9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • I need help with this. 7.8 years ago

    I'll help

  • Paint My Ongoing Project : M - 5 7.8 years ago

    Sliver and blue

  • A Question with 3D Printing... 7.8 years ago

    Engine you can print one well parts out of metal and then put them together @bspboy

  • A Question with 3D Printing... 7.8 years ago

    Which means if someone was to create each part ready to be printed and put together then a actual plane could be built we could actually make our own plane in real life that is mental @bspboy

  • A Question with 3D Printing... 7.8 years ago

    So people could actually make and print parts for a real plane? @bspboy

  • I need a a bunch of fuselages as small as possible for nudging a part slightly into place 7.8 years ago

    I have a part which is the slightest bit out of place and it REALLY BUGS ME so I need a way to nudge it into place all of the current fuselage moves it to much @MechWARRIOR57

  • A Question with 3D Printing... 7.8 years ago

    @bspboy @Flightsonic @t8erh8er is it possible to get something printed out of metal?

  • A very sad day 7.8 years ago

    Damm that's sad hope you are alright

  • T232 space drive mark 9 (INSTRUCTIONS at bottom of description) 7.8 years ago

    I have a redesign coming out soon the plan is to use one blasto instead of five to lower parts and get the thing to run smoother @EagleFlyer

  • Tanky thing 7.8 years ago

    Simple yet smart

  • Ugly bird 7.8 years ago

    I don't say this often but What the hell is this?

  • Arrma Typhon 1000RR 7.8 years ago

    This was decided ages ago seriously all that happened was I thought someone copied didn't read the full page and went off and I should have apologised and removed my comment @emptybox

  • Folding Challenge 7.8 years ago

    Specking of which the mark 9 space drive has been posted hopefully you will find it easier to build with especially as it's a lot smaller and when mark 10 comes out it will be unbeatable then mark11 will be the last @EagleFlyer

  • "Viper" Reconnaissance Vehicle 7.8 years ago

    When I see something good I upvote it when I see something good that should have more attention I spotlight it

  • Folding Challenge 7.8 years ago

    Don't hurt yourself doing this challenge like you did the last @EagleFlyer

  • no one will make it 7.8 years ago

    Ok I'll give it a try

  • My First Plane 7.8 years ago


  • What is the coolest type of plane 7.8 years ago

    I guess what we all mean is what ever you make make it from the heart and what we mean by that is make what you want and don't forget to add your own little twist to it whether it's a certain style or logo or even a colour scheme whatever you make make it yours make it so when people see it they know that's your work@ps4PROS @CALVIN232

  • What is the coolest type of plane 7.8 years ago

    True @ronyseptian17

  • What is the coolest type of plane 7.8 years ago

    High tech jets people want a fighter jet that looks cool and is easy to fly so they can look good and they love military missions type stuff

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    BOOM never happened lol@TrainDude

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    That's is pretty funny but seriously I thought I was done with this having to deal with Theft stuff I mean now we got to see how the mods respond and they might just have a go at me because I have put quite a lot of complaints up on his posts which I could argue was fair but the mods could say it harassment which is why I might get in trouble for it but how else am I supposed to get the point and prove across before it's to late?(this time I'm asking the mods)@TrainDude

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    I have nothing against viperfox I just think he doesn't realise that he is defending the wrong person @TrainDude

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    Now @viperfox has been defending him @TrainDude

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    Thx @TrainDude

  • I FINALLY DID IT!!!!! (WORKING steam engine) 7.8 years ago

    Or a train @jfriss

  • I FINALLY DID IT!!!!! (WORKING steam engine) 7.8 years ago

    Next job use this to make a steampunk plane @jfriss

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    If I get into trouble for harassing I'm going leave because I don't know what I'm supposed to do it's gone on for some time and I feel if it isn't stopped now it will continue until eventually no one can credit anyone because they might have got it from a person who got it from someone else the whole point of this community plane sharing is so others can post and see how people like there designs the whole point of the sub assembly is to save parts and use them not to steal them @TrainDude what do you think I should have done?

  • Your Engine @ViperFox 7.8 years ago

    I'm sure it's not and what annoys me is that you were going to end up using this and giving him credit when he only copied it @Viperfox

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    this was the original engine post the guy made it for me and I used it in my t232 drive after realising a way to improve looks and performance and lower parts i decided to make a mark 10 all I needed was things scaled so I could put them together I had the power and when I made this post the idea was to get the one engine to the bigger size than get the lot scaled down to size but well you can see what happened

  • I'm a little annoyed (about a part Theft) 7.8 years ago

    @TrainDude you remember doing the weight for t232 well the dude who made the engine that is hidden inside which gives it the big boost that engine I was trying to get scaled to size so I could work on mark 10 which basically was a re design to lower parts which would make it run smoother now all this has happened what should I do also I re wrote the forum to make more sense as at first it was all jumbled up

  • Your Engine @ViperFox 7.8 years ago

    this is who deserves the credit I asked for the engine to be 100 he made it and I used it for the extra booster in my mark 9 space drive so now I have shown prove you should tell the truth

  • Your Engine @ViperFox 7.8 years ago

    I can even name the very person I had mod the engines power in the first place because he was the same person who helped with my t232 drive mark 9 and @traindude then modded its weight before it went in I gave you the version before he re did the weight

  • Your Engine @ViperFox 7.8 years ago

    This is the very engine I gave you to resize and instead you sent me a copy of it saying it was your own and now your giving it to viper claiming it was your own anyone who doesn't believe me look at my profile

  • Star cruiser with hyperdrive 7.8 years ago

    Well I make cool looking engines with lots of power Well I have a few beta versions and one current mark9 beta which is on my post the rest I have been removing as they become less useful for example the first model was heavy and huge which is why it could only be used in massive creations that could balance the weight and control it so when I got the second one to be two times as powerful and weigh less I deleted the first I still have it saved in unlisted but I don't really see the point in having the older versions available when the newer ones can do so much more I although i am working on mark 10 the task is to lower the parts but still get it to look cool and mostly important get the craft up to as fast as possible each engine I made goes faster than the previous @LotusEngineering

  • Star cruiser with hyperdrive 7.8 years ago

    Thx I will do as much as possible @volt0

  • Aircraft 7.8 years ago

    No I had this engine modded before I can even call the guy who made it to tell you what he did I only wanted it resized to the size of the fuselage I put next to it@AUGUSTO1111

  • Max Speed Challenge! 7.8 years ago

    Oh wait you mean this plane you made yeah I tested it and it has modded engines so basically you're asking for people to go against modded engines and not use modded engines themselves yeah you try it first buddy @AUGUSTO1111

  • Max Speed Challenge! 7.8 years ago

    I don't know maybe the wings are holding it back or something @Viperfox

  • Max Speed Challenge! 7.8 years ago

    5000-5500 what engine did he use and I would recommend you check it's not modded TBH I would have thought you would have checked all planes for modded parts @AUGUSTO1111

  • Star cruiser with hyperdrive 7.8 years ago

    Well cruseirs are massive which is why I never made one but I have made engines and parts for them @volt0

  • Ragdoll Dummy IMPROVEMENT 7.8 years ago

    Cool btw if you give the hinge rotators power he can dance very well his favourite move is the worm

  • mod request 7.8 years ago

    One thing I will say is that the width and height are perfect it's just that tinyest bit to long @ShatSlanger

  • mod request 7.8 years ago

    Well not really I'm going on that eventally one will fix perfectly@ShatSlanger

  • mod request 7.8 years ago

    I mean I want the length of this shorter and I was saying make one for each size shorter @ShatSlanger

  • Max Speed Challenge! 7.8 years ago

    I'm in and I'll upload in 2 hrs

  • Star cruiser with hyperdrive 7.8 years ago

    Which one the hyper drive one or the making the ship?@volt0

  • I'm looking for help with a certain build 7.8 years ago

    The big turbine the one that is the the biggest in normal size I need it the same size as a blasto and I need a blasto slightly smaller then that@RedHawk