9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Lucifer 7.1 years ago

    I could really use your help with a build of mine

  • 1.7 Beta now available 7.1 years ago

    So will the beta eventually hit iOS?

  • Tenebrus II 7.1 years ago

    @SledDriver greatly said

  • TOYOTA jeep 7.1 years ago

    It looks great although you should probably make the wheels not so shiny the rubber tyres kinda looks like plastic

  • HWC-X-117 Lancer 7.1 years ago

    Can you help me with weopens or know someone who can?
    I seem to have some trouble fitting a jet of mine with some im looking to build them into the fuselage guns mainly with a bomb bay and separate rocket bay but again there is a problem with making a bay I don't think I can do it myself I'd appreciate it if you could help the jet is currently getting a camo put on it when I get it back with the camo could you help with the weapons maybe some custom weapons as such

  • Can someone make a bomb cannon for me? 7.1 years ago

    I made a ball canon but it doesn't have any explodsive in

  • P232 pest fighter 7.1 years ago

    Sure just mention me in it or link it you have a lot of builds @ViciousTNT

  • oppressor from GTA5 mkll (failure) 7.1 years ago

    It kinda awesome because you actually made the dirt bike Sanchez with oppressor wings

  • Bob 7.1 years ago

    Nice little plane

  • Homemade supercar 7.1 years ago

    Very cool

  • simple car 7.1 years ago

    Nice car I like it

  • IC X-02 Wyvern 7.1 years ago

    Great build

  • devils plane 7.1 years ago

    I might have a better solution to your needs of firepower try 13barrelled gat gun

  • Beacon Lights 7.1 years ago

    Yeah this is very useful thx

  • MintyFresh 3 7.1 years ago

    Congrats on the win well deserved I'm quite curious on how the design manages the hard turns oh well maybe next time I'll have better luck

  • WTF... 7.1 years ago

    Kill it with a spiked hammer to the face repeatedly

  • Kokuseki 7.1 years ago

    What are these for?

  • Georges 700+ mph non-jet mustang 7.1 years ago

    Awesome dude @FighterBomber05

  • Georges 700+ mph non-jet mustang 7.1 years ago

    Btw hard to take off and also eventually explodes

  • Georges 700+ mph non-jet mustang 7.1 years ago

    But still awesome prop

  • Georges 700+ mph non-jet mustang 7.1 years ago

    Btw you would get more speed if you set the prop thickness to 1.8 and the pitch 80

  • Georges 700+ mph non-jet mustang 7.1 years ago

    Well With that many blades it's pretty much a turbo fan for the jet engine only missing the casing I actually have a few planes that reach 700 mph but they don't use such propeller still I would love to use that prop could you make me one that's 4x the size it's for a build of mine I was looking around for something like this

  • Star Wars A-Wing 7.1 years ago

    Nice you got it working @EagleFlyer

  • ANDREW FIX THE VAILDATOR 7.1 years ago

    45 and it uses wings the point is that I can get it round those turns at full speed why won't the ai turn harder @jamesPLANESii

  • ANDREW FIX THE VAILDATOR 7.1 years ago

    Heck if needed I'll drive my car

  • F-38X 7.1 years ago

    This is really awesome

  • B-30 Hyperfortress 7.1 years ago

    Holy cow overkill?

  • Triplane 7.1 years ago

    It's ok you better teach me that @Fjorge

  • Unknown 7.1 years ago

    I remade this for ios

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    I don't miss any rings but is that the ai driving or you @EarthwormJim

  • TRace car 7.1 years ago

    Awesome can't wait to see it @phanps

  • Tcar 7.1 years ago

    Air brakes set to come out when turning @KSPFSXandSP

  • Unknown 7.1 years ago

    You could have just used a modded fuel tank of which I think I got one

  • Flightsonic Profile Picture Pixal Art (Newer Verison) 7.1 years ago

    Could you make me a logo? (Based on my profile and the type of builds I do) @sexylips35

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    Look at my entry it's my latest build post @KSPFSXandSP

  • My new laptime 7.1 years ago

    Thx @jamesPLANESii

  • Tcar 7.1 years ago

    I tagged you to show you what I meant by the tilting wings and yeah I have been improving it constantly this was the latest @AudioDud3

  • Worminators Influencer 7.1 years ago

    Walking system great the f up tomas is just a nope

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    Well you build one then @EarthwormJim

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    Also the ai never likes drifting so it's not making the corners at 100 plus mph@Jetpackturtle

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    Build to the ai style of driving which is floor it and turn last minute @Jetpackturtle

  • Tcar 7.1 years ago


  • Gyroscopic Skid Steering Testbed 7.1 years ago

    Great for hover tanks but not fast cars I think I'll stick with the usual method of turning

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    Really? Those are counted as cussing @helilover03

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    The gyro doesn't stop you from messing up in the turns @EarthwormJim

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    Cussing? What did I say @helilover03

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    I'm a god damm genius I managed to make a car that automatically slows down for turns @helilover03

  • TRace car 7.1 years ago

    Awesome @phanps

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    My cars never have good cornering abilities I've done my best with the entry I put in