9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Here's a challenge I'm sure will prove differently hard [CLOSED EAGLEFLYER WON] 7.9 years ago

    Ether way it just has to work after @EagleFlyer

  • Race plane 7.9 years ago

    No worries I giltched one I loaded your plane went back step to the previous plane the pressed forward it loaded everything that didn't use mods I the cleaned the design up @Jeffrey2511

  • Tips for new users 7.9 years ago

    @DexExMachina yeah @KnightOfAraluen is right about the way people are on here they act like family in a way

  • Tips for new users 7.9 years ago

    I do apologise for that I have dislexer and learning difficulties so it's hard remember @UnknownNate

  • Tips for new users 7.9 years ago

    Yes I do my builds on my iPhone 5 it does crash a lot and I have learned the hard way that saving is important also testing because if you have messed a part up then it's not something you want to save I personally have 2 saves one checked and one unchecked the checked one is one I've tested and saved under check unchecked is when I save it then test it if it's working how I like I then save it under checked @Swiftsure @DexExMachina

  • Boeing747-8F 7.9 years ago

    I love how you made the SimplePlanes logo blend in I didn't notice till now that's awesome

  • Is this normal? 7.9 years ago

    Drug? I don't live in London @jamesPLANESii

  • Is this normal? 7.9 years ago

    Oh right ok that's not good how do you deal with that?@MechWARRIOR57

  • Is this normal? 7.9 years ago

    I haven't heard of insomnia I don't really know anything about it @MechWARRIOR57

  • Is this normal? 7.9 years ago

    I have no idea what insomnia I mean no offence but all I know is if I don't sleep now eventually it's going to catch up @MechWARRIOR57

  • 1940 XVI 'Wasp' 7.9 years ago

    Well if I'm honest stumpyness isn't my thing I just liked this plane although it was a bit stumpy@PlanesOfOld

  • 1940 XVI 'Wasp' 7.9 years ago

    It's nice kinda stumpy but I think that's the charm?

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    I still don't understand what this post is about is it a two team death match thing where users make builds to fight? @PlanesOfOld

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    If you're British why r I up so late it's like 2:33 in uk

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    TOC? @PlanesOfOld

  • So I'm looking for something in particular 7.9 years ago

    Sorta it's at the front so it's not exactly plus last time I used that people was looking at the back thick bs when it was at the front @Jackie

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    Actually if I'm honest I to had a hate campaign made against me I flagged a guy who copyed one of my posts and a few other posts that he had also stole and he then started try to turn the whole thing on me causing a lot of people asking if I was a thef obvious I wasn't and it carried on for a bit of time with small breaks I would assume the mods had banned him carry on making planes and suddenly he is back making more trouble anyway he could still copying planes and then one day it stopped I assume the mods finally banned him permanently but he still carries it on not on this site he does it on twitch YouTube and twitter I have flagged these posts he made as I find them but it still causes hate on here before they are removed @PlanesOfOld

  • Formula One Hybrid 7.9 years ago

    Just tag as many mods as possible one will find this post and remove it do it with all his thefts and they will be removed too@saturn28

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    Wow he is lucky I never knew when he was around I would of teared into him for dishonnering British I'm British and I really want to have a go at him for that he I know what you mean by pretending to be military he had a picture of a old military dude who was probably a sgt anyway he committed on my planes a lot asking if they were tested? I assumed he was joking around but now I wish I had some words @PlanesOfOld

  • Formula One Hybrid 7.9 years ago

    His bio? It says nothing you would only get yourself in trouble @saturn28

  • So I'm looking for something in particular 7.9 years ago

    @Jackie here is a link

  • So I'm looking for something in particular 7.9 years ago

    It's the name of a model of my planes the air arrow in particular is a fast highly agile jet with pitch booster tech and speed booster tech primary designed to go fast as possible @Jackie

  • Drone Launcher Experiment 7.9 years ago

    Could you build me a mobile friendly launch ramp on a runway so I can land and reuse it?

  • Sperical Robot 7.9 years ago

    Really a parachute? Build your own stuff

  • Formula One Hybrid 7.9 years ago

    Stolen and yet it's the stealing continues

  • Hisame 06B 7.9 years ago

    Copy cat

  • Formula 1 V3 7.9 years ago

    Copy cat

  • Glider Eagle V2 7.9 years ago

    Copy cat I have tried both and nothing is different

  • Argus-Class Scout-Ship 7.9 years ago

    It's one thing for copy cats to copy a build even dumber to copy a well known players build but to copy a mods build o my god you must want to be banned

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    What has he done ?i thought it was like some sort of rivalry thing were two players both have a side and builds machine type war things to fight like what rice and baconroll did there wasn't any real fight between them it was a role play @Misterman124

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    Oldcolonel huh? I wondered what happened to him oh well btw what do you mean by warring days? and also exposed him? What did he do? I'm not having a go I'm just wondering @PlanesOfOld

  • Smart Bulltes .v4 (Part-set #16) 7.9 years ago

    I'll give them a try derrick will probably think they are just extra vents

  • Eagle Buggy V2 7.9 years ago

    yeah well I did as promised I looked at your planes they aren't bad that are nice @EagleFlyer

  • Race plane 7.9 years ago

    Never mind I managed to giltch one

  • Race plane 7.9 years ago

    Ps I will need a version without the smoke trails

  • Race plane 7.9 years ago

    Well I'm very happy to see this its not too fast(compared to my other planes but it is good with a nice shape and good amount of detail so with your permission I would like to write this plane into my role play

  • So I'm looking for something in particular 7.9 years ago

    Not sure if it can be done

  • A Real Minigun Subassembly 7.9 years ago

    By that I mean I'm not going to use anything from this

  • A Real Minigun Subassembly 7.9 years ago

    Smart I recon I may be able to improve upon this

  • SP WAR RP!! PLAYERS WANTED!!! 7.9 years ago

    This is how you do a link [enter anything here]*(https://discord.gg/yhE) remove the star and it will do this enter anything here (the star was put in to show the layout)

  • JX-00 Cobra head AC 7.9 years ago

    It's worth a try @Ephwurd

  • JX-00 Cobra head AC 7.9 years ago

    I might have a way to do it I can make the legs needed but someone with a computer would have to take it from there and complete it to instructions I would post with the legs @Ephwurd

  • JX-00 Cobra head AC 7.9 years ago

    Maybe or maybe not? I might have a way to doing it but I'm unable to make it as iOS can't take anything to huge @Ephwurd

  • So I'm making three ships 7.9 years ago

    Nothing is impossible the sky is the limit literally @MechWARRIOR57

  • So I'm making three ships 7.9 years ago

    Right I need something that can separate ground weapons rising up and air weapons rising up so that when you press air to air those weapons automatically rise out of the hatch @MechWARRIOR57

  • So I'm making three ships 7.9 years ago

    Really? Not even xml or fine tuner?@MechWARRIOR57

  • Eagle Buggy V2 7.9 years ago

    So I've looked at some of your planes and This is your best work

  • I have no clue what to call this 7.9 years ago

    This I think was used in a YouTube video I don't remember when or where but I remember that name and shape

  • Original Blue Cow from the game 7.9 years ago

    This is just a simpler version I agree it's more mobile friendly but you should give credit