9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago


  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    YOU KNOW THE TAG ELECTIONIC WARFARE WE HAVE WELL HOW ABOUT SOME FLARES AND A EMP BOMB AS WELL AS EMP PROTECTION circuits so people can emp other people's planes and if the person doesn't put enough protection on his plane it loses power to everything electronic till it reboots plus online sandbox were you can randomly bump into other players and have fun together @CALVIN232

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    I would love to help but I'm on iOS let me know if something comes up I can do because I would love more parts

  • MIG 1.55 8.1 years ago

    Pretty much the same reaction I had to my t232 space drive test @Smasher

  • MIG 1.55 8.1 years ago

    Nice thx@baallzebub

  • BOMB PLANE xs 8.1 years ago

    This was built to make the old one smaller so it could fit in a cargo bay or so you fly over ur target switch to the bombplane cam in your host plane drop it then you fly it into your target to fly switch cameras to your host plane and fly home

  • !!!!!! Saab jas hasta aca me gusta mash mark 2.0 8.1 years ago

    Intake shape comes from the original builder the brakes in side was me

  • thrust vectoring at its finest 8.1 years ago

    Or reduce the tilt@CALVIN232

  • thrust vectoring at its finest 8.1 years ago

    Tip putting the power so it's more a the front prevents that problem were you can't turn hard a low speed My air arrow has thrust vetoring using VTOLs you should have a look and see what I mean

  • Scaled detachers 8.1 years ago

    YEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I have been needing these for so long

  • scale changed small inlet 8.1 years ago

    Do these work a well as the normal ones if so great and also could you make a small detachers about 1/2 the size I need some that can fit on the wings and the main body of the plane

  • MIG 1.55 8.1 years ago

    Ps mind if I use those engines I have a different use for them @CALVIN232

  • MIG 1.55 8.1 years ago

    Doesn't really fly VTOL when I pull the trim down it pulls to front up and when I pulled it up it pushed the front down I figured out how it was so reactive by using engines simler to my air arrow but instead of using a VTOL it used flat blastos set so the top power up to pull the plane up and the bottom pull the plane down very cleaver it works a little too well as I often end up ether pulling and down up to much but still nice

  • The Real One 8.1 years ago

    I know but it was worth a try@AviownCorp

  • Snow streaker 8.1 years ago

    Btw at the moment I'm drunk I wasn't drunk when I made the jet but I've just come back from a party so I am a lill tipsy @CALVIN232

  • Snow streaker 8.1 years ago

    Main improvements I made was making it mor curved and making the wings attached properly an the landing gear attached properly @CALVIN232

  • Snow streaker 8.1 years ago

    I've made a jet using the main body of this it was a great body I hope you like the mods I made

  • Colosseum Class Battleship 8.1 years ago

    Still will try it

  • Colosseum Class Battleship 8.1 years ago

    But remember that the engine is very powerful it won't be suitable for boats if this is a boat @CALVIN232

  • Colosseum Class Battleship 8.1 years ago

    Once I get the new one built I'll see if it fits

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.1 years ago

    A couple of days I have to rebuild it it means doing the giltch to get it together and making sure it's right@Mudkip

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.1 years ago

    The VTOLs are messed up due to the mods my friend did to lower the engines weight but it's not all bad as I can use some parts from his one the old one to half its weight after I've done it will be a lot easier to use and it will work properly instead of fly of the right I'm currently doing a rebuild using parts from both @Mudkip

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.1 years ago

    It's incomplete you won't be able to use it the only thing you might do is strip it for parts I already have I'm going to use them to make it half the weight of the first t232 space drive and it will work properly but it will take some time @Mudkip

  • I don't know what to do 8.1 years ago

    Plus I'm saving this plane I will work on it and when the time comes should I leave for good it will be a good plane to go out with

  • I don't know what to do 8.1 years ago

    Plus I can't link@ACMECo1940

  • I don't know what to do 8.1 years ago

    The plane it self hasn't been posted I wanted to make sure it was perfect and i will not be posting it until it is in the meantime plz enjoy the many other planes till I manage to make something @ACMECo1940

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.1 years ago

    Why was this Spotlighted it was only posted to show my friend what was wrong with the new version since we have been looking into it and I think we are close to finishing

  • The Real One 8.1 years ago

    Well if you do build it for real then I would happily fly it

  • X23662BOMB PLANE 8.1 years ago

    I made this because I want to use bombs but I sucked at timing them to hit so I made this

  • jelie 8.1 years ago

    Good plane but Please use the tag system it will make it a lot easier for jelly to find

  • X23662BOMB PLANE 8.1 years ago

    If someone could make this smaller than go for it

  • Folding fighter on a diet 2.0 SLIVER EDITION 8.2 years ago

    The only thing I would change would be the front landing gear there wasn't a suitable one so it uses to sets@esms1999

  • Blossoming capsule 8.2 years ago

    The dimensions for the bomb plane
    wingspan 21.5ft
    Length 19.7
    Hight 6.7
    Note plane does have folding wings they start unfolded @Birdman9301

  • Folding fighter on a diet 2.0 SLIVER EDITION 8.2 years ago

    The rockets weren't as simple as you think anyway it's based of the first plane I ever built @esms1999

  • Sukhoi PAK FA (T-50) 8.2 years ago

    Good build Only thing why are the tires shinny tires are made of rubber
    Rubber isn't shinny

    everyone seems to be doing that lately

  • Bleeding night MKI 8.2 years ago

    It doesn't look much like anything but it does have the f22 nose still good once you resize the cockpit so it doesn't look odd

  • Tournament Live Stream 8.2 years ago

    It has to open it hasn't even been 24 hours since it started @InterStellarENT

  • Sukhoi SU-37 8.2 years ago

    Except the trust thing is backwards @CALVIN232

  • Sukhoi SU-37 8.2 years ago

    Yes it is@CALVIN232

  • Sukhoi SU-37 8.2 years ago

    Is it exactly like the real thing?

  • Aviown-181/JM "STRIKE FALCON" 8.2 years ago

    @AviownCorp hope you don't mind but I've made a stealth version of this

  • Folding fighter on a diet 2.0 SLIVER EDITION 8.2 years ago

    Posted at 1004 thx to all I hope to continue making great planes cars and even tanks soon

  • Aviown 181 steath mode 8.2 years ago

    Thx @traindude what did you think

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.2 years ago

    Yeah red is the weightless one I'll try to fix it myself could you do the same one of us will come out with the better one then we together would have created the best engine ever @CALVIN232

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.2 years ago

    Power it up the press 5 and 6 on you see btw I may have got the colours mixed up basically the one with the cool bule flame in the middle of the rest of the flames is the old one

  • AAAspace drive mark 2 flame compare 8.2 years ago


  • Steampunk Bomber 8.2 years ago

    To be honest I could do with some help with this plane it's very unstable and when you lose control you can't regaine it but it does look sick

  • Simple Beast 8.2 years ago

    @Andrewgarrison I don't like the new menu system I can't view the planes my friends build unless they highlight them I can't find plane I downloaded before without uploading a successor then using the link system the tag system is gone well I can put tags on but I can't search using the tag system
    and well it just was better the way it was before the jet stream plz can it go back to that or take the best of both Its takes me a whole hour to find the planes

  • See earth 8.2 years ago

    I like the design could u use that to improve my steampunk bomber?

  • Gyrfalcon XR-F 8.2 years ago

    Nice job I did a remake myself when it came out btw only thing is that big rocket can't be used as well kaboom