Can anybody see this comment?
I received 9 new comments in notifications,but none was shown in comment zone🤔 So please be 'friendly' while leaving a comment.🙏
Nice work!
@SeeNoEvil Yep.I'm poor (TAT)
@Azure21th Thanks bro :D
@Nerfaddict At least 10 years😂
I realized that I made a mistake in the text on the picture😂
@Holymissile I'm noob😂
@OkaNieba ???
@DJQ2006 ?
It's a work of art. 👍
@JakiTheIndoAviationKid For...Thir...Reta... BUMP!!!
@Planeguy385 Why not ryanair? :D
@SheriffHackdogMCPE ??????
@YFengHorizion 老哥稳👍支持
@YFengHorizion 大佬好
顺便一提,冬奥会的会徽受版权保护的↓ 使用原则 法律规定 北京2022年冬奥会会徽的著作权、商标权、特殊标志权等专有权利属于北京冬奥组委。除法律法规另有规定外,未经北京冬奥组委许可,任何单位或者个人均不得擅自使用会徽,也不得将会徽进行拆分、歪曲、篡改等变形使用,或将会徽作为其他图案的组成部分使用。[6] 使用场景 北京2022年冬奥会会徽是北京冬奥会的即时识别标志,作为视觉形象出现于门票、场馆、运动服等比赛场景中,同时也被用于开发纪念邮票、徽章、贵金属等特许经营商品。(百度百科)
Everyone love Bing dwen dwen😂Does anyone remember Shuey Rhon Rhon?
@wdgdhdh ???
@Tookan NNN?
@Tookan ?
@Karmen ??????
@PyrrhaNikos What why?
@ThomasRoderick It shows the development history of fighter
@DustofPrey No you such a pervert
Nice airliner
I tried to land on your carrier in multiplayer but fell off after I bump into the aircraft on it😂
@Dathcha It seems that you've just broken the record for the number of balls launched at a time!
Thank you all for your support and encouragement!!!
@Chancey21 It's designed after WWII,that's all I know about it
Really a nice work(this coment was created on NOKIA 220)
@WindowsIsBad Maybe it's the network delay. I didn't have such an accident during the test.
So how to take part in this challenge?
It's a hundred years of glory
@Pienas Thank you for your appreciation. Your tank looks cool! Maybe I should call it a wheeled vehicle? :D
@TomekHellFire Yes,That picture inspired me.I had posted it under the describtion. : )
@FuriousChicken Half right. Actually, I consulted a cartoon. ;D
@sheepsblood Thanks to my old cell phone, I had to control the number of parts or it would turn into a hot frying pan 😂
@oldeight Such a stinky comment(Jk)
@Loginname But it was really original by me, I got the inspiration from a cartoon then I made this tank.I've never seen this kind of work before, and I've never heard of "folknut".Could you give me the link? I wish I could see that work.
Nice work :D
@Hellosss38 @Strikefighter04 Thank you for your appreciation. ;D
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
@Thueerra Of course you can!I'm glad you're willing to use my work ; )
@theeunknown Yes, I made all these instruments.XD I'm trying to use funky tree then I made these stuff.
@ZHUAREVONI ¯_('ヘ')_/¯
@An2k I'm glad that you like my work. The Samsung galaxy tab3 is in memory of the first device I used to run sp. it has been broken for three years😢
Can anybody see this comment?
I received 9 new comments in notifications,but none was shown in comment zone🤔 So please be 'friendly' while leaving a comment.🙏
Nice work!
@SeeNoEvil Yep.I'm poor (TAT)
@Azure21th Thanks bro :D
@Nerfaddict At least 10 years😂
I realized that I made a mistake in the text on the picture😂
+1@Holymissile I'm noob😂
@OkaNieba ???
@DJQ2006 ?
It's a work of art. 👍
+1@JakiTheIndoAviationKid For...Thir...Reta... BUMP!!!
@Planeguy385 Why not ryanair? :D
@SheriffHackdogMCPE ??????
@YFengHorizion 老哥稳👍支持
+1@YFengHorizion 大佬好
Everyone love Bing dwen dwen😂Does anyone remember Shuey Rhon Rhon?
+10@wdgdhdh ???
+1@Tookan NNN?
@Tookan ?
@Karmen ??????
@PyrrhaNikos What why?
@ThomasRoderick It shows the development history of fighter
+3@DustofPrey No you such a pervert
Nice airliner
I tried to land on your carrier in multiplayer but fell off after I bump into the aircraft on it😂
@Dathcha It seems that you've just broken the record for the number of balls launched at a time!
Thank you all for your support and encouragement!!!
@Chancey21 It's designed after WWII,that's all I know about it
Really a nice work(this coment was created on NOKIA 220)
@WindowsIsBad Maybe it's the network delay. I didn't have such an accident during the test.
So how to take part in this challenge?
It's a hundred years of glory
+2@Pienas Thank you for your appreciation. Your tank looks cool! Maybe I should call it a wheeled vehicle? :D
+2@TomekHellFire Yes,That picture inspired me.I had posted it under the describtion. : )
+1@FuriousChicken Half right. Actually, I consulted a cartoon. ;D
@sheepsblood Thanks to my old cell phone, I had to control the number of parts or it would turn into a hot frying pan 😂
@oldeight Such a stinky comment(Jk)
@Loginname But it was really original by me, I got the inspiration from a cartoon then I made this tank.I've never seen this kind of work before, and I've never heard of "folknut".Could you give me the link? I wish I could see that work.
Nice work :D
@Hellosss38 @Strikefighter04 Thank you for your appreciation. ;D
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
@Thueerra Of course you can!I'm glad you're willing to use my work ; )
+2@theeunknown Yes, I made all these instruments.XD I'm trying to use funky tree then I made these stuff.
+1@ZHUAREVONI ¯_('ヘ')_/¯
@An2k I'm glad that you like my work. The Samsung galaxy tab3 is in memory of the first device I used to run sp. it has been broken for three years😢