9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Tiny bit of help needed 6.0 years ago

    Fine but please do me this one favour .. please read the comments between him and ASDFaSDF1 all of them tell me your opinion on them @Tully2001

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    Hmm how troublesome well we can set it at a pass your next comment to me will be ignored @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    You really like the last word don’t you? @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    My actions lead to less trouble then yours @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    It’s not being batman it’s taking out the trash @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    I help people you only seem to want to keep them down @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    We are nothing a like you have yet to learn the difference @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    You should also know your the one continuing this I’m just not gonna back down so guess what 3 options leave asd alone or stop this crap or 3 continue and you will eventually get banned by a mod it’s really up to you how far you going to take this @Benderisgreta123

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.0 years ago

    Which one? @Benderisgreta123 if you’re gonna try digging up my history know this I talk from experience when i say your attitude to ASD will lead to you being outcasted

  • Sazon Flugzeugwerke Sf-203A 6.0 years ago

    You can use fusealarge to make custom cockpit i would suggest having a look at some work on here and taking it apart its how i learn @EdgeOfSzon

  • OV-11 Stampeder 6.0 years ago

    Check your discord

  • Need help! 6.0 years ago

    I’m thinking of just putting vtol vectoring in to it making it fly around like a dart @Leyton77

  • DC- 4 fixed 6.0 years ago

    Ohh nice

  • Need help! 6.0 years ago

    I think he wanted the original shape I think I can get it to have that shape and fly

  • Styx 6.0 years ago

    This is nice

  • Sazon Flugzeugwerke Sf-203A 6.0 years ago

    This is pretty good low part and good design still I think I’d like to see a version with more parts and details from you soon

  • OOG glider FIXED 6.0 years ago

    Oh you just need modded wings that will stop that @ACEPILOT109

  • Brand New Point of Veiw? [NO MODS] 6.0 years ago

    Ah i see how this works nice use though I didn’t think of that

  • I’m felling like I’m getting bored 6.0 years ago

    Ok sounds good @ACEPILOT109

  • Anyone remember me? 6.0 years ago

    Ah good the cargo guy?

  • I’m felling like I’m getting bored 6.0 years ago

    I’m looking for a collaboration if you’re interested? I need a answer soon as ill be making a post asking soon

  • back after 2 years of inactivity, What's new? 6.0 years ago

    Damit you got me only the video doesn’t play till i clock so i didn’t hear it @aguy

  • Jundroo Atomic Mk.1 6.0 years ago

    Kinda @BoeingBoy

  • Jundroo Atomic Mk.1 6.0 years ago

    Yeah but by the time it runs out you wouldn’t need it because you would be dead of old age or radiation poisoning or both @BoeingBoy

  • Jundroo Atomic Mk.1 6.0 years ago

    Doen’t need fuel @BoeingBoy

  • Jundroo Atomic Mk.1 6.0 years ago

    It doesn’t have a exhaust @BoeingBoy

  • Cargo Plane Challenge (Closed) 6.0 years ago

    I’m in

  • Facetius 6.1 years ago

    Well your really good at making any shape really smooth could u do some bodywork on one of my newsets jets i’m working on i have a rough shape to go by but the back of the jet (transition fron the engines) looks bad @SledDriver

  • Sclaed Winged test 6.1 years ago

    The results?

  • VTOL A-10 In COD 11 Advanced Warfare (Retrofit) 6.1 years ago

    True but it’s nice to add a credit in the description it makes sure people know it’s a modified version of what the previous made and not a copy @AdlerSteiner @Figthepig56

  • going pc or laptop soon but need advice (please read full description) 6.1 years ago

    Well tf is in your iphone because mine is a iphone 5s and I’ve tried a iphone 6 it had the same issue actually the 6 locked up a lot more so I went back @Nerfenthusiast

  • going pc or laptop soon but need advice (please read full description) 6.1 years ago

    Nope no iphone can handle 1300 parts espesally with ease as you say max my iphone does with ease is 300 after that its going to lag a bit and from there it lags more and more it can’t handle builds over 700 parts at all not even on low settings @Nerfenthusiast

  • Facetius 6.1 years ago

    Could you help me?

  • VTOL A-10 In COD 11 Advanced Warfare (Retrofit) 6.1 years ago

    Oh wait look at the part difference it’s not a straight copy after all it’s a revamped version the guy has added 300 parts somewhere (details probably)@AdlerSteiner

  • VTOL A-10 In COD 11 Advanced Warfare 6.1 years ago

    Can I use the nose of this craft? I think the nose will look good on a build I’m doing i’ Credit obviously

  • VTOL A-10 In COD 11 Advanced Warfare (Retrofit) 6.1 years ago

    I just realised dammit feel for it a bit still it looks better in the darker colours @AdlerSteiner

  • going pc or laptop soon but need advice (please read full description) 6.1 years ago

    I intend to use it for a few things SimplePlanes being the main thingi would use it for
    I also want to make crew emblems on the pc for peoples crews in Grand Theft Auto (as a hobby) @atgxtg

  • Thrust Vectoring Engines 6.1 years ago

    Very nice they’re quite simlair to the ones ive been making i have a (few versions unlisted) but im working on a better verson current verson im workin on is good but so is this i recon yours might actully be better then the ones i got uploaded and about the same as the one i’m making but like i said they’re very similar except my newer ones are 4 controls pitch roll yaw and trim

  • Aegis Anti-Ballistic Projector 6.1 years ago

    Yeah but how whats the actual thing behind it working@EliteArsenals24

  • Aegis Anti-Ballistic Projector 6.1 years ago

    How does this work?

  • Vote 6.1 years ago

    Thx dude wait when did you become mod?... oh well I must say I don’t think there’s anyone better than you for the role congrats on mod @EternalDarkness


    Stop it now @jollyJoey


    Maybe your right @jollyJoey

  • F-16 Thunderbird (triple) 6.1 years ago

    Check the successor system before you give credit @Delosofy

  • F-16 Thunderbird (triple) 6.1 years ago

    This was not your plane it’s general dynamics all you have done is made his plane into a squad which isn’t bad but tje thing that’s bothering me is your claiming all the work

  • CHALLAGE!!! (100 parts) Kill Drone 5.1 6.1 years ago

    Could you test this plane i know your challage is over and it wouldn’t be allow to change results now but i just wanna know if it well if it did suck @Jacobdaniel


    What umm he said i mean like he said we can limit the number of weapons or limit the allowed area guns can be placed i.e wings and other parts of plane must look realistic there will also be a a prize for best detail as well as build with most kd per team and team win @ThePlaninatior your also forgeting with no mods means they have to deal with the fuel issue and the weight of the weapons if they add to many the plane won’t handle well and will not be able to use its guns effectively but to little and the plane will be out gunned it’s all about balancing the two


    @ThePlaninatior I’m hoping to co host this with someone you recuit for one team I’ll recuit for another you would then be the one to test them I might be able to test a few myself what do you think?

  • dogfight challenge "closed" 6.1 years ago

    Hmm what about we advertised a team death match build of where you make a team and so do i we recruit people to our side and then battle we have a winning plane and winning team so it encourages teamwork and collaboration @ThePlaninatior