@Boeing727200F it was 2014. Yeah go ahead make it. I was gonna make it, but if you do it I don't have to lol. Also thanks for the spotlight
@Mraviator123 thank you, I made the one with the turret and claws too if you want to play around with that
@ScottNOTAKE no problem, I also made the 2010 dom with the modified rear end if you want it
@RandomFurryBattlebotsFan TEHEE!!
@Kardgdgdg are you gonna make another tornado intercept vehicle?
@Stephen22 ok
@rampage2127 thanks
Can't wait to see the joker 2 next!
@Stephen22 cool, didn't know that
@Stephen22 how is that new storm chasing vehicle coming along? Can't wait to see it
Btw the tiv only had airbags in the front of the vehicle, still cool though
@Stephen22 cool
@Stephen22 Tiv 1 is done
@Stephen22 ok I will do tiv 1 next
Please be civilized and do not post any jokes on this matter. This is just a recreation of the north tower. This subject is not a joking matter and should be respected.
@Talon7192 I probably will, either that or the VIC-20
@Hamura2022Qatar Thanks
This is my best plane yet, I worked for about 2 days on it
I will try do do the lower panel and a 50% chance I'll try and do the top pannel
@Jerryzhere thank you! I'm working on a Cockpit for a 737-200 rn.
Go to my third one because the flaps don't work on this one
Your's is better then mine in every way possible.
This is a really good plane, keep it up!
@jamesPLANESii that's kinda sus
@Th3proffesional I was about to comment about that, but you already did
@Sirac thanks!
@Sirac if you like the build, please leave an upvote, it really helps, but leaving a comment is good enough
It's like a 737, nice
@speshy ok
Is it a 427 Cobra?
@Thunderhawk thanks!
I have a bird made, but it was when I first started, so it isn't that good, but it does fly and it looks like a bird
Check out my AE-86 2, it has a better front
@HaunebuII Thanks for the suggestion!
Also the 3rd one is done
Second and I made a Delorean as well a while ago
Pretty good and I love wing guns
@PhoenixWolfie check out the p-47 2
@PhoenixWolfie ok, thanks!
Ah yes the fastest car in the world the thrust SSC
Welp I just got Rick rolled
Also this is a P-51D mustang
@InfamousRedSkull is that an insult or a complement?
@Airlancashire activate group 1 or 2 and use vtol so you can make the gear go up and down and flaps
@Boeing727200F it was 2014. Yeah go ahead make it. I was gonna make it, but if you do it I don't have to lol. Also thanks for the spotlight
@Mraviator123 thank you, I made the one with the turret and claws too if you want to play around with that
@ScottNOTAKE no problem, I also made the 2010 dom with the modified rear end if you want it
@RandomFurryBattlebotsFan TEHEE!!
@Kardgdgdg are you gonna make another tornado intercept vehicle?
@Stephen22 ok
@rampage2127 thanks
Can't wait to see the joker 2 next!
@Stephen22 cool, didn't know that
@Stephen22 how is that new storm chasing vehicle coming along? Can't wait to see it
Btw the tiv only had airbags in the front of the vehicle, still cool though
@Stephen22 cool
@Stephen22 Tiv 1 is done
@Stephen22 ok I will do tiv 1 next
Please be civilized and do not post any jokes on this matter. This is just a recreation of the north tower. This subject is not a joking matter and should be respected.
@Talon7192 I probably will, either that or the VIC-20
@Hamura2022Qatar Thanks
This is my best plane yet, I worked for about 2 days on it
I will try do do the lower panel and a 50% chance I'll try and do the top pannel
@Jerryzhere thank you! I'm working on a Cockpit for a 737-200 rn.
Go to my third one because the flaps don't work on this one
Your's is better then mine in every way possible.
This is a really good plane, keep it up!
@jamesPLANESii that's kinda sus
@Th3proffesional I was about to comment about that, but you already did
@Sirac thanks!
@Sirac if you like the build, please leave an upvote, it really helps, but leaving a comment is good enough
@Sirac thanks!
It's like a 737, nice
@speshy ok
Is it a 427 Cobra?
@Thunderhawk thanks!
@Thunderhawk thanks!
I have a bird made, but it was when I first started, so it isn't that good, but it does fly and it looks like a bird
Check out my AE-86 2, it has a better front
@HaunebuII Thanks for the suggestion!
Also the 3rd one is done
Second and I made a Delorean as well a while ago
Pretty good and I love wing guns
@PhoenixWolfie check out the p-47 2
@PhoenixWolfie ok, thanks!
Ah yes the fastest car in the world the thrust SSC
Welp I just got Rick rolled
Also this is a P-51D mustang
@InfamousRedSkull is that an insult or a complement?
@Airlancashire activate group 1 or 2 and use vtol so you can make the gear go up and down and flaps