@GeneralCorpInc try that! I will evaluate them for production and use them in Guardian Design Bureau (GDB) and Guardian Bureau (GB) Aircraft if it meets the required criteria like thrust reverse that opens and follows the design blueprint qualifications. Good luck! (I’m making a trainer so be patient for me to use it
@Mousewithamachinegun122 well you see, the thing is is that i have a cosmic eye watching over your every movement as we speak and as we spoke. I saw you typing in that last word. I was at the dentist though so i could not log on to confront you ;)
Allow me to elaborate: I am rather interested in the topic of a placed order in advance for a Boeing 737-900ER. I want it in the plain white paint with the country of origin being America. Thank you for your time.
@Mousewithamachinegun122 it’s a picture off Pinterest I really liked
@Mousewithamachinegun122 yup, b1b, undeniably the best plane (in my opinion)
@MAPA thanks!
@Eggplant yippee
@TheUltimatePlaneLover now i see it, just ur wings are more swept and are sharper
@Christiant2 NOO
@TheUltimatePlaneLover bro i have no idea where tf you getting the comparison from Lol
I brought you to 10k with this upvote!! :D
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover link me to it pls
@Christiant2 just say neutral then
@Christiant2 Lol, i mean there’s only one right side :)
join me
@Christiant2 that’s good though 10/11
@Christiant2 :OOOOO
@WisconsinStatePolice i just forgot to put that in mb
@WisconsinStatePolice idk Lol just the controls
say it with me! HereBeforeTheMouse!
Sidenote: there is a button that says gyro but there isn’t actually a gyro. I forgot to remove the button after the gyro caused problems
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG first M war post, how is it?
+1@GeneralCorpInc try that! I will evaluate them for production and use them in Guardian Design Bureau (GDB) and Guardian Bureau (GB) Aircraft if it meets the required criteria like thrust reverse that opens and follows the design blueprint qualifications. Good luck! (I’m making a trainer so be patient for me to use it
+2Is there ever going to be a 787 like i was promised abt 9 months ago? Lol
HereBeforeTheMouse as well
+1More like German P40 tbh Lol
@Speedhunter well i upvote whilst planes are publishing on a persons account >:D
+1T for all next aircraft pls
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 check first comment ;)
@theNoobCountry2 I misclicked my bad
@theNoobCountry2 @theNoobCountry2 i guess it looks similar
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122
@Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Mousewithamachinegun122
@Mousewithamachinegun122 well you see, the thing is is that i have a cosmic eye watching over your every movement as we speak and as we spoke. I saw you typing in that last word. I was at the dentist though so i could not log on to confront you ;)
+2@Graingy the bird devourer
@Mousewithamachinegun122 and btw my real first plane wasn’t the BS1. It was actually something else im not to proud of, looks really bad
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 0. I didn’t post anything just made an account to download big planes
@Mousewithamachinegun122 go for it
@Mousewithamachinegun122 wrong. I created an account 2.6 years ago but deleted it and made this account a while later
@Mousewithamachinegun122 the fact u commented 2 sec after i made this
@Mousewithamachinegun122 Lol i literally noticed 5 sec before u said that
I have a map of all the airports in all my modern cockpits like BS61
If the swing wing is based off of B1 Tag me
@Noob101 Lol dw upvotes should only be given if you genuinely enjoy the aircraft or want to give one. Thank you for trying this build!
@Mousewithamachinegun122 sure, ill get right to upvoting when i can.
+1@Graingy whoops
Allow me to elaborate: I am rather interested in the topic of a placed order in advance for a Boeing 737-900ER. I want it in the plain white paint with the country of origin being America. Thank you for your time.