@Mousewithamachinegun122 I got some pics of JFK airport, some planes, and even me in the cockpit of a 737-900 while not forgetting to get the delta trading cards!
@SchweizerLuftCorporation We have to ignore how I always
Get over 230 parts for each build and I’m on mobile, it somehow runs like I’m flying with 4 parts
@Boeig I forgot to take them plus it’s raining :/ I’m going down to FLL later though so I’ll try not to forget. Just got off a 10 hour flight from Rome so give me some time to reset
Guys quit overreacting, I’m not leaving! I’m just going to JFK airport and it’s a 10 hour flight so if you tag me or comment on my post or something it’s gonna take a long time for me to finally see it unless this plane has wifi! I’d never leave! and you better remember that
@SchweizerLuftCorporation sure, my Xbox has some weird setting I have to fix to let me friend people so I’ll tell u when I get that solved, and I can’t wait to see ur version(s) of those planes
@Mousewithamachinegun122 i follow a little of 100 and I get like at least 30 daily, it’s so f-ing annoying to have to look through all of them seeing what’s worth upvoting or not Lol
@Majakalona @GuardianAerospace
WORLD OF POO?!?! 😍😍😍
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 me
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 well,
+2@Majakalona buddy what
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 I am an
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 not the bri’ish one Lol
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 it’s delta, you get free wifi if you have a sky miles account. Thankfully I am a delta loyalist so I already had one.
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 I got some pics of JFK airport, some planes, and even me in the cockpit of a 737-900 while not forgetting to get the delta trading cards!
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I am currently responding to this comment whilst 18000 feet above sea level en route to FLL.
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 by many things, I believe you were referencing the Delta A321neo taxiing to runway 28L
+2@SchweizerLuftCorporation Lol, well I mean I play on iPad so a lil more processing capability.
+1@SchweizerLuftCorporation We have to ignore how I always
+1Get over 230 parts for each build and I’m on mobile, it somehow runs like I’m flying with 4 parts
@SchweizerLuftCorporation kk, like the new pfp too!
+1I can already picture it:
+1A fleet of these things rocketing down some city like Moscow dropping their payload would look hilarious. Great plane btw!
@Boeig I forgot to take them plus it’s raining :/ I’m going down to FLL later though so I’ll try not to forget. Just got off a 10 hour flight from Rome so give me some time to reset
+1@SchweizerLuftCorporation btw srry abt the 10 hour gap, I was on a transatlantic flight from Rome to jfk, abt to go down to FLL
@SchweizerLuftCorporation Lol, I got it in like January and only play on weekends so I’m mid
@OrangeConnor2 Lol nahh it defeats the mod I’m going for it’s just meant to be a quick Joke
+1@SchweizerLuftCorporation also, what’s ur best stuff in WT? I don’t grind as much but my best is a P400 (pls don’t bully Lol)
Guys quit overreacting, I’m not leaving! I’m just going to JFK airport and it’s a 10 hour flight so if you tag me or comment on my post or something it’s gonna take a long time for me to finally see it unless this plane has wifi! I’d never leave!
and you better remember that
Now the one thing I’m confused about is how this time traveled 80 years
+1Nice job!
+1Also u got a curated Bonus! Nice!
+1@SchweizerLuftCorporation sure, my Xbox has some weird setting I have to fix to let me friend people so I’ll tell u when I get that solved, and I can’t wait to see ur version(s) of those planes
+1This is very underrated, the modifications are great
+2@Mousewithamachinegun122 oh gosh, it took me a minute for it to load and when I tried exiting out my browser crashed lmao
Everywhere I go I see
U sure that’s an a340? Looks a lot different from one but still good
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I wonder what would happen if I follow like 2000 players who post and spotlight a lot everyday, would my jet steam break?
@Mousewithamachinegun122 Lol
You know what sounds like?
But Really I do the same
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 ikr, but this was state of the art then
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 i follow a little of 100 and I get like at least 30 daily, it’s so f-ing annoying to have to look through all of them seeing what’s worth upvoting or not Lol
Check this one out! 9.2 years!
the first type of engine is on this one!
@Mousewithamachinegun122 I might try digging even deeper
@servedWithaSliceofCHEESE he stated that you can tag people if they request it
@Graingy This is RamRanch18 on standby
We need more MAPA military aircraft :)
neuw enehmi teknolgy
+1@Graingy meat supreme 30
@Mousewithamachinegun122 Lol
How abt this one?
@Mousewithamachinegun122 ikr
@SchweizerLuftCorporation kk!
+1@LoneSpaceGaming it is here
+1@A330neoISGOATED Wtf was that link