9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    Yeah I really hated that thing I might make something to destroy it in the most overkill way @hopotumon

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    My plane did have a big rudder at the back the problem was finding a way to get to to pitch faster without it just then flipping out of control @Typhlosion130

  • Motor Mirage 7.7 years ago

    And what exactly is the proper setup?@Typhlosion130

  • I'm taking some time off 7.7 years ago

    And that was my 5th upvote I kept track of the first five and to be clear I'm leaving for a bit and I may still return but I will keep the account going for old time sake and incase I return @Dllama4

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    Well you beat my plane before it could do any good and I thought I had made a good plane well I did say I hated that thing @hopotumon

  • Daredevil 7.7 years ago

    How does your plane turn and pitch like this when I get my planes to turn and pitch as fast as That they spin out and crash @KiNo

  • A.T.V water buggy race mode 7.7 years ago

    Thx I guess tbh this is just crap and it's worth nothing @TheHorribleAncientShade

  • Motor Mirage 7.7 years ago

    Tilted wings are still mods that is why I don't use them @marcox43

  • Motor Mirage 7.7 years ago

    Planes are even worse only hypano planes win @AudioDud3

  • Motor Mirage 7.7 years ago

    @Viperfox @AudioDud3 I watched the replay of the races as I do with all including the one which your go cart was kicked it slid all over the place it couldn't get any grip to get past the first check point which did confuse me a bit because not only had I used your go cart before messing around with it when saw it in my jet stream which I felt it was ok with grip and the only thing that could be improved was the suspension (it's very stiff) but even my car had problems which caused it to crash and I thought I had a good suspension system

  • Motor Mirage 7.7 years ago

    Oops I forgot it had those I'll make a version without the tanks @AndrewGarrison

  • Motor Mirage 7.7 years ago

    Why was my entry not valid?@AndrewGarrison

  • A.T.V water buggy 4.2 7.7 years ago

    Ok @simpleman4dawin

  • Dunner 120 7.7 years ago

    Interesting good work keep it up

  • I'm taking some time off 7.8 years ago

    Nothing just grab what you want within 30 days because if I don't feel like coming back atfer the 30 days then I'm deleting the account and permanently leaving @Viperfox I'm signing out now see you in 30 days if at all

  • I'm taking some time off 7.8 years ago

    Also to prove my point I've seen bronze sliver gold and platinum featured I don't see platinum anymore but what annoys me is when i make a plane it's pretty much ignored when someone makes something very similar it gets featured I'm like well I might as well not bother clearly I'm shit at building anything anyway

  • I'm taking some time off 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 @Viperfox reasons one every I make has been made or gets made better by someone else what I mean is none of my planes are different from what you can get everywhere on here things I have ideas for I find someone already did I.e twin thrust system things I've built arguements have started on and then someone has then gone and built a better version which is no surprise they have mods I don't I can't get mods because iOS won't allow them I can't get a android because I already have a phone and I can't by a android just for sp I would get it on pc but then I have to have a steam account AND I CAN'T GET PASSED THE **ing prove your not a robot I enter everything correctly and it does nothing so I can't get it on pc everyone only goes for the newest xml and modded planes and I'm can't make planes that even complete they get it ignored and then I feel as if I might as well not post so there is Y

  • Have I done something to annoy someone 7.8 years ago

    Not only that I seem to be ignored as if I don't exist hell you probably ignore this post

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    I have the parts I just need there flames to be the same colour is that such a huge task?@MechWARRIOR57

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    Yeah getting away with fine tuner is easy look are you going to help or not @MechWARRIOR57

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    Android then @MechWARRIOR57

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    Not being funny but the reason I use modded parts as much as possible is because only the planes that have modded parts are good enough for anyone to comment @MechWARRIOR57

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    Easy for you on your fancy computer @MechWARRIOR57

  • This is a huge annoyance! 7.8 years ago

    Tell me @MechWARRIOR57

  • TIGER Saab J-35 Draken 7.8 years ago


  • TIGER Saab J-35 Draken 7.8 years ago

    Could you do a tiger skin biplane?

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    The thing I need is all the engines to have the same flame colour @MechWARRIOR57

  • Well I'm going to need some help 7.8 years ago

    I would but if he doesn't return then the entire thing is scrap @MechWARRIOR57

  • This is a huge annoyance! 7.8 years ago

    Only fix I know save the build quit game turn phone off and on then sometimes it works @MechWARRIOR57

  • This is a huge annoyance! 7.8 years ago

    I have trouble with the gun one tho @MechWARRIOR57

  • This is a huge annoyance! 7.8 years ago

    If the fuselage thing happens again tap between two objects it's sorts out

  • Flame colour change request 7.8 years ago

    @Sheepblood you remember the colour you made the two engines in that prototype engine I showed you could you make the flame of this the same slate blue?

  • Q3X voltexer drone (I HATE THIS THING!!!) 7.8 years ago

    @Feanor I actually hate this thing

  • Motor Mirage 7.8 years ago

    When is the next prop class race?@AndrewGarrison

  • Daredevil 7.8 years ago

    I actually hate my entry do your best to destroy it @AndrewGarrison

  • Daredevil 7.8 years ago

    We just ask for them and then give credit @EnderWiggin

  • Daredevil 7.8 years ago

    It's actually not bad we iOS users still can get modded parts @EnderWiggin

  • Daredevil 7.8 years ago

    Nah we can do it @MechWARRIOR57

  • Daredevil 7.8 years ago

    I'll be entering my latest air arrow in to this

  • Flame colour change request 7.8 years ago

    No @sheepsblood was the guy who got the first two engines the right colour I was hoping to get this one to match them @Feanor

  • Flame colour change request 7.8 years ago


  • What does everyone think when they see or hear the words calvin232 7.8 years ago

    Calvin and the hobs? @Brields95

  • A Question with 3D Printing... 7.8 years ago

    Like I said with enough brains you could make a real plane @bspboy

  • Tiny Propulsion 7.8 years ago

    Could you make a blasto normal size with 20x power?

  • What does everyone think when they see or hear the words calvin232 7.8 years ago

    Yep crazy would be about right lol as for my VTOL planes they were my early planes and TBH while I defended their honnor with arguing at the time they were few of the most stable VTOL you could get on sp but since two updates have come out and now they are well quite outdated I really should make a VTOL again to prove I can still do it @Viperfox

  • What does everyone think when they see or hear the words calvin232 7.8 years ago

    Thx I'll try to not be much of a pest when it comes to mods requests I have done them a lot @Tully2001

  • What's my reputation? 7.8 years ago

    I feel you are a good builder and when you have been asked for help you help not much to it I feel your builds are getting a bit well I won't say repeative because they are different but they feel the
    Same I guess what I mean is you need to mix things up a bit and post something that you haven't done before like a working grass hopper or a transforming plane that transforms into a car or tank