraptor Yeah, fell free to use them.
Looks great but couldn't download it, something to do with being on a different version
Brilliant, now he just needs to fly (and self right).
@Cedy117 The fuselage block only stays round up to 1 metre. Scriefers made one though:
I love it, especially the bacon
Thanks @DragonKing nice spot
@JoshuaW Off the shelf the props aren't great for helicopters. I would be interested in what the devs might come up with in the future for stabilisation. For now this helicopter has been highly modified to get the best out of the parts on it. It becomes much easier to fly over time.
@WWIIplanes Sorry, I can't help as it works on my phone and Mac fine. I can only suggest advising a Dev and telling them what device you are using and the link to this plane as is could be a device specific bug.
Love it, really fun to fly and fast with 100% and the lift fans tipped forward
Love you, great paint details too
lol, so funny how it has a whole B-29 in the cargo bay, even if it is a baby one
@DragonKing Power up to 100% and wait, takes a while to spin up, then go.
@SprititusRaptor You guessed it, you can just see the rocket tips poking out of the ends of the pod. All the detachers and rockets are hidden inside.
Love it
Beautiful and only 636 pieces.
Nice, it's @WalrusAircraft with Landrover wheels. I like the exposed props for extra boost and defence.
@SilentRecom The position coordinates of the part you want to move. The file with the same name as your airplane saved name, or the editor file might be more safe for recovering after making a mistake. Takes me about a week normally bit sometimes more for extra detail. I sometimes take a break between each build while I enjoy downloading other people's planes.