@Speedhunter ermm, actually, my speaker did not break. In fact, i have concluded my speaker had some brownish green paste stuck to it which blocked the sound waves :D (not rlly)
@Christiant2 I can’t play during the school week, i can play Saturday and Sunday. Hit me up then if u want. I tried playing with one of my friends form school but i still have to change some setting
7/10 — looks
6/10 — impressiveness
6/10 — creativeness
10/10 — originality
6/10 — difficulty to build
5/5 — Bonus points (small fictional regional prop, i need to see more of these in the community)
Overall: 40/55 Good job!
You have to go to manage account on the website and confirm your email. Go to the game and go into the create in sandbox. Press upload plane after hitting the menu above the rest of the tabs like painting rotating adding parts, etc. then log into the account you are uploading on and take the screenshots. Then upload after making the title and description
@IDK0 nahh i upvoted something you’re at 115 now :D
@IDK0 also congrats on bronze, idk why its not loading
@IDK0 yes, liveries are allowed
@LOGANP117andMAX ill rate soon, i need to get something done first
@Cookiewinner9 bro rip that mightve won tbh…, If you really want to remake a ship to join the challenge you have half a month
@theNoobCountry2 kk, if that ever happens when you enter someone’s challenge ask a mod like Seeras to make it a successor ;)
@theNoobCountry2 kk, wdym different name though
@Glitchedplane i was at school I had to wait to rate them. Should be rated now
8/10 — looks
7/10 — impressiveness
9/10 — creativeness
10/10 — originality
8/10 — difficulty to build
5/5 — Bonus points (missile shape is cool)
Overall: 47/55 good job!
5/10 — looks
6/10 — impressiveness
7/10 — creativeness
10/10 — originality
4/10 — difficulty to build
5/5 — Bonus points (Nice afterburner)
Overall: 37/55 good job!
@Glitchedplane yes,
@Speedhunter ermm, actually, my speaker did not break. In fact, i have concluded my speaker had some brownish green paste stuck to it which blocked the sound waves :D (not rlly)
+1This is very inaccurate. I expect more. Why dont my eardrums explode at full throttle? Lmao
+2@IQinventory np
It’s 9.2 now
+1@Speedhunter it was the ship that gave it away…
+1@LunarEclipseSP you noticed! I based it off the Airwolf’s design
+1@oldmate52 if its a variation yes. But it must have notable changes too
@LOGANP117andMAX no, you can have up to 4 entries although you must add notable changes like with performance for example
@TheMouse Lol i just saw the edit
@TheMouse may 3 2024 11:59PM EST
I inserted a button instead
+1@LOGANP117andMAX np
@TheMouse the deadline for Project Ultimate was March 31, 2024 11:59PM EST
@LOGANP117andMAX nah dw it functions so it good Lol
@Monarchii @TheMouse then explain the concept of CaseOh
6.5/10 — looks
7/10 — impressiveness
8/10 — creativeness
10/10 — originality
7/10 — difficulty to build
5/5 — Bonus points (working bomb bay)
Overall: 43.5/55 Good job!
@Christiant2 wee lil Italian tank eh?
@Christiant2 i forgot but i do have a P400. I think its like 2.3 BR
@Christiant2 I can’t play during the school week, i can play Saturday and Sunday. Hit me up then if u want. I tried playing with one of my friends form school but i still have to change some setting
Volkswagen. Das auto.
+2@Christiant2 Lol
7/10 — looks
6/10 — impressiveness
6/10 — creativeness
10/10 — originality
6/10 — difficulty to build
5/5 — Bonus points (small fictional regional prop, i need to see more of these in the community)
Overall: 40/55 Good job!
29 minutes to publish? That’s quite the time
@Apollo018362 Congrats on 40k!
+1@MAPA finally an AI military transport made by MAPA
+2@KolyAsDona thanks! If you dont mind, do you have any feedback? I’m trying to improve my designs every step of the way
You have to go to manage account on the website and confirm your email. Go to the game and go into the create in sandbox. Press upload plane after hitting the menu above the rest of the tabs like painting rotating adding parts, etc. then log into the account you are uploading on and take the screenshots. Then upload after making the title and description
+2@KolyAsDona confirm your email and then press upload in the menu of the place you build planes.
+1@FIREBIRD13 bro those are delicious, so underrated
I took that mg and buried in in the depths of Little Rock Arkansas where caseoh may guard it for the rest of eternity
+1You forgot to list that GuardianAerospace aircraft are also high quality and built for VR ;)
@BadahhMuscleCar001 🤮
+1@BadahhMuscleCar001 i can make a B1 using 1 part. Just disconnect it from the flight computer and it shows up as 1 part :D
+2FedEx drivers with my package of 15 777-9 models (gotta get them there in real time)
@BadahhMuscleCar001 a C5 is doable.