@FlyingPatriot the main problem is camera can penetrate the ground and altitude AGI show inaccurate.I guess these problems was solved some plane's tires fall in ground can solved
@BaconAircraft Hello, I want to ask a question. We are making an airport plug-in mod, but we have encountered a problem at present. Some aircraft tires will fall into the ground and strange friction, the angle of view can penetrate the ground, and the altitude AgI display is inaccurate. Do you know how to solve it? thank you.
Hello, I want to ask a question. We are making an airport plug-in mod, but we have encountered a problem at present. Some aircraft tires will fall into the ground and strange friction, the angle of view can penetrate the ground, and the altitude AgI display is inaccurate. Do you know how to solve it? thank you @kennneth
@Boeing777x I don't have any idea about what kind of aircraft to make in the future. Generally, I wait for inspiration. Next, I may invest in the production of game mod. I will jointly create a map plug-in with my friends. I will draw an airport ground.
Nice work,I‘m deciding to make an approach program which based on coordinate.It can calculate target's coordinate then show the heading of several pre entered coordinate( waypoint).By this way ,we can guide airliner in multiple player game withaeronautical chat
@UltraLight Yes, At high angles of attack, the canard wing will block the engine and affect the intake. Therefore, we can limit the angle of attack. For example, when landing, the angle of attack will be basically small or even negative. When I test the stall speed of 89km / h, the angle of attack will be about 4 or 5 degrees. It cannot be avoided during take-off, but will the duck wing cover be stronger or weaker when the speed is faster? I'm not sure. This time I mainly want to try the plane with canard wing layout. The upper engine is to further enhance the lift. Thank you for liking this design
@Kennneth Thanks,the problem was solved.We have to add some other steps to solve this problem
@WNP78 I also want to ask a question, how to make the lights in the map turn off during the day and turn on at night?Thanks
@WNP78 Thank you very much!The problem was solved!
@WNP78 Thanks,I will tell my friends and check it in noon.xin shan airport is our project. hope it can goes will.
@WNP78 we put the whole islands in the terrain layer,it still doesn't work.
@WNP78 And my friend doesn't know how to put model into the terrain layer.
@WNP78 Thank you, but all the relevant pictures should be in the terrain layer. It doesn't work
@FlyingPatriot the main problem is camera can penetrate the ground and altitude AGI show inaccurate.I guess these problems was solved some plane's tires fall in ground can solved
@FlyingPatriot we are using it but it doesn't work
@FlyingPatriot sry,how to enable terrain layer?
@FlyingPatriot I'll try it. If I have any more questions, I may come to ask you
@FlyingPatriot thanks
@BaconAircraft Hello, I want to ask a question. We are making an airport plug-in mod, but we have encountered a problem at present. Some aircraft tires will fall into the ground and strange friction, the angle of view can penetrate the ground, and the altitude AgI display is inaccurate. Do you know how to solve it? thank you.
Hello, I want to ask a question. We are making an airport plug-in mod, but we have encountered a problem at present. Some aircraft tires will fall into the ground and strange friction, the angle of view can penetrate the ground, and the altitude AgI display is inaccurate. Do you know how to solve it? thank you @kennneth
@Andreas123Huber It does refer to many elements of Soviet airliner
@JadenZhang2004 Well,samsung's screem I have heard is nice.
@JadenZhang2004 Thanks, I have try my best to limit the part's number
@Boeing777x it will be an island add to original world,and provide a long range airline to fly,consider of performance cost I think it won't too big.
@Boeing777x I don't have any idea about what kind of aircraft to make in the future. Generally, I wait for inspiration. Next, I may invest in the production of game mod. I will jointly create a map plug-in with my friends. I will draw an airport ground.
@bilibiliQCWL 泄ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
@Boeing777x thanks
@AirplaneDesigner hhh,确实很有那味,主要是我起落架结构就借鉴的154<(^-^)>
@Azure21th 嗨嘿嗨
@CR929thenewSPplayer 是的,整了架宽体
@AirplaneDesigner 好欸
@eem010 Thanks
@DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL Emmm,sry,my friend make a truck to carry this system,only this truck have more than 200 parts.
Nice work,I‘m deciding to make an approach program which based on coordinate.It can calculate target's coordinate then show the heading of several pre entered coordinate( waypoint).By this way ,we can guide airliner in multiple player game withaeronautical chat
@simpleplayer1 Do you know the 1992 consensus? Its core is to adhere to the one China principle
@GushaKingNahida 有什么技术方面的问题可以问我,目前来看进步空间还很大
@DyingPan Tieba sever ip is changed
@POLIANUN 这有可能是偷别人的,steale
@TKT541 Thanks
@MrCOPTY Thanks
@acdgTCAS 谢谢
@chenyz13351 问题不大,之后不会再难了
@UltraLight Yes, At high angles of attack, the canard wing will block the engine and affect the intake. Therefore, we can limit the angle of attack. For example, when landing, the angle of attack will be basically small or even negative. When I test the stall speed of 89km / h, the angle of attack will be about 4 or 5 degrees. It cannot be avoided during take-off, but will the duck wing cover be stronger or weaker when the speed is faster? I'm not sure. This time I mainly want to try the plane with canard wing layout. The upper engine is to further enhance the lift. Thank you for liking this design
@iGHtsoDy There are some similarities, but they are still very different
@HorizonHitingxt 欸嘿.jpg
@CRATE52PART2 I didn't expect such a result...
@BlackWidowSquadron YEE
@epicfard ???
@Boeing777x The progress will be faster during the holiday, and now I will continue flying DA118😙
@Jedediah 尾标的话,找@DEC12,我是借的他的C10上的
@goboygo1 Thanks!
@Boeing777x It will probably take a long time to come.jpg