@Christiant2 realism, smooth the fuselage, add fuselage wings, custom engines, and a big windshield (well for VR airliners) also add a livery for a more eye-catching thumbnail. Also add big white text in the thumbnail in the Verdana Font
@Noob101 this wasn’t my first plane ever, it was my first plane posted. Trust me when i say this, my first plane is worse. It doesn’t even have propulsion and doesn’t even fly without doing 15 loops in 2 seconds from the severe instability
This reminds me of a little RAF fact: in the Falklands War, the United Kingdom purchased every Exocet missile on the market just so Argentina would have any to attack them. Kinda random but also kinda related to this plane since its the same air force
Which one should i make? I’m thinking a B757-200 (without VR compatibility though)
Skibidi Skibidi Toilet
@TheMouse Eyeroll
Skibidi Toilet
+1@TheMouse get off the alt >:(((((((
+1@MrGrain very stylish
+1@Kerbango lol
@TheMouse :D
@TheMouse no way to confirm, maybe you are a hamster instead
+1@TheMouse if ur a mouse maybe not Lmao
+1It was on the ground, it is now DIRTY
@Speedhunter kk
+1@Speedhunter I already made the coke can
+1Im spotlighting this it deserves way more upvotes.
+7@HEAPFS good
+1@theNoobCountry2 yes
@HEAPFS wonderful! This is great for a first cockpit!
+1@Christiant2 i might, i might,
@Christiant2 kk, i updated my bio can you rate it, just some normal changes
@Christiant2 i don’t recommend a replica for this category
@Christiant2 one of my engines, like the GBE600 or 700 or 900
@Christiant2 yep, you can use a GBE if you want?
@Christiant2 realism, smooth the fuselage, add fuselage wings, custom engines, and a big windshield (well for VR airliners) also add a livery for a more eye-catching thumbnail. Also add big white text in the thumbnail in the Verdana Font
@Christiant2 try making something for VR, the upvotes from players with 0 points are VR players. They are very appreciative
@Christiant2 I highly doubt that, more like late august at the current growth rate
@Christiant2 haha i was here before ur edit i saw you put go instead of to Lol
@Christiant2 yay
@Noob101 your request has been fulfilled!
@Noob101 this wasn’t my first plane ever, it was my first plane posted. Trust me when i say this, my first plane is worse. It doesn’t even have propulsion and doesn’t even fly without doing 15 loops in 2 seconds from the severe instability
This reminds me of a little RAF fact: in the Falklands War, the United Kingdom purchased every Exocet missile on the market just so Argentina would have any to attack them. Kinda random but also kinda related to this plane since its the same air force
+2@EasternAviation2015 yay, forgot to update that lol
@Noob101 im sorry but I’ve got two tests tmrw and a workbook unit to finish and a gimkit assignment, ill prob start next week on Monday maybe
@Metalpipe223 LET HIM COOK
+1Scrub daddy
+3@Noob101 that nose i made looks so damn good on that fuselage honestly Lol, pair it with those engines and it’s just 🤌
Ain’t Canada a state?
@Graingy round of applause
@Graingy i want to keep it clean here thank you
Im monitoring this forum post, please keep it clean
@Graingy and you should remove that comment ;)
@Christiant2 unfortunately i will not make a custom parts fuselage Lol
@SPairforce well I hope it goes uphill for you and you ace those upcoming scores
Hope that you do well on your exams, Godspeed
Looks a lot like a mixed baby c130 and a normal C17 but with a longer fuselage
@IDK0 an ejection seat in a German airliner? Sounds German to me :D
@Rb2h yup, i made the original blueprint abt 8 months ago
@AshdenpawTG22 friendly fire will not be tolerated!
@Noob101 i heard what happened and the despicable things they have done so yes, i will when i get to