@SimpleTechAndResearch Roger, Comona Base is almost ready to launch (the rocket will be uploaded to public soon) are there any hostile above the Usean Continent?
@HKAerodynamics Comona Base is preparing to launch a radar packed rocket, this rocket launch is critical, maintain air superiority until launch is complete
@SimpleTechAndResearch This is Comona Base, we have a rocket ready to launch with some of the best radars in our supply, this rocket launch is critical, if any hostile forces are in the area, take them out or the hopes of early warning will be diminished
@SimpleTechAndResearch LOPC would work, Urga has now taken action against the SS due to damage to Bavarium Mines and the capital city Citate Di Ravello, as well as the CentCom, Falco Maxime, and many civilians killed across Medici
@ssTJC I am not SS
@SimpleTechAndResearch Roger, Comona Base is almost ready to launch (the rocket will be uploaded to public soon) are there any hostile above the Usean Continent?
@HKAerodynamics Comona Base is preparing to launch a radar packed rocket, this rocket launch is critical, maintain air superiority until launch is complete
@SimpleTechAndResearch This is Comona Base, we have a rocket ready to launch with some of the best radars in our supply, this rocket launch is critical, if any hostile forces are in the area, take them out or the hopes of early warning will be diminished
@SimpleTechAndResearch Urga will begin developing spacecraft immediately, Cima Leon CentCom tower, out
@SimpleTechAndResearch if the moon's goes down, the seasons will be uneven, we cannot let that happen
@SimpleTechAndResearch also the Ptakojester was made to transport materials needed to make spacecraft and radars to detect the sattelite
@SimpleTechAndResearch yeah
@SimpleTechAndResearch do we have data about it and it's weaponry?
@SimpleTechAndResearch roger
@SimpleTechAndResearch LOPC would work, Urga has now taken action against the SS due to damage to Bavarium Mines and the capital city Citate Di Ravello, as well as the CentCom, Falco Maxime, and many civilians killed across Medici
I think my new U41 Ptakojester could be used to supply Earth with materials to make radars to detect the satellite, but only if I get in the RolePlay
How do I get in?
@Legitpotato I am almost ready to upload it, comment on the forum if you want me to upload it
@Legitpotato I have a mega project I in the way of my schedule Here is the progress. https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/768xq90/r/922/e8o94R.png
I will fix it
Pitch and Roll, Pitch for throttle, roll for turning
@Peridot #stevenuniverse
@Peridot well that is one thing I did not know
@Airwolfpiskin I have an X-02 Wyvern, go check it out!
@KnightOfAraluen best action movie you will ever play
@MajesticAviation okay it is almost ready
@MajesticAviation I am about to upload it, get ready after I see the link
@MajesticAviation and do you want JC3 Medici Propoganda U17, I have it ready to upload at anytime
@MajesticAviation thanks boi
@Deasolte *valkyrie
Now you are bronze, keep going and you will be silver! Also check out my U17 Akrobat, it is a hit!
Wut even is dis
Isn't it German?
Isn't it German?
@Delphinus @KnightOfAraluen whatever you guys like!
Check out my airship experimental, it could be an idea
@TNTMINECART https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/4kQxRy/Doubler-and-wing-fold-FIXED. Here is the fixed version, I guess with mods comes weird CoM glitches
@TNTMINECART I will try and fix that
@GINGER01 sorry, but I cannot do XML Modding
@GINGER01 potatoes? XD
Try to add weight to the wings and try to keep the CoM forward
Reported for copying
@GINGER01 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Z1U3tx/F6F-Hellcat-and-Wing-Fold
@GINGER01 okay
@though or something lol
@GINGER01 I uploaded it unlisted, so look at my account
@though no prob, it is good to talk to you again!
@though you finally made it halfway I see, just do what they like and you will see how I went from 400 to 1000!
I like it, check out my YB-1B bomber, it is my first uploaded bomber
@CaptRoadsludge actually tomorrow, I uploaded too many today, but feel free to see the unlisted version
@GINGER01 I am about to upload it!