9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • I may be of for a while 7.6 years ago

    Sort of I was tiered when writing this @Joco80 @MechWARRIOR57

  • FA-40 Shade 7.6 years ago

    This is great for a first plane

  • lel 7.6 years ago

    really? Grow up your not the first to get banned for doing this sort of thing kids use this site and the joke is more than to old keep the site clean and remove this or the mods will

  • 30s build challange 7.6 years ago

    You really don't want to know what I would make in 30 secs

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    Sadly I'm on iOS @pushthelimits

  • Hellkeska Revamped 7.6 years ago

    If this wasn't within the rules then it would be a minor thing they would simply remove the plane and tell you were you went wrong they do understand how some newer players may not intend to break rules so you basically get a slap on the wrist for most things at the moment

  • Hellkeska Revamped 7.6 years ago

    I'm sure it's a 3 strike system (that's 3 serious offences against the rules of the site all of which leads to a temporary ban except the third which is the permanent one

  • Hellkeska Revamped 7.6 years ago

    I think your revamp is just about ok it has better stoping speed the modderators will tell you overwise when they do the random checks I can't say for certain that it's is or isn't it's up to the mods but no need to worry over it they are usually kind about it if they find it as a copy and they have to remove it that will simply do so and tell you why and give you a link to the rules but don't think they are soft if someone posted a lot of copyed planes especially if they get round the successor system which is impossible to do by accident then they get a bit more strict and start giving temporary bans and in the worst cases I.e the person has copyed a planes been told multiple times and temporarily banned again and again then the mods give them a permanent ban

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    I was hoping to make it without mods to prove I could you see I've been asking for to many parts that I feel that my builds depend on them I don't want to bother people constantly so I wanted to prove I could make something complexed without mods @pushthelimits

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    I was trying to do it without but it looks like I can't @pushthelimits

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    That was the plan but well it ether goes up or doesn't lift I can't get a impertween but I'll keep at another problem is the fuel constantly runs out @pushthelimits

  • It's hiiiiiigh noooon. 7.6 years ago

    Well I'm not really a gun fan not this type anyway

  • Blue angle 7.6 years ago

    I'm guessing that your new because A your not a rank yet and B your not aware of the rules I recommend you read them before your next post here is a link they state that coping planes isn't allowed and that just recolouring them doesn't make it yours to post you have posted a copy of a devs plane which comes on the game as standard since the latest update the idea is that you try building on it if you're not confident about starting from scratch and you can download other planes and build on them but like with this you need to make sure there are notable changes which have to improve upon the plane or it can be anything from handling to looks as long as its a noticeable change overwise it doesn't count it can't be just a change of colour plus some weopens or engines anyone can spam 20-30 engines one a plane it takes a little skill to actually improve upon a build you will have to test the original and see its defects and find ways of improvement then make those improvements and only upload if you truly feel it's improved in at least one way and always credit the original user it's kind of a unwritten rule that some moderators enforce and quite frankly a lot of the other users it's just better to be honest and say were you got parts from and credit and you will get respected for doing it so it's worth now I know this seems like I'm having ago it's not at all I'm just letting you know before you make a mistake after welcome to SimplePlanes if you have any questions just ask anyone after all this is the most friendly sites on the internet also feel free to ask me for help I always help the newer users when I can

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    I try my best now I have to get back to that hover tank I'm still having no luck getting it to just hover it keeps taking of like a helicarrier I only want it to hover as in float a bit of distance from the ground @pushthelimits

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    I couldn't choose one so I combined them @MailboxIsMyGender @pushthelimits @Athaya

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    Oh I was thinking that it was realated to how it fly hmm quite some suggestions now which one @Athaya

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago

    Why twister? Is there a defect in the plane? @Athaya

  • J-50I-1 Ultra dart 7.6 years ago

    Sounds weird but when you see it you will agree with how it works @Typhlosion130

  • J-50I-1 Ultra dart 7.6 years ago

    The air arrow is packed with thrust front vector tec this means the plane is pulled by the engine which allows for greater pitching ability and as for speed the latest model to come out will have modded wings so it will reach the top speed of 8000+ without having the wings come of which is the only thing limiting it @Typhlosion130

  • x wing cant fly 7.6 years ago

    You forgot a few things that would help a lot like the tiny fins in the front and the fact the engine is meant to be the heaviest part and how the body weighs near to nothing

  • J-50I-1 Ultra dart 7.6 years ago

    Jesus Christ it's near my air arrows level of agility although those things are really packed with power and tec

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.6 years ago


  • Power request 7.6 years ago

    As in the flame? If you could match it with the jets from Grand Theft Auto that would be a cool bonus @MailboxIsMyGender

  • Power request 7.6 years ago

    Thx @MailboxIsMyGender

  • CraLS V-10A Dragonfly VStoal Aircraft 7.6 years ago

    This is cool I like the cockpit the most

  • The Dragon 7.6 years ago

    That is better than most including myself as I'm unable to test the track due to being on iOS @Zkillerwolfe

  • The Dragon 7.6 years ago

    Could someone test all my planes and tell me which one is most likely to do well

  • How to get things to hover? 7.6 years ago

    I can't scale wheels flat iOS @Ephwurd

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Yeah I was just saying that it would be cool if we had a loop for cars @Alienbeef0421

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Fly? I meant a actual loop for cars @Alienbeef0421

  • RD-4 Douglas Dolphin 7.6 years ago

    It's called Curiosity and often seen as being nosy @srduval

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Really I've found snowstone but not that @Alienbeef0421

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 loopty loop that would be cool to have in the race track island

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Ok I'll make a dual prop anyway show you how to do it your self it's similer to how you did your plane but what do I get if I beat you at the next tourdement? @Viperfox

  • F/A-18C Hornet 7.6 years ago

    Second and also nice cockpit

  • RD-4 Douglas Dolphin 7.6 years ago

    I just wanted to know why such a plane was put thorough that also if you wanted to see how the ai flys something set up a race and set up the two planes you Want set it to computer for both and hit start and watch as
    The two planes race @srduval

  • RD-4 Douglas Dolphin 7.6 years ago

    Don't get me wrong it's a ok plane but This was not the type of thing to
    enter a race with let alone one of the most demanding ones @srduval

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Alright you've proofed your steel now lighten up on the told ya so attitude I can still beat you next time @Viperfox

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Well damm I got wrecked

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Jesus you step up your game by a holy&"?! Amount I think I need to go do something to my plane @Viperfox

  • T232 lilly 2 7.6 years ago

    Show me @Typhlosion130

  • T232 lilly 3 (f looks edtion) 7.6 years ago

    I do need enough to make it to the race finish @Zkillerwolfe

  • T232 lilly 3 (f looks edtion) 7.6 years ago

    I was working on shifting the wings back to lower drag @Zkillerwolfe

  • Mehgjik-1-18 'Storzhkin' 7.6 years ago

    Isn't that cheating as iOS can't do that? @Zkillerwolfe

  • Typhoon Circuit 7.6 years ago

    Lies your just trying to make yourself feel better about Your own design I bet your plane doesn't get passed round 1 @Viperfox

  • prop arrow 7.6 years ago

    It's me telling you that this was not worth your time and that I had a replacement for it @ColonelDevlin

  • T232 lilly 2 7.6 years ago

    Plus where am is supposed to put this
    Extra power?@Typhlosion130

  • T232 lilly 2 7.6 years ago

    Not a lie but to fast and the
    Plane won't make it round @Typhlosion130

  • T232 lilly 2 7.6 years ago

    Slow? It hits over 500mph and that's with one engine @Typhlosion130

  • T232 lilly 2 7.6 years ago
