Most detailed plane too! @phanps
Highest part count of my planes
Thanks @phanps almost done
Oh @diegoavion84
11-15-17* @diegoavion84
I’m on iOS and I have good detail but dang and also want to join my discord@RAF1
Wondering if RAF1 is even human any more...
15 is not a month XD
Um no I replaced it with fresh landing gear rotators XD@InternationalAircraftCompany
Problem with the hotswire expolding
I was just kidding xD@Flash0of0green
I h8 u @Flash0of0green
Replica @Theplanelover77
Can land on it believe @xXxMLGDOGE603xXx
They are where you can land on carriers @Skullzilla03
Do you know what arresting wires are @Skullzilla03
Oh... @Flash0of0green
@Flash0of0green no they are not look at a picture of a B-29 you will see one landing gear on each side so i am doing it right
The invite is@Botfinder
What? @Botfinder
@Aarons123 have you worked on the p40 any?
I just saw your name on newest uploads so I went and did that @iLikeipads
Yup @iLikeipads
@ilikeipads Add on to it
I’m ios @ValtsuAircraftIndustries
I have a chance
You are such a good builder
Dang it James XD @jamesPLANESii
Ok I’m gonna build something stupid @grantflys
It’s also heavy as s*@grantflys
Tag me when done! @grantflys
Let me link you mine@grantflys
Dude this concordes gonna be huge!@grantflys
And I’m gonna follow you so I know when your done@grantflys
Ok wanna collab when you make the B-1 if you do?@grantflys
Same @Carsong1017
Also make a B-1 Lancer with these engines they would fit nicely @grantflys
And that is what I thought dang it@grantflys
It looks like a concordes engine @Carsong1017
Awww dang@Carsong1017
Dang it that was my 2nd answer@Carsong1017
I know how to post pictures in the forum put it like this no spaces. ![](*The link to the picture) And it’s done
Most detailed plane too! @phanps
Highest part count of my planes
Thanks @phanps almost done
Oh @diegoavion84
11-15-17* @diegoavion84
I’m on iOS and I have good detail but dang and also want to join my discord@RAF1
Wondering if RAF1 is even human any more...
15 is not a month XD
Um no I replaced it with fresh landing gear rotators XD@InternationalAircraftCompany
Problem with the hotswire expolding
I was just kidding xD@Flash0of0green
I h8 u @Flash0of0green
Replica @Theplanelover77
Can land on it believe @xXxMLGDOGE603xXx
They are where you can land on carriers @Skullzilla03
Do you know what arresting wires are @Skullzilla03
Oh... @Flash0of0green
@Flash0of0green no they are not look at a picture of a B-29 you will see one landing gear on each side so i am doing it right
The invite is@Botfinder
What? @Botfinder
@Aarons123 have you worked on the p40 any?
I just saw your name on newest uploads so I went and did that @iLikeipads
Yup @iLikeipads
@ilikeipads Add on to it
I’m ios @ValtsuAircraftIndustries
I have a chance
You are such a good builder
Dang it James XD @jamesPLANESii
Ok I’m gonna build something stupid @grantflys
It’s also heavy as s*@grantflys
Tag me when done! @grantflys
MY DISCORD @grantflys
Let me link you mine@grantflys
Dude this concordes gonna be huge!@grantflys
And I’m gonna follow you so I know when your done@grantflys
Ok wanna collab when you make the B-1 if you do?@grantflys
Same @Carsong1017
Also make a B-1 Lancer with these engines they would fit nicely @grantflys
And that is what I thought dang it@grantflys
It looks like a concordes engine @Carsong1017
Awww dang@Carsong1017
Dang it that was my 2nd answer@Carsong1017
I know how to post pictures in the forum put it like this no spaces. ![](*The link to the picture) And it’s done