????A gold download button????
Is that for the beta version? The you-can-download-whatever-you-like feature???
Anyway I think it looked better than the blue oneXD
(I noticed that devs wrote a new note. They reminded me the enormous creation could possibly cause the game crash.)
@Jetpackturtle Thanks! I removed the whole body from its original cockpit and created a sub-assembly in order to create a successor.... I forgot the connections will be not availible after disconnected from the cockpit. Sorry for that=(
But anyway I take 26 as a pretty high score. It's my pleasure to take part in a challange like this=D
Wait.... Why there's 'weight' on the list? Realistic racecar weight should be around 500-1500kgs and a chassis with four 5-sized wheels is over 3000lbs(1000kgs)... Actually a car that fills up the gray plate in the designer will be around 10000lbs(3000kgs) and that's a lot for racecar...
Anyway I think I'm in
@TheGuyYouMightKnow But I like it! The lady there is kinda funny :P
That's questionable XD
Thanks! I spent three whole days on this buildXD@Sabir
Yeah I agree @GermanWarMachine
Hey U inspired me!! Yes I'm going to melt my gold one!
????A gold download button????
Is that for the beta version? The you-can-download-whatever-you-like feature???
Anyway I think it looked better than the blue oneXD
(I noticed that devs wrote a new note. They reminded me the enormous creation could possibly cause the game crash.)
@Onedream 我应该不会认错人的 糖豆
@rubbishcraft 我还找了半天你在哪=)
@Davisplanez thanks!
Wow.that's cool but It's impossible for me to get one from Google Play.
尽管是低细节车低细节飞机 但是这可玩性比高细节的模型强不少啊…
That's a brand new way of gaming=D
Pork elevation.
Uh-oh. I'm never going to beat this speedometer.
cool! U should take a part in those car-building challanges!
@Jetpackturtle Thanks! I removed the whole body from its original cockpit and created a sub-assembly in order to create a successor.... I forgot the connections will be not availible after disconnected from the cockpit. Sorry for that=(
But anyway I take 26 as a pretty high score. It's my pleasure to take part in a challange like this=D
Cool except the shock in the corner:)
Credit me in description next time.
@Planeengineer31625324 Thanks! I got it now=)
@RailfanEthan IC. I'll upload my entry later.
Wait.... Why there's 'weight' on the list? Realistic racecar weight should be around 500-1500kgs and a chassis with four 5-sized wheels is over 3000lbs(1000kgs)... Actually a car that fills up the gray plate in the designer will be around 10000lbs(3000kgs) and that's a lot for racecar...
Anyway I think I'm in
@Awsomur ???Can't open then link in China
@Jetpackturtle Thanks! I got it now!
I have a yellow-and-red version of this model.... That's the only plane model of hotwheels I've ever bought so far
@RailfanEthan Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I knew it Thaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnksssssss!!!!!!!
@RailfanEthan like this?
That doesn't work.....=(
@Jetpackturtle like...[link to google]-(www.google.com) ?
Hey wait how can I add a link to another post in descriptions or comments??
finally I can download it and make a successor.
@NirvashTec I'll give it a try.
(Actually I'm interested in the shapes of Japanese cars)
@Tangyuge 这车轮眉就是比行李箱盖高一大截…下半部分其实是长了 截短一点可能好些
@qq358516298 不用QQ:D你这作品够好了 瑕不掩瑜:D
@QingyuZhou 你分高你大佬啊QwQ这是规矩
@DeezDucks Okay I'll try:P
这车磨了三天 可能过一段时间要换台式机做细节 前盖的缝啊车门的缝啊还有后窗换成透明的里面要有细节引擎
头灯尾灯要修改 尾气管要单独做
扩散器要修改 后视镜要修改
@spefyjerbf Thanks:D There's still a lot to do with the shape despite the rising part count!
@QingyuZhou Sir I think Ur Chinese... As your name is in pinyin.
@DeezDucks Thanks:D
@Rhombus Thanks...It could be better