@Dilofph @X99STRIKER @Aviator01 @Reworkable @Winterfield
@ZeroWithSlashedO ok
can it be fictional ?
@Bryan5 en meme temps y a trop peut de lbs sur ton avion
@Cereal yes
@HuskyDynamics01 in the game
ju 87*
@BruhMomenthmgfbvbukjgv no landing was safe in reality
@Sewander ok
how did you got 4 picture ????
@Olegsandr done
@Olegsandr ok
@IDNSatya no bomber
@Erc90F4RU humm yes or just reamke it
i let you retry
@Erc90F4RU no he needs to have as much detail as possible
@Erc90F4RU i dint put it
@KingOfTypos ha ok thx
@xNotDumb i forgot
@xNotDumb ok
@xNotDumb Ah well, is that good news?
@asteroidbook345 yes i translated bc im french
@Bryan5 ok
@Bryan5 ok SR-71 BlackBird?
B-2 Spirite
@CharlesDeGaulle heuuu je l'ai il y est deja dans le jeu de base
@xNotDumb ik
is this a toy ? its a good build
@DashEight ok
@KDnotSpy the color and the number
KI-61 ?
@Brayden1981 or don't use the blueprint
@Brayden1981 yes
@Brayden1981 the first blueprint when you go to picture
@Brayden1981 copy and past the link
@Brayden1981 why ?
@Brayden1981 https://www.google.com/search?q=P-36+blueprint&rlz=1C1VDKBfrFR965FR965&sxsrf=ALiCzsbUSDMw5vcf269dTtsJyLU9jj3o1w:1652474482287&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj1mJGUq933AhXMhVYBHUZlBBYQAUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1#imgrc=qylJ4UGFPKOe7M
@AnderWorks @Brayden1981 P-36 hawk
@spacegenius747 you're disqualified
@DeveloperKorzalerke its just not working or do a video
+1@Dilofph @X99STRIKER @Aviator01 @Reworkable @Winterfield
+1@ZeroWithSlashedO ok
+1can it be fictional ?
+1@Bryan5 en meme temps y a trop peut de lbs sur ton avion
+1@Cereal yes
+1@HuskyDynamics01 in the game
+1ju 87*
+1@BruhMomenthmgfbvbukjgv no landing was safe in reality
+1@Sewander ok
+1how did you got 4 picture ????
+1@Olegsandr done
+1@Olegsandr ok
+1@IDNSatya no bomber
+1@Erc90F4RU humm yes or just reamke it
+1i let you retry
+1@Erc90F4RU no he needs to have as much detail as possible
+1@Erc90F4RU i dint put it
+1@KingOfTypos ha ok thx
+1@xNotDumb i forgot
+1@xNotDumb ok
+1@xNotDumb Ah well, is that good news?
+1@asteroidbook345 yes i translated bc im french
+1@Bryan5 ok
+1@Bryan5 ok SR-71 BlackBird?
+1B-2 Spirite
+1@CharlesDeGaulle heuuu je l'ai il y est deja dans le jeu de base
+1@xNotDumb ik
+1is this a toy ? its a good build
+1@DashEight ok
+1@X99STRIKER idk
+1@KDnotSpy the color and the number
+1KI-61 ?
+1@Brayden1981 or don't use the blueprint
+1@Brayden1981 yes
+1@Brayden1981 the first blueprint when you go to picture
+1@Brayden1981 copy and past the link
+1@Brayden1981 why ?
+1@Brayden1981 https://www.google.com/search?q=P-36+blueprint&rlz=1C1VDKBfrFR965FR965&sxsrf=ALiCzsbUSDMw5vcf269dTtsJyLU9jj3o1w:1652474482287&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj1mJGUq933AhXMhVYBHUZlBBYQAUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1#imgrc=qylJ4UGFPKOe7M
+1@AnderWorks @Brayden1981 P-36 hawk
+1@spacegenius747 you're disqualified
+1@DeveloperKorzalerke its just not working or do a video