9,430 CALVIN232 Comments


    How do you add pictures to foarms?

  • Saab 21 7.9 years ago

    Nah you just need to balance it @MrTaco

  • Mig 21 fishbed v3 7.9 years ago

    Good placement of weapons and wings you could have done the cockpit and front better but it's a start

  • Saab 21 7.9 years ago

    I wasn't @MrTaco

  • A new jet design I'm testing 7.9 years ago

    Like this @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • A new jet design I'm testing 7.9 years ago

    So the neck of the craft is to long gottcha I'll make it shorter @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • A new jet design I'm testing 7.9 years ago

    Decent? Was there anything wrong anything I could improve upon?@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Video! 7.9 years ago

    Here is a link @BaconAircraft

  • c-130 cargo jet 7.9 years ago

    It really is huge

  • A new jet design I'm testing 7.9 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @frostbite Thx how did you find it any issues?

  • A new jet design I'm testing 7.9 years ago

    Honestly you can just about add any engine to this its is very customisable

  • A new jet design I'm testing 7.9 years ago

    @frostbite so does the cockpit suite your plane?

  • Racer Challenge! 7.9 years ago

    I can't make it a successor due to the building work which is designed to not go back together to stop people from stealing it I'm not mentioning names but I have had a lot of that happening recently @Ephwurd

  • Racer Challenge! 7.9 years ago

    Here can I enter THIS @Ephwurd

  • Racer Challenge! 7.9 years ago

    I have a VTOL now but I need someone to recolour the flame blue to make it look good @Ephwurd

  • Racer Challenge! 7.9 years ago

    Actually no I don't my entry does not have a VTOL afterburner it does have a blasto one@CALVIN232

  • Racer Challenge! 7.9 years ago

    Is it too late? I have a entry

  • race car 7.9 years ago

    This isn't actually bad it's actually a good design

  • The Apprentice has been chosen 7.9 years ago

    Really? Great @MechWARRIOR57

  • Im gonna stop play simple planes unless... 7.9 years ago

    If you want to yeah make a rainbow team @Pacman126

  • Im gonna stop play simple planes unless... 7.9 years ago

    I have something for you
    I'm currently doing a role play of propeller race planes in teams so far I have made some of red team's planes blue team's planes and one yellow note that they do need tuning up I was looking for some help with this me and my brother are working together but we still have lots to build so if you would like to you can pick a team to make a plane for that team or maybe even add your own team

  • Yellow teams 1st racer 7.9 years ago

    Hmm yeah bandit run the race yeah it does seem to have some trouble turning fast enough the problem I have is that I can't just make it turn more because it is spin out prone if you're pulling up and down it can spin out it's going to take some time to figure out a fix in the meantime plz feel free to check out some more of my planes I'm sure you'll find something to your enjoyment @assasin9998

  • Yellow teams 1st racer 7.9 years ago

    Ok I'll be looking into what cause the thing to blow up could you tell me what exactly happened was you in the air or ground was you in a race and turned hard?@assasin9998

  • The Apprentice has been chosen 7.9 years ago

    Well I had hoped for a guide as to how to make complexed things but congrats to them two tbh I'm currently helping my brother get good at building things well I can only teach him all I know someone else will have to help him with the rest or like me I got to find out by trail and error like I have done so far anyway congrats on them two

  • bf-109 7.9 years ago

    It's a ok build you should try taking it up against some of my planes

  • P-51 D Mustang 7.9 years ago

    Could you make your spitfire with this landing gear @Gestour

  • Bacon aircraft 7.9 years ago

    Hey guys could I have some help with a build it has gone to hell I have lost all hope in the design I honestly don't think it will ever work @Flightsonic @mustafanaveed

  • The Logo Challenge 7.9 years ago

    I'm in

  • self-destruction block (part-set #12) 7.9 years ago

    It's simple to make a self destruct I have made quite a few the hard part is getting it on your planes so it doesn't notice

  • Zack VIII Lightyear Air warfare VTOL 7.9 years ago

    You should credit the original maker

  • B-57 canbera 7.9 years ago

    Your profile only shows the planes you highlighted and you can only highlight so many well if you highlight too many it only shows the most recently highlighted if people want to check out more of your planes then they can view posts only public posts will show in this the unlisted is for you and anyone you tag to see @Viper14

  • How to delete it? 7.9 years ago

    Congrats on beating my atv 6x6


    Yeah I forgot to post the challenge due to some technical problems sorry all@MrTaco

  • Saab 21 7.9 years ago

    I saw it and thought it's odd but nice eh sometimes people just want something odd to mess around with @MrTaco

  • Mod request 7.9 years ago

    The idea was that this was only 4x as powerful as the normal one @WEAPONSMITH

  • I was told to change this as the mods have dealt with it 7.9 years ago

    It's not all bad @BaconEggs

  • I was told to change this as the mods have dealt with it 7.9 years ago

    Were jelly got so many planes made for him it caused problems were lots of planes were ether copyed or had the same name so everyone on here couldn't tell what the f was going on? Yeah I was I didn't really make any planes back then I didn't have the account yet he featured the things this communerty build out of hate however if that hadn't of happened we wouldn't have the tags system today it was the over load that made that happen but anyway enough of that I only watched his videos to see what he saw when playing with kweabllcube and then one day they both featured this game and since I never really watched them I guess I got addicted to this@BaconEggs

  • Anything I'm Doing Wrong? 7.9 years ago

    Hey dude btw THIS was a really good build from you @Flightsonic

  • Object-C1.A 7.9 years ago

    This is a good drone

  • PVF-02 7.9 years ago

    Wow nice build dude this definitely deserves more attention

  • I was told to change this as the mods have dealt with it 7.9 years ago

    You say that as if I'm some kind of creature as if I'm different from everyone on here @BaconEggs

  • Video! 7.9 years ago

    I have mention you on it tbh thought it has gone to hell and I really don't know where it went so wrong or how to fix it@BaconAircraft

  • B-57 canbera 7.9 years ago

    Pretty good try to align the engines with the wings in future otherwise good build

  • Taking on a Apprentice......... or two 7.9 years ago

    Sounds great where do we start?@MechWARRIOR57

  • New Website Mods 7.9 years ago

    Ok cool beans @TheLatentImage

  • Video! 7.9 years ago

    Hey dude could I have some help with a build I'm trying to make a VTOL jet and well things went bad very quickly

  • About salvador3031 7.9 years ago

    Oh I remember you you used to help me with my planes mostly my VTOL ones @PlanesOfOld

  • Remembering the old users! 7.9 years ago

    No he was a good builder but he often harassed people a bit and was banned @jfriss

  • New Website Mods 7.9 years ago

    What do mods do other then police the site? Don't take it the wrong way I'm just curious @TheLatentImage

  • Remembering the old users! 7.9 years ago

    I never really see them much ether it's kinda hard to keep up with everyone's builds