9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • World record 7.9 years ago

    I have seen a plane go faster I was trying it out and it wouldn't go slower at 1% I was still going at 98885847447--------- and rising mph until my game crashed

  • How do you put screenshots onto a forum post? 7.9 years ago

    I have been asking the same question since day one

  • Lockheed Martin | F-22 | Raptor 7.9 years ago

    Very nice it would top rony's but he has a amazing cockpit view and a mini gun that pops up

  • the big smoke 7.9 years ago

    Very good colour may be the thing to change makes it look nice but other than that is good

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    It's how I managed to make my plane I didn't put them in each other because they needed to be were they are it's also going to be part of my next build only that will have the wings inside I'm actually on iOS so I should know that you can do a lot of stuff that a lot of people think only xml can do @Hockeygoalie21

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    This is my submission please do test it

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    I did the wing supports clasped under the high stress and then the wing flipped around before causing the entire thing to crash @apfel33

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    You can do it without xml simply place wing on an 2.5 think fuselage block then mirror and rotate then place a cockpit on both wings then removed or reshape the fuselage @Hockeygoalie21

  • Alioux Jet 7.9 years ago

    It's a start more to the point you have the main structure now is the time to go around tweaking it making it smoother and better looking that's how most of the best builds are made they start of like this and the person keeps at it until it's perfect

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    67secs but it's not going that fast it never really passed the 300mph mark and most on he are bragging about going 500+ but nothing can really turn when going fast the ai freaks out @Hockeygoalie21

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    My build should get around that track at a steady pace it's not fast but in this type of event speed isn't your friend

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    It's a roll and pitch to turn and it can turn in fact I can fly it without the whole left wing it's so easily to control anyway I have a new competitor @Typhlosion130

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    I have the physics on high the only thing on low is the terrain and water as they make a lot of lag @Typhlosion130

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    My air arrows can but they use VTOL and was not entered to the contest I will reconsider my current build perhaps slower planes may be better as the ai can respond better even though I can get it though the ai crashes @mikoyanster

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    If this allowed jets I would have the perfect plane my air arrows can go through that circuit I did make a prop arrow to try and get the same results but no luck the problem isn't the planes as such but rather the way the ai fly them they like to turn last minute and over turn or under turn ether way I can get many planes though and the ai can't @marcox43

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    Ai didn't miss 90% it missed one and didn't crash @Typhlosion130

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    And anyway I'm not keeping this as a entry I have it up incase I don't complete the newer plane in time @Typhlosion130

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    The ai missed one ring but it got the rest and didn't crash so I'll take it as ready as I'm not going to be able to make it more aerobic without cheating @Typhlosion130

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    I have built a flew it through that corse myself it got all the rings and it didn't crash @Typhlosion130

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    Most ai don't use the middle rudder so I've considered that into the build to max the performance in respect I would have added thrust vectoring but it's kinda hard to do without making the plane slow at rolling so in short roll then pitch is how to fly it @Typhlosion130

  • prop arrow 7.9 years ago

    Trust me it turns just roll and pitch @Typhlosion130

  • M2A3 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle 7.9 years ago

    Blend in with the convey then strike

  • Air racer 6 7.9 years ago

    You should probably take a look at my prop arrow

  • Anti-Air Rocket Launcher 7.9 years ago

    Nicely made notable changes to make would be to try to use the fuselage blocks to make the creation smaller and more compact as well a filling any odd gaps I.e the doors

  • T232 space drive mark 8 7.9 years ago

    A update to this will come soon

  • X-539 Interceptor 7.9 years ago

    This is good I like the back the four engines somehow look right whenever I use that many on a small plane it looks over kill I wonder if you could build something using my t232 space drive

  • Fill in the Blanks Entry - Mid Air Refueler 7.9 years ago

    Mine was going to but I had massive complications that caused my game the bug it for weeks @Unreliablewaffle365

  • ATV-6B 7.9 years ago

    You should make a highly weaponised one I.e give this a lot of cool weapons that fold away

  • ATV-6B 7.9 years ago

    Looks mean I like it

  • M2-A2 Kent MBT 7.9 years ago

    Some nice additions but You should credit the original maker

  • sub assemblies and useful parts 7.9 years ago

    I'll make a post with a fuselage block the size of the casing the idea is I should be able to fit 9 rockets in the space of the old big vent @esms1999

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    What ever you set it to normally when you start flying it starts with ag8 already active @JetFly

  • P-2 Argus 7.9 years ago

    I like it it looks like something out of fallout

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    The buttons you press to activate or deactivate things @JetFly

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    Right ok I'll have to change my entry then ok@AndrewGarrison

  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    I have another entry incase the one I entered somehow breaks the rules

  • sub assemblies and useful parts 7.9 years ago

    Could you build a single rocket pod as small as possible without making the rocket to small @esms1999

  • Snow Crawl 7.9 years ago

    My car did start it was a slow start because it is stable at slower speeds and the other car couldn't even make a turn if you actually gave it some time you would find the car goes around the track fine

  • Snow Crawl 7.9 years ago

    I watched what happened with my car and I now know the faults in the design I will rebuild the whole thing to make sure it doesn't happen again

  • Striker hi-armed fighter 7.9 years ago

    Very good I love the shape it's handled well especially when flying though the trenches and bridges could do with some more stopping power I managed to fly it into the ice base dodging to AA turret but was unable to stop in time before hitting the wall at the back

  • Hyper agility challenge! 7.9 years ago

    What is going on with this challenge I have entered and so has six others and none of us have had any news on what are planes are like

  • sub assemblies and useful parts 7.9 years ago

    I know what the rockets do but what does the long thing do?

  • AnyArrow 7.9 years ago

    You seem to really like my vents you use them a lot btw this does perform better then the successor but was still unable to get the air arrow 18

  • ''Chimera''Main battle tank 7.9 years ago

    Could you make a mobile friendly version plz

  • Argus-Class Scout-Ship 7.9 years ago

    How does this work?????????? 🤔

  • The kwebbelcar 7.9 years ago

    Plz use the tag system not only will it make this build easier for him to find but it will also not make the community angry and it also allows you to add more detail in the description for kweebblecube

  • B-25 7.9 years ago

    Interesting you have looked at the cockpit and I must say it's a improvement to the other planes you build still needs work but your learning

  • 100 parts challenge 7.9 years ago

    Ok enter all my planes that are less than 100 parts @AmazingAidan

  • 10 plus facts about me 7.9 years ago

    Yeah well I try to be as independent as I can you probably could see it if Auto correct wasn't on@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • 10 plus facts about me 7.9 years ago

    Caused augments between her and other cadets I being her bother stuck up for her and the cadets there at the time turned on me and made me feel unwelcome I returned after those cadets had left@Himynameiswalrus