@RAF1 yup
@zed Thanks!!
@oDDDynamics Thanks!!
@RAF1 it is actually called the boom-25
@RAF1 Thanks!!
@ApocalypticCreations Thanks!!
@Ihatelava123 Thanks??
@Stickman that is because of my quantity
@General360 Thanks!!
@DisferGoatzFAILURE I agree with your second statement.
@DisferGoatzFAILURE um, the guy who made the not-detailed plane only has 9 followers. I have 15
@Stickman That is because your planes are overrated
@BirdOfSteel ;)
@EclipseRed thanx!!!
@zed Thanx!!
@Ryxis Thanks!!
@Ihatelava123 Thanks!!
@OldColonel Thanks!!
Make more planes
@LouisEP Thanks!!
Yeah. One bullet kills a plane. Michael bay definitely made this game.
@IaSoul Thanks!!
@CoconutBearCompany it flies better than I thought
@AceOfSpade Thanks!!
@AntiSphere Thanx!!
@Abird7 Thanks!!
Best plane ever
@zec Thanks:)
@TiedBassDrummer Thanks!!
@zed Thanks....
Use super-small XML modded intakes. They will not be very visible. I cannot mod. Get someone else.
Your best tank
@RAF1 yup
@zed Thanks!!
@zed Thanks!!
@zed Thanks!!
@zed Thanks!!
@oDDDynamics Thanks!!
@RAF1 it is actually called the boom-25
@RAF1 Thanks!!
@ApocalypticCreations Thanks!!
@Ihatelava123 Thanks??
@Stickman that is because of my quantity
@General360 Thanks!!
@DisferGoatzFAILURE I agree with your second statement.
@DisferGoatzFAILURE um, the guy who made the not-detailed plane only has 9 followers. I have 15
@Stickman That is because your planes are overrated
@BirdOfSteel ;)
@EclipseRed thanx!!!
@zed Thanx!!
@Ryxis Thanks!!
@Ihatelava123 Thanks!!
@OldColonel Thanks!!
Make more planes
@Ihatelava123 Thanks!!
@zed Thanks!!
@zed Thanks!!
@LouisEP Thanks!!
Yeah. One bullet kills a plane. Michael bay definitely made this game.
@IaSoul Thanks!!
@CoconutBearCompany it flies better than I thought
@zed Thanks!!
@AceOfSpade Thanks!!
@General360 Thanks!!
@AntiSphere Thanx!!
@Abird7 Thanks!!
Best plane ever
@zed Thanks!!
@zec Thanks:)
@zed Thanks!!
@TiedBassDrummer Thanks!!
@zed Thanks....
@zed Thanks!!
Use super-small XML modded intakes. They will not be very visible. I cannot mod. Get someone else.
@zed Thanks!!
Your best tank
@zed Thanks!!
@zed Thanks!!
@Ihatelava123 Thanks!!