9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • (CLOSED) VOTING TIME (Ends March 31 @ 11:59pm Central Time) 7.5 years ago

    But I like the shuttle idea more@CALVIN232

  • Gyrfalcon MK II-F 7.5 years ago

    Could you re master this I have some parts I would add myself to get it up to date with the most recent update but I remember how annoyed you got @Ephwurd

  • Looking for friends 7.5 years ago

    Oh heads up here you do meet well interesting people some even do role plays were they pretend they a a military company just go with it is just for the fun anyway @Wolffman

  • Looking for friends 7.5 years ago

    Good to hear @Wolffman

  • MiG-9 L 7.5 years ago

    I'm sorry but to me it feels chunky especially at the front if it was a bomber with a bomb bay I would understand but this puzzles me why so wide?

  • Looking for friends 7.5 years ago

    Try something simple and work your way up as you learn new tricks one good piece of advice anything can be anything a inlet a exhaust a fuselage can be used to make better looking wings and cockpits (put actual cockpit inside custom fuselage cockpits and wings inside the fuselage wings you can pick up a lot of things from trying others builds testing them and then taking them apart to learn what makes them tick then obviously credit them for any parts you re use you can save anything as a subassembly as long as it's not attached to a cockpit it will move as one piece in the editer and of course any planes you like upvote and more importantly comment most players on this site prefer comments as comments give feedback on how to improve their designs also when on regularly and doing all that plus being polite and nice people will check your builds out more as they feel more welcome to and also they may give you feedback too learn from it

  • Sorry 7.5 years ago

    No worries dude post when your ready not when the schedule says

  • Could we get a PS4 version 7.5 years ago

    Why do you seem so angry at the idea @MechWARRIOR57

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    Well I've been using it for ages and it just seemed like it was @Luuk2909

  • Help with auto roll 7.5 years ago

    Also check that two wings haven't spawned when mirroring

  • Help with auto roll 7.5 years ago

    Check the wings are the same both sides then check the central weight and drag if nothing works then place a hidden weight on the side opposite the direction of roll

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    Blade size never goes past the 90 @Flash0of0green

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    Sarcasm? @Luuk2909

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.5 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf it does have boosters but I could ad those

  • Raw Firepower 7.5 years ago

    Well I did spawn in a enemy jet of my own and well you might want to work on speed and pitching@MaximusTheMinimus

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    It's never done it for me although I keep the blade size down I find sometimes when making counter props bigger blades cilp @Flash0of0green

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    Pc should be more capable than anything @Flash0of0green

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    As long as pc allows the ability to rotate parts 90 degrees it's able to do it@Flash0of0green

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    It's what I've been using a lot i do have other ways to pack guns into the plane most will be shown in my latest plane coming out it does have a lot of parts including guns which I'm sure if you look closely there's more then you think @FilenotFound

  • FULL ON WAR CHALLENGE 7.5 years ago

    Not bad like I said on page I'll test it fully once I have a opponent for it @MaximusTheMinimus

  • Raw Firepower 7.5 years ago

    I'll test it as soon as I've got a competer for it

  • Raw Firepower 7.5 years ago

    This looks promising

  • Prop gun totural 7.5 years ago

    @FilenotFound Here this way is simple and more effective

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.5 years ago

    @Multidimensional @MrSilverWolf @CALVIN232 @EliteIndustries1 so what do you think I should add for mark 11?

  • the fastest thing in SimplePlanes 7.5 years ago

    Well actually I kinda expected that

  • FULL ON WAR CHALLENGE 7.5 years ago

    But you can use other people parts just give credit @MaximusTheMinimus

  • FULL ON WAR CHALLENGE 7.5 years ago

    To your own posts @MaximusTheMinimus

  • Proprllor gun totorial. 7.5 years ago

    Just look at my folding fighters some have the guns built in better

  • Proprllor gun totorial. 7.5 years ago

    Well it's more simple than that

  • Biplane (help!!!) 7.5 years ago

    How is this a username

  • FULL ON WAR CHALLENGE 7.5 years ago

    Remember 250 parts it has to be ai friendly as well @MaximusTheMinimus

  • Loop Liner 7.5 years ago

    Actually there was a man who discovered that circle wings like these had more lift unfortunately when trying to tell his idea to the aircraft making company's he couldn't say why they were better he knew they were better but didn't know the science behind it

  • T232 Space Explorer 7.5 years ago

    Pretty sweet oh btw I have mark 10 out and useable well I posted it yesterday anyway the mark 10 should run smoother

  • FULL ON WAR CHALLENGE 7.5 years ago

    As long as you made it and the parts are below 250@Botfinder

  • FULL ON WAR CHALLENGE 7.5 years ago

    Only rules is that it has to be built by you and no more than 250 parts @MaximusTheMinimus

  • Mck's Cars CF2-ML4 VGT Race Car 7.5 years ago

    A very good shape

  • Cevin M1 7.5 years ago

    High speed fast and more speed @FlyingThings

  • Question 7.5 years ago

    I could believe that easily as I have one angry cat seriously that thing gets feed anything it was
    Gets anything it wants yet still won't let me brush the hair out his fur

  • RM-5A Kudu 7.5 years ago

    Like the new details added as well as the weopens a good lot of improvement to the planes looks more then anything but very nice all the same

  • Forum post removed by mod. 7.5 years ago

    Why is this a thing someone gets a plane removed and they have to act like they did nothing wrong then when the mod has proven them wrong they cry seriously even I have had a plane removed not sure why but I just looked into what could have been I think it was too similar to the previous so I did more improvements and moved on @EliteIndustries1

  • Forum post removed by mod. 7.5 years ago

    Ok if you're truly the maker you should have a version on your device right? I always have my planes backed up on my device like my space drives of which some I've removed because they were fricking huge @melojam

  • Forum post removed by mod. 7.5 years ago

    I didn't know modderators had points I thought they just had the title mod and that was that @TheLatentImage @EliteIndustries1

  • Forum post removed by mod. 7.5 years ago

    So could you just mention me on it plz if it's not a massive problem @TheLatentImage

  • A VTOL 7.5 years ago

    Pretty good it kinda looks like a Harrier but i would agree that there are better versions of Harriers on here still good plane I've seen worse things as a replica which is named replica at least you gave it it's own name sort of anyway tip you should try making the central weight lower

  • Forum post removed by mod. 7.5 years ago

    Any chance of knowing what the original was you know the one he copied of because it looked like cool plane@TheLatentImage

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.5 years ago

    I believe You helped on the last one with engine resizes and power as well as the suggestions that lead to the redesign of this @MrSilverWolf

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.5 years ago

    @Sheepsblood @shatSlanger @sarpentiu thx for the parts on this

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.5 years ago

    Well you guys have helped develop this here and there ever by giving ideas or by supplying parts or just there to support progress so i thought that you might like to see what has come of it