Just out of curiosity, how many hours have you accumulated on Simpleplanes? I've been playing this game for 3 years and racked up a total of 200 hours across two steam accounts (Lost old account after my phone and email both broke at the same time, RIP) and I don't have nearly as many points as you do. I'm not jealous or anything, just wondering how many hours of devotion brings you here.
@ChallengerHellcat I just wanna say, no need to get offensive, and sorry if I have done so. It's actually quite enjoyable to argue about sensitive stuff like this with someone who is knowledgeable and has different point of view from me, like you.
@ChallengerHellcat (lol they removed my comment whotapiss) Nah dude, there wasn't another solution.
They wouldn't refuse to leave the streets and the numbers were too high. I have family tapes of the event and they first brought in a wall of soldiers to push back the crowds, no shots, just a wall. The crowds would shout insults at the wall of soldiers for hours until violence began to break out along these walls. The soldiers started to shoot bullets into the sky, and that is how most people got killed because, well, bullets fall back to the ground.
They they brought in the APCs, then the tanks, by the time the tanks came in, the protesters began to leave. When the leader of the revolt, Cai Lin, was asked by the press (our family actually filmed the live news. Back then Chinese media was very free) whether she will defend the Tiananmen building, the coward responded, "I am a leader. I do not do such things." And then she frickin ran away! Defected to America! What a spineless worm!
Look, I got a bit off topic with the story telling, but yeah, there wasn't much of a way to respond to such a big event. Violence was unavoidable, and when violence is sparked, whether by the soldiers or the rebels, it spreads quickly and cannot be contained without more surmounting violence, which are the tanks.
So yeah, too bad I guess.
How can something be a fictional and a replica creation at the same time???
@QingyuZhou or steam?
@QingyuZhou m8 you got wechat?
This is so beautiful I can't even
Picture 5: Allied Bombing of El Alamein (1942) (Colorized)
@KidKromosone 请讲英吉利语,否则当终身受罪之 。
+1Just out of curiosity, how many hours have you accumulated on Simpleplanes? I've been playing this game for 3 years and racked up a total of 200 hours across two steam accounts (Lost old account after my phone and email both broke at the same time, RIP) and I don't have nearly as many points as you do. I'm not jealous or anything, just wondering how many hours of devotion brings you here.
why tho
tHis iS so sAd can wE hit tHe mOds?
@RailfanEthan Just curious
@RailfanEthan Do you know what kind of post it was?
@noob11 ho damn really? That's pretty damn legit
@noob11 oh what why tho?
@PRC1949 没关系,够好了,实在不行搞sub assembly加上去不就是了吗
@Insmallsky wtf
Looks like that "Supercar" model from Cities:Skylines
whoa mama
+1S P Y S A P P I N M Y S E N T R Y
@YOUKYOSEI nice profile pic
@QingyuZhou 哟,可以的,为人民服务
@QingyuZhou 吼啊,做个xjp的红旗专车,那就牛逼了
@Awsomur Thanks dude!
+2@Avro683Lancaster Np, awesome creation! Very detailed! You got the skill of a platinum user!
@PRC1949 说的有道理,其实大家都希望和平,最好不要有战争。希望以后不会再有坦克开上路这种事了
+2@PRC1949 我没说你恶意啊,你没什么错啊
@ChallengerHellcat I just wanna say, no need to get offensive, and sorry if I have done so. It's actually quite enjoyable to argue about sensitive stuff like this with someone who is knowledgeable and has different point of view from me, like you.
@ChallengerHellcat (lol they removed my comment whotapiss) Nah dude, there wasn't another solution.
They wouldn't refuse to leave the streets and the numbers were too high. I have family tapes of the event and they first brought in a wall of soldiers to push back the crowds, no shots, just a wall. The crowds would shout insults at the wall of soldiers for hours until violence began to break out along these walls. The soldiers started to shoot bullets into the sky, and that is how most people got killed because, well, bullets fall back to the ground.
They they brought in the APCs, then the tanks, by the time the tanks came in, the protesters began to leave. When the leader of the revolt, Cai Lin, was asked by the press (our family actually filmed the live news. Back then Chinese media was very free) whether she will defend the Tiananmen building, the coward responded, "I am a leader. I do not do such things." And then she frickin ran away! Defected to America! What a spineless worm!
Look, I got a bit off topic with the story telling, but yeah, there wasn't much of a way to respond to such a big event. Violence was unavoidable, and when violence is sparked, whether by the soldiers or the rebels, it spreads quickly and cannot be contained without more surmounting violence, which are the tanks.
So yeah, too bad I guess.
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck Hell ye brotha
Nothing stands in the way of progress and stability
Viva la China!
OMG this is so awesome!
+1lol 坦克上路
Well it is fun to go 9/11 on this building
@EternalDarkness ah yes, I forgot about ketches, that should apply
arr she's a beauty
@F104Deathtrap yoo. go tu gulag.
warthunder: lagggggggggggg
+1my average ping on WT is like 250 and my packet loss sometimes rockets up to 60%. I hate WT.
@Alienbeef0421 Ayy I wish I had the chance to download the mod. Dang it.
How did you do an ingame screenshot???
Is "Classified Poster mod". . . Classified? As in for exclusive use only?
What is this barbaric design, driving on the lEFT SIDE OF THE ROAD???