Apologies for the singular image as i somehow forgot to turn off x-ray and did not wanna redo the desc, in short i was lazy so apologies to everyone
EDIT: nvm i added ingame screenshots
NOTE:once the tail lifts up press ag1 and try and take off
When landing instead of the break yaw left to right until you're at 10 mph where you can use breaks enjoy the aircraft!
A build worthy of spotlighting!
This looks amazing already! Cant wait to see the finished product!
@ToxyPilot ah i see
So, when you say high caliber do you mean a 50 cal?
@GuyFolk thanks and dont worry wont forget
Is it ok if i use the FT code on this aircrafts rotators for my aircraft?
Hmmmmmmmmm may i suggest the ki-61?
@ToxyPilot hmmm maybe just have an iron sight? I mean most snipers have iron sights so yeah
Great! So we have: an smg and an AR all we need now is a shotgun a sniper or an lmg
Ok so....we need someone to make some targets to shoot at as shooting at a vehicle would just be weird imo but yeah
@sam1333 its been 3 hours where is the typhoon bro
Uh.....sam you uh....you forgot the image
@Griffon1 oh c-wait wut
Sheeeeeesh dat thing lookin fly as frick brooo
oh this is co- WAIT A MINUTE 99 PARTS? WHAT HOW
Fun fact:the ag-153 has the same dimensions as the do-335 which is obviously the thing it was based off of
@MintLynx it really does seem that way
Apologies for the singular image as i somehow forgot to turn off x-ray and did not wanna redo the desc, in short i was lazy so apologies to everyone
EDIT: nvm i added ingame screenshots
I am simple user, i see low part count i upvote
You crazy sonuva gun you actually did it. Take my upvote
@bumzule no
Lmao thx @bumzule
Ah the zero, quite a lovely build!
its beautiful!
God i still rememeber randomusernames electric vehicles thank you for posting this even though i already have it!
Good job!
@LieutenantSOT im quite new so yeah i understand why they dont have tons of upvotes
Sheeesh thanks dude! I mean im not that good but still thanks alot!
@nomalnormaltheman ayo thanks!
@Ruskiwaffle1991 wdym?
@SPairforce ayo no prob dude its a nice lookin plane
Low part count mustang go brrrr
@SCP1471 cya dude and thanks for trying to help me :D
@RongahSah omg it works! Thank chu so much!
@SCP1471 ive copied the link now where do i put it srry if im bothering you guys im just new to this
@RongahSah yep
@SCP1471 how do i give people links? I am so confused srry im new to this
Wait do i have to put this on both wings or only one?
awsome car my guy!
Fastest updoot in the insert place
another note: ag7 to retract the bottom turret for emergency landings
Note: someone may need to fix the top turret as i tried to make it diffrent but kindra broke it srry guys ;-;
This is super cool!
Nope lol
another side note this is not the german version this is the american one i apologies for not saying that earlier :b
NOTE:once the tail lifts up press ag1 and try and take off
When landing instead of the break yaw left to right until you're at 10 mph where you can use breaks enjoy the aircraft!
Nice heli bro
@MetalManiac54 you spotlighted my plane!? Yoo thanks so much!
@randomgorengan oh i see! Ill have a look at that!
@MetalManiac54 oh oki thanks!