@Christiant2 go to manage account, and you should be able to change it. You have to put in your email and gravatar/wordpress sends you an email. Click on it and click on your profile. (If you’re on google chrome it should be in the bottom left corner) and upload the picture you want to use
The Guardian Aerospace aircafts firm has decided to take one of these fixed missiles to equip onto the BS34D, BS55C, BS60A, and BS53A for “enhanced air to ground high altitude combat capability
Bru already 100 downloads on this Quick-build?
@Wolfy26 @PrussianAirlines
yes Lol
+1@Hahahahaahahshs :O :D :( :) >:( >:) >< -- but it’s actually a vessel for the shipping of items
@Hahahahaahahshs hey man that’s not nice!
@Christiant2 >:O
@Christiant2 who u callin a fool?
@Mousewithamachinegun122 dw i gottu
+1@GuardianAerospace @Wolfy26 Lol
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 thanks!
If i have time then yes, im working on a helicopter collab rn though
@LOGANP117withmachinegun i was thinking of something else then
@FOXHOUND26 it doesn’t matter if you’re late. I thank you for your condolence
@GuardianAerospace noouououo
@GuardianAerospace OH NO
@Mousewithamachinegun122 funny joke there
@Mousewithamachinegun122 im fighting myself
@Mousewithamachinegun122 im aware -_-
+1@GuardianAerospace yay :)
@GuardianAerospace Okey
@GuardianAerospace PLS
@GuardianAerospace AHH
@GuardianAerospace NO
@GuardianAerospace STOP
@GuardianAerospace TAKE NTHAT BACK
@GuardianAerospace NO I DDID
@GuardianAerospace hey i just said that!
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG a lil too late there
@Mousewithamachinegun122 (commence ESPH-4A development)
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 BUT NOT FOR ME
@Mousewithamachinegun122 CALL AN AMBULANCE
@Mousewithamachinegun122 OH NO!
I’ve got something for M war coming up as well >:) thankfully im on the same side
Is this an Indiana Jones reference??!??!?!!?!?!?!?
@screechy kk, I’ll post it unlisted soon
@screechy kk im working on it. Ill add rotors at a later date. Can you work on the doors and finer details like decals and equipment?
Anyways nice plane!
Sorry if my pfp went default i was switching emails
+1@Christiant2 so am i
@Christiant2 go to manage account, and you should be able to change it. You have to put in your email and gravatar/wordpress sends you an email. Click on it and click on your profile. (If you’re on google chrome it should be in the bottom left corner) and upload the picture you want to use
@Christiant2 she* her name is orla
@Christiant2 ahh yes
@Christiant2 whoopsie daisies :/we all been there
@Christiant2 is it meant to be unlisted orrrrr, anyways its nice i approve
@PrussianAirlines @Wolfy26 Lol
+1@MonarchiiwithastolenMG OUCH
+2@Christiant2 i can destroy the KitKat 28 with it?
The Guardian Aerospace aircafts firm has decided to take one of these fixed missiles to equip onto the BS34D, BS55C, BS60A, and BS53A for “enhanced air to ground high altitude combat capability
+1@Wolfy26 @PrussianAirlines Lol