9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • im staying as Calvin232 8.0 years ago

    Well I was talking to Derrick and now I'm not sure if l it's a good idea I mean everyone has gotten to know me as calvin232 it could cause more confusion than it's worth @RedHawk

  • Hypersonic challenge 8.0 years ago

    Ok Here

  • Help 8.0 years ago

    If it's rolling make the wheels wider If it is sliding you need to add weight to the lower body this will improve the grip more than making the wheels bigger or wider which often I find wide wheels side more and roll less I hope this helps

  • Hypersonic challenge 8.0 years ago

    I would like to enter my latest air arrow

  • Mod request for ios 8.0 years ago

    Just lighter not smaller @SkullsAndCrossbones

  • Mod request for ios 8.0 years ago

    Same size but lighter you see it pulls the front of my plane down before I can take off and I'm trying to not add too much weight so it only needs to be lighter not smaller or more powerful @SkullsAndCrossbones

  • hope I got it right 8.0 years ago

    Nvm Redhawks got it to attach thx for the tilted wheels tho they fit great now @PyroManiac

  • Cargo Bay challange 8.0 years ago

    I'll enter but don't expect anything amazing I don't generally build bays

  • 1000 points! 8.0 years ago

    Well done

  • Vaught F-7 Corsader 8.0 years ago

    Simple yet nice good job

  • modded wheels 8.0 years ago

    Could you make the wing gear full length but with no aircraft collisions because my plane keeps exploding when lowering the gear

  • hope I got it right 8.0 years ago

    Could you attach the tilted wheels to a small fuselage block in fact I'll post a special block I got for gestur with it if you can attach them I should be able to get the cone on it right without it falling of@PyroManiac

  • (Closed) Bi-Plane challenge 8.0 years ago

    I'm in need time though

  • hope I got it right 8.0 years ago

    Not a cone @CALVIN232

  • hope I got it right 8.0 years ago

    I got it attach it to the middle of a fuselage block ill gilt her it from there @PyroManiac

  • hope I got it right 8.0 years ago

    Not quite Ican get the piece to the
    Right place but it won't stick
    It just fall off

  • re: mod request 8.0 years ago

    If you attach it to a fuselage block at the centre this isn't at the centre I can glitch it into the cone piece

  • FIANLLY 8.0 years ago

    It's a good attempt but the reason for the angle was so the wheels would come out of the tip of the cone so it looks like one piece can you do that?@PyroManiac

  • UCAV D-01 Razgriz 8.0 years ago

    How the heck is anyone supposed to complete?@UMBRELLA1120

  • here 8.0 years ago

    Damm it won't attach on to the rear of my plane I'm making could your attach it to the orange thing so I can then attach the orange bit to the plane with the gear

  • here 8.0 years ago

    Yay thx dude um quick question am I able to move it without it going back straight

  • Drone Challenge [Finished] 8.0 years ago

    Got it I might have a entry soon

  • VTOL Fighter Tournament-Challenge [CANCELED] 8.0 years ago

    Honestly go through my planes and if you truly think they are a copy contact a mod a let them decide I won't be angry over it I'll just know in future what is up with my builds as for you hex you do need to drop this like@EnderWiggin said you have a lot of nerve to comment about me when you have stolen and claimed three planes as your own and been caught out so accept that as a fact move on and actually build something or get off my back @Hexcorp

  • VTOL Fighter Tournament-Challenge [CANCELED] 8.0 years ago

    Sorry I just just not use the fuselage weights its nose just keeps going up before the rest @mikoyanster

  • Vertigo 8.0 years ago

    I prefer this one it's more strimlined but I do prefer the old water plane anyone know where I can get it

  • RAC-5B Hyena 8.0 years ago

    Nah thay use mods mine don't@CALVIN232

  • RAC-5B Hyena 8.0 years ago

    Are those
    The engines I made for my race plane?

  • r-1600 8.0 years ago

    Still shakes

  • JM-337 Sokol 8.0 years ago

    I have a way to improve the cockpit view take a look at THIS look inside the cockpit and you can see I've put a cockpit inside so that I could sink the bigger one in more and still have a ok cockpit view instead of seeing the gun the little one it the cockpit camera

  • Airstrip Drag 8.0 years ago

    My backup entry has been entered should I not make the actual entry before the deadline

  • I dunno what am i building 8.0 years ago

    Looks good

  • Taking on a Apprentice......... or two 8.0 years ago

    I'm willing to learn as much as possible but I am slightly above 2000 but if you would teach me I would listen well


    All a can see a the title is Helllllllllllll

  • PROJECT PURPLE PATHER 1.2 8.0 years ago

    Try this link @Traindude

  • VTOL Fighter Tournament-Challenge [CANCELED] 8.0 years ago

    It's the no weights allowed part that gets me with out weighting the planes it's nose just rises p@mikoyanster

  • VTOL Fighter Tournament-Challenge [CANCELED] 8.0 years ago

    I can't seem to get the results I want so I will have to drop out sorry I will still make a plane just not to the specifications of this challenge @mikoyanster

  • smoker 8.0 years ago

    I have a smaller version that lasts longer I'll post it later so you can use it

  • PROJECT PURPLE PATHER (anti theft tech) 8.0 years ago

    @traindude check this out

  • PROJECT PURPLE PATHER (anti theft tech) 8.0 years ago

    @Hexcorp you won't be copying my planes anymore well not any new one

  • How do you make subassemblies smaller on iOS? 8.0 years ago

    You can however post the sub assembly on the page and ask someone to mod it for you and chance is they will

  • WW2 plane 8.0 years ago

    How have you actually got away with that name

  • Project purple pather (work in progress) 8.0 years ago

    Ok here try this@TrainDude

  • RACER 3 twin engine prototype 8.0 years ago

    Yeah as long as you don't hit the water to hard you should float the problem is getting lithe thing to stay straight when taking off from water I'm glad you liked it I'll be making more like this in the future @Windwaker5000

  • Project purple pather (work in progress) 8.0 years ago

    @rubbishcraft thx

  • Project purple pather (work in progress) 8.0 years ago

    Thx for your feedback @TrainDude

  • Project purple pather (work in progress) 8.0 years ago

    Ok I'll look into the pitch and roll @TrainDude

  • Private Jet with interior 8.0 years ago

    It even has a monkey fiying toilet

  • Project purple pather (work in progress) 8.0 years ago

    @TrainDude how is it so far? Any issues or ideas on improvements?

  • Project purple pather (work in progress) 8.0 years ago

    @TrainDude thx btw there will be a folding version coming I just got to figure out how to make it fold

  • RACER 3 twin engine prototype 8.0 years ago

    Yeah because it is so hard to get of the water I thought best to not say it can to save criticism @Windwaker5000