@ShinyGemsBro i stand by what i say, i am devastated that my shrimp died, and disgusted he commented a shrimp recipe. I dont want to start a conflict, i want them to apologize
@Meekoyan wtf u think this is funny? It feels like a piece of my heart is missing after the death of one of my pets with another possibly dead. I just have to report you for this
@SweetSuccubus beautiful jet! Although pretty bad kill to loss ratio irl, still magnificent
@Carsonkiddy2 rip, i hope the cat didn’t suffer and that you get past the sadness
@theNoobCountry2 thanks
Can’t wait
@LOGANP117withmachinegun kk, well i hope your dog is up there enjoying all the things he loved. I give my condolences
@LOGANP117withmachinegun that doesn’t sound pleasant, for you and your dog. I’m very sorry
@LOGANP117withmachinegun rip max, hope u feel better. I’m sorry if i reminded u of max and ur sad. I’m also sorry for your loss
@ShinyGemsBro Lol ur kinda right, i just don't want people making me feel terrible that’s all. Thanks though
+1@LOGANP117withmachinegun i had a chocolate lab named coco who died when i was 4.
@ShinyGemsBro i stand by what i say, i am devastated that my shrimp died, and disgusted he commented a shrimp recipe. I dont want to start a conflict, i want them to apologize
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 it was @Colonelrelford
+1@ShinyGemsBro he posted a shrimp recipe on my post for my dead shrimp
+1@Benjamingamer “dont worry”
@Benjamingamer Lol dw
Disrespecting my dead pet
+1@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 Lol dw abt it
@TheAirAndCargoCorporation bru
@TheAirAndCargoCorporation uh oh
@Soupra thank you
@CR929thenewSPplayer thank you
@Meekoyan wtf u think this is funny? It feels like a piece of my heart is missing after the death of one of my pets with another possibly dead. I just have to report you for this
@GeneralCorpInc Thanks! My iPad can handle the part count so i guess that’s why its so absurd
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 … wdym fry?
@Graingy fs in the chat for my dear friend
+1@ShinyGemsBro bru-
@Carsonkiddy2 what poisoned it
@Noob101 “smash”🦟🐌🤩🥶
@S1lly @Yish42 thanks
+1That’s a rather large radar disc ehh? They still wont be able to detect the Mach 2 bumblebee flying past St Petersburg
+1@LOGANP117withmachinegun thanks, im sorry for your loss as well.
@Christiant2 yesh
@TheAirAndCargoCorporation BRO AGAIN YOU SAID THIS OVER IMESSAGES STFU Lol IM SO DONE (im dying rn this so funny) lmao
@Christiant2 i think i forgot to put the second digit in. I think its right now
@Christiant2 dafuq? Lemme check
@TheAirAndCargoCorporation i legit though u were gonna say “no butter?”
@TalonTheCRTguy thanks
@Hahahahaahahshs it’s sad to lose something valuable to you.
@Carsonkiddy2 thanks
@PrussianAirlines thx
@Hahahahaahahshs may he always be with us
@Noob101 Lol, i always thought it looked more like an a321
@MAPA thank you very much
+1@LunarEclipseSP thanks for the rip, i just feel terrible abt it
+1@Christiant2 huzzah!
Foxtro— FOXROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Noob101 sounds exciting!
@Mousewithamachinegun122 I gottem dw just didn’t load
@Mousewithamachinegun122 Lol, pretty rare. I’ve only done it once I think