@breitling I understand
Pls make android version
@Random40 :)
Fourth download
Wonderful but laggy on ios
@Random40 cool!@Random40
Pluto doesent move
The engine explodes every time i use it
Nice but bad at landing
Doesent work
So flappy bird!
@cocoon yeah
These trains are named the red sets and i have seen those trains before because they are from sydney and i live in sydney NSW australia
It can fly!!!
Not bad
@breitling I understand
Pls make android version
@Random40 :)
Fourth download
Wonderful but laggy on ios
@Random40 cool!@Random40
Pluto doesent move
The engine explodes every time i use it
Nice but bad at landing
Doesent work
So flappy bird!
@cocoon yeah
These trains are named the red sets and i have seen those trains before because they are from sydney and i live in sydney NSW australia
It can fly!!!
Not bad